Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 337 Transaction Change

Chapter 337 Transaction Change
Gao Ming gave Chen Kai a wink, which meant that it was almost done, and there was no need to chatter with that robber for so long.

Chen Kai nodded silently: "I'll hang up the phone now, and I'll play a video for you right away, so you can see if I really caught Lin Yuanhan."

Without waiting for the other party to agree, he immediately hung up the phone.

Then he looked at Lin Yuanhan seriously: "I'm really sorry, I really wronged you this time, it's just to save Qin Ying, this is also a helpless move."

Lin Yuanhan sighed: "Don't say those kind words now, my daughter is thanks to your care, so I can compete with Yang Long for territory without any worries, otherwise..."

Gao Ming stamped his feet anxiously beside him: "You guys are serious, what time is this, and you are still so chatty, if the robber calls and the video is connected later, if there is a slight delay, it may make this person Suspicion arises, and at that time Qin Yingke may really be in trouble."

Chen Kai nodded, stopped questioning, and immediately messed up Lin Yuanhan's clothes.

"You pretended to be asleep in the car, and pretended to faint. Before you are told to move, you must not act rashly."

Lin Yuanhan nodded, and immediately opened the door and got into the car, but after taking care of everything, he looked around carefully and found that there was nothing that might arouse the other party's suspicion, so he let out a long breath.

At this time, the robbers actually opened the video.

Chen Kai activated it immediately without hesitation, and pointed the camera at Lin Yuanhan who was lying on the car and pretending to be asleep.

"Did you see? Lin Yuanhan has called you countless times to teach you, so you must be right? You are the only one who asks that you must not hurt Qin Ying. As long as this person is safe and sound, everything is easy to talk about."

The robber didn't think too much about it either. Seeing that Lin Yuanhan in the car seemed to have passed out, and there were so many policemen outside, he knew that this place was not a place to stay for a long time and had to be transferred immediately.

"Well, you're smart, we have to change our trading location."

Chen Kai asked anxiously: "What is there in exchange for? I will hand Lin Yuanhan to you, and then you will release Qin Ying. We owe nothing."

The robber suddenly sneered: "Chen Kai, have you forgotten something? I didn't just ask you to catch Lin Yuanhan, I also asked you for one billion yuan. Now people have already caught it, but the money I didn't see it anymore, if I let this chick go now, wouldn't the money be wasted? How could I be so stupid?"

Only then did Chen Kai realize that Lin Yuanhan was not the only target of the other party, so he could only let out a long sigh.

"If that's the case, then I'll listen to you, but I'll tell you what I said up front, so don't make any trouble for me again."

The robber was too lazy to hum this time. He just hung up the video and suddenly remembered that there was still a word to say.

"You just wait there. I will call you at night and exchange Lin Yuanhan for Qin Ying."

Chen Kai was immediately moved: "I also warn you, don't touch Qin Ying's thoughts, otherwise I will make your life worse than death, you know my method, just because you caught Qin Ying, I should let you die , but I know your difficulties, so now you'd better make a good deal, and we will not offend each other in the future."

This time the robber didn't even bother to talk, and hung up the video directly.

Chen Kai said that on purpose just now, just to remind the other party that he is not easy to mess with, and the robber must have known his skills and means, which made Chen Kai feel a little relieved, knowing that as long as the robber completes his goal , I'm afraid he will come back safe and sound as soon as the sky clears.

Just about to discuss the next plan with Gao Ming and Lin Yuanhan, the phone rang.

The caller ID was still Qin Ying, Chen Kai was a little puzzled, wondering what the robber was thinking of again, he looked up at Gao Ming, Gao Ming nodded, Lin Yuanhan hurriedly lay down on the car again.

Gao Ming was amused, thinking that this was not a video, Lin Yuanhan was a little too nervous.

But immediately Chen Kai connected the phone, Gao Ming couldn't say anything more.

"What's the matter with you?"

The robber coughed softly over there: "I forgot to tell you just now, you better not make any trouble for me. If the transaction goes well at night, everyone will be happy. If anything happens during the transaction at night Make a mistake, you will regret it for the rest of your life, I don’t care what kind of means you have, I don’t believe that you can still find me if I go far away.”

After finishing speaking, before Chen Kai agreed, he hung up the phone himself.

Chen Kai looked at Gao Ming helplessly, and Gao Ming reached out to touch Lin Yuanhan.

"It wasn't a video just now, you really don't need to pretend anymore."

A look of embarrassment flashed across Lin Yuanhan's face: "I'm also really a little nervous. I'm really worried that the second miss of the Qin family will be hurt because of some flaws. I can't bear the consequences."

Chen Kai patted Lin Yuanhan's shoulder lightly, and forced a smile.

Gao Ming suddenly asked: "I'm afraid there is still a little time before night, what should we do in the next time?"

Chen Kai was silent for a while, thinking that it's okay to wait here all the time. Although it's not easy to face the sisters of the Qin family, he has to go back. The family is still eagerly waiting for news from Qin Ying, so go back and comfort them It's good to have a look.

After making up his mind, he opened the co-pilot's door and got into the car.

Gao Ming was a little puzzled, so he had no choice but to follow him into the car.

After Gao Ming fastened his seat belt, Chen Kai said calmly.

"Let's go home first, back to the Qin's villa. As for the future, we can only take one step at a time."

Gao Ming silently nodded, started the car, and drove away.

At this moment, the Qin family's villa has already become a mess. There are a lot of miscellaneous things in the living room. I don't know who lost his temper and made the living room such a mess.

Now the sisters have stopped talking, only weeping in a low voice. Their eyes are all swollen, and it is obvious that they have been crying for a long time.

After all, Qin Xiang is the eldest sister, knowing that she can't mess up no matter what, even if she is worried about Qin Ying in her heart, she has to lead her two younger sisters to keep calm in front of her.

But that was her second sister after all. Although she had tried her best to restrain herself, tears still flowed down her face involuntarily.

Qin Min and Qin Yue had already cried into tears, Qin Min was somewhat better, but Qin Yue was already crying loudly, although the crying became a little quieter now, but the tears still did not stop.

Qin Xiang sighed and stroked Qin Yue's long hair with her hand.

"Don't cry, I believe that with Chen Kai around, there is no way Qin Ying will have any problems."

Qin Yue nodded lightly: "Although I also believe in Chen Kai's martial arts, and he has done me before, but this time I don't know who the other party is, and I don't know how many people there are. How dare this robber Asking us for 10 billion, obviously that is not an ordinary hooligan, how can Chen Kai always make his martial arts so strong, but he is not a god after all?"

Qin Xiang had already thought of this, but she never said it out. Seeing that the little girl had already thought of it, she felt even more sad, and her tears couldn't stop streaming out. She turned around hastily, wiped off her tears.

"I believe in Chen Kai. No matter how vile and ferocious these robbers are, Chen Kai will never let us down. The only thing we can do now is to trust him and quietly wait for the good news."

As he spoke, Qin Min winked, which meant that she should also persuade Qin Yue.

Qin Min had a troubled look on his face, because he was also worried about Qin Ying in his heart, and he didn't know how to comfort himself at this moment, how could he comfort Qin Yue?

But Qin Xiang kept looking at her intently, so she had no choice but to turn her face to stare at Qin Yue.

"Little sister... I think what the elder sister said is still reasonable. Think about it, how many times have we sisters been in danger? Every time, Chen Kai helped us save the day. I believe this time will be no exception."

(End of this chapter)

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