Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 316 Visiting Qin Min

Chapter 316 Visiting Qin Min
Qin Min was already surprised when he received a call from Chen Kai, but now that he heard that Chen Kai was downstairs, he almost jumped up happily.

But soon there was a trace of doubt, because in her memory, Chen Kai seemed to have never been to her subsidiary company, why did she suddenly come here today?
"Why did you come to me so well today? Shouldn't you work in my eldest sister's company?"

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, thinking that this little girl would forget it pretty quickly, if it wasn't for what happened yesterday, he wouldn't rush to this place today, isn't it because of worrying about Qin Min? ?

"I just came to see you. I heard your voice and knew that you were safe and sound, so I could go back, but thinking that I have never been here before, I finally came here today. If I didn't even visit your office But, isn’t it a bit unreasonable?”

Qin Minjiao smiled and said, "I see, you wait for me there for a while, and I'll go downstairs immediately."

Hanging up the phone, he almost ran out of the office, but because he was wearing high heels, it didn't matter if he was in a hurry, he sprained his foot first.

Qin Min stroked his ankle with a painful face, and found that no bones were injured, so he limped downstairs.

The security guards couldn't help looking at each other when they saw Chen Kai finished his phone call and saw the smug look on his face.

"Do you... really know our president?"

Chen Kai smiled helplessly: "I know that you still don't believe me at this moment, but it doesn't matter, because you are about to go on a blind date, and your president is on the way downstairs now, if I heard the voice of the high heels correctly, it might be her gone."

Without Chen Kai's reminder, these security guards had already heard a high-threat voice, but it was a little different from what they heard before.

This sound was a bit strange, it didn't even sound like a normal person could walk out, it was more like a person raised one foot and jumped this way bit by bit.

But when they saw the limping Qin Min appearing at the door of the company, they suddenly realized.

The security guard immediately greeted him courteously: "President, what's wrong with you?"

Qin Min also felt a little embarrassed, so he waved his hand lightly.

"Don't worry about me, where is the person who came to look for me just now?"

The security guard pointed out the door: "The man said he knew you, but we stopped him because we had never met before..."

Before he finished speaking, Qin Min was already walking towards Chen Kai with a limp leg.

Chen Kai was taken aback when he saw Qin Min in this state, and thought something happened, so he ran over in a hurry.

"What's wrong with your feet?"

Qin Min rolled his eyes at Chen Kai and smiled helplessly.

"Are you still ashamed to ask me? It wasn't you who asked me to come downstairs to pick you up, and I couldn't have sprained my ankle."

Chen Kai suddenly realized, and immediately thought that this kind of thing can be big or small, if there is no bone injury, just apply a little hot towel and it will be fine, if it hurts the bone, I am afraid that I have to go to the hospital immediately.

Speaking in a hurry, he bent down to check for her.

Qin Min shrank back hastily—it was really embarrassing for Chen Kai to show his feet in front of so many security guards.

"I didn't hurt my bones, so you don't have to worry about it. It's just that it takes a little effort for me to walk. You finally came here. Do you think you helped me, or carried me on your back?"

This question was just a question on purpose, even if Chen Kai really wanted to carry her upstairs, she would definitely not agree.

Just seeing Chen Kai come to his company, the joy is beyond words.

"I didn't expect you to come to our company."

Chen Kai took her hand and walked towards the door of the company.

"Didn't you say it on the phone just now? I'm a little worried that those local hooligans will come to trouble you, so I can come and have a look."

Qin Min stopped talking, and a sweet feeling rose in his heart.

No sooner had the two men left than the security guards started whispering.

"Who the hell is this man? He's not particularly handsome looking at his gentle appearance. How come he has such a good relationship with our president?"

"You ask me, who should I ask? Anyway, Miss Qin has an unusual relationship with this man. You didn't see the president, and you sprained your feet because you were in a hurry to go downstairs to meet him?"

One sentence reminded everyone that Chen Kai and the president were indeed very close.

This made them break out in a cold sweat. Thinking about the insults they had made to Chen Kai just now, if he was a small-hearted person and said something bad in front of the CEO, they would lose their jobs.

Chen Kai went upstairs and asked with concern.

"Are your feet really okay?"

Qin Min still feels a little pain now, but he can walk normally, so he shook his head with a smile.

"It's just a slight sprain, it's not wet at all."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kai was really relieved.

"Where is the female colleague who was with you yesterday? Where is she? Can you go and see with me?"

Qin Min looked at Chen Kai with some doubts: "So you were looking at me deliberately?"

Chen Kai smiled wryly in his heart, thinking to himself what time it is, and still not forgetting to be jealous.

"It was because of her that the matter started. I was worried that her boyfriend would not give up and would cause trouble again, so let's go and have a look."

Qin Min could only nod his head in agreement. The girl's mental state was indeed a little sluggish, but it seemed that there was nothing serious about it. Chen Kaigong walked over slowly.

"No accident happened last night, did it?"

The girl was concentrating on her work, when she suddenly noticed that there was someone beside her and saw that it was Chen Kai, she immediately stood up with a smile.

"It turns out that you are here. Thank you for thinking about it. There was no accident yesterday, and I lived very peacefully."

Chen Kai took out a business card from his pocket and handed it over.

"This is my business card. I didn't take it last night, so I didn't give it to you. I took it here on purpose today. If you need help with anything, just call me. I'll be there on call."

While speaking, intentionally or unintentionally, he looked at Qin Min next to him.

"Although she is your boss, she is just a weak woman. It is too dangerous for her to go with you like last night. Let her be less involved in things like this in the future."

The girl took the business card blankly, looked at the phone number on it, and fell into deep thought.

"This man's skills are so good, and seeing the president's breezy face, it's obvious that he has a very close relationship with this man, but what is their relationship?"

(End of this chapter)

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