Chapter 373
Young Master Zhang didn't understand the situation at all. At first, he thought that Qin Ying's dismissal was just out of anger, but he would soon think of his father's position in the company. Of course, the premise is that the father really has very big words. right.

But I didn't expect that my father would tell me that but in such a situation, what should I do next?
Seeing Young Master Zhang's expression, Huang Mao had vaguely guessed something, so he asked tentatively.

"Is there any trouble?"

Zhang Shaowo put his mobile phone in his pocket, with a cruel expression on his face.

"Things didn't go the way I expected, which made me feel a little bit difficult."

A word immediately attracted everyone's attention, and they rushed forward one after another, the strong man asked.

"What's the matter? When I was drinking in the afternoon, I always felt that you were in a bad mood, and I refused to say anything when I asked you."

Others also echoed: "That's right, everyone is playing together, if there is any trouble, let us know, and we can find a solution together."

Only then did Young Master Zhang sigh a long time, and told the story of what happened at noon. After hearing this, these people were filled with righteous indignation.

"How could such a thing happen? Is that kid just a bodyguard? How dare a bodyguard be so arrogant? And how can a beautiful woman protect him like this?"

Flames of jealousy appeared in Zhang Shao's eyes: "Can I still say that? Qin Ying must have seen his skill, so the two of them flirted with each other. After a long time, they will be in love for a long time."

Huang Mao immediately patted the table: "This kid has to show him some color, let him know that he can eat a few bowls of dry rice, or he will really treat himself as a plate in the future."

This proposal was immediately approved by everyone.

The brawny man nodded: "He's just a bodyguard, unlike the ones we've all seen before, as long as we call a few people over and put on a vicious look, this kid will definitely pee his pants in fright of."

Although Young Master Zhang felt that Chen Kai might not be scared so easily, he also felt that this method was feasible. Even if he couldn't scare him to death, he would at least beat him half to death.

In any case, he must take a breath of anger in his heart, or he will definitely suffocate himself to death.

Thinking of this, he nodded heavily.

"It's still you people who know me. To be honest, I wanted to do this before, but I still wanted Qin Ying to call me. If he begged me to go back to work, then I would have a long time to come to Japan in the future. There are many opportunities to deal with bodyguards, but Now, I didn't expect them to do such a great job, so I don't need to worry about anything."

Everyone hit it off, Huang Mao volunteered.

"Then everyone wait here, I'll call a few people."

The strong man grabbed him and said, "I don't think it's necessary. How many people are there on our side? There are about a dozen of them. You think we seem to be troublesome?"

Huang Mao looked at him with some doubts: "You mean, as long as we know the bodyguard?"

The strong man smiled: "I think this is very good, as long as we show up in front of him and let him kneel and kowtow to beg for mercy, if he really does, then we will just beat him up The provincial ones are called so many people, and the messy ones are easy to attract the attention of others.”

Huang Mao subconsciously looked at his brothers, smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Don't you think that just us, driving so many luxury cars, is already very attractive?"

Zhang Shao sneered and took over the conversation: "I think this idea is okay, at least let's go and see first, if the bodyguard dares to say anything else, let's rush over and beat him up, I don't believe him alone, Can beat so many of us."

Everyone discussed and decided that ten people drove five luxury cars to Qin Ying and other companies.

It's getting late now, and it's time to get off work.

Qin Ying enjoyed Chen Kai's massage comfortably, and the slight unhappiness caused by Zhang Shao was gone.

"It's all off work now, let's go back."

Chen Kai nodded: "Isn't this a matter of your words? You have the final say in this company, and I don't think you are particularly busy today. You can leave work when you want. "

Qin Ying recently shook her head: "You may be speaking too simply. I am in charge here. If I don't set an example and leave early every day, the employees below will definitely follow suit. If things go on like this, No one in this company will take me seriously."

Chen Kai felt that what he said made sense, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. These sisters are all workaholics, and they are all very capable, except for the fourth son, Qin Yue, who has not had time to work yet.

He believed that the Qin Group would get better and better under the management of the sisters, which would attract more people's attention, or jealousy, and the sisters would be even more dangerous.

Qin Ying had already turned off the computer at this moment, picked up the coat that was on the back of the office chair, and said calmly as she walked out.

"Although we don't come late and leave early, we don't have to work overtime every day. For example, today, we can go home exactly as we get off work."

When he walked to the door, he found that Chen Kai hadn't followed, so he turned his face and looked at him with some doubts.

"what are you thinking?"

Only then did Chen Kai regain his senses, and smiled awkwardly.

"I accidentally lost my mind just now. I'm going to drive now. You wait for me at the door now."

Said and walked out of the office quickly.

Qin Ying felt that waiting here is also waiting, waiting at the door is also waiting, and it is better for the two of them to go out together.

So he followed Chen Kai out of the company.

The employees were not willing to work overtime. When Qin Ying and Chen Kai were chatting in the office, the employees had already left in twos and threes.

The two of them were almost in the last company. Chen Kai couldn't help laughing when he thought of the scene where Qin Ying fired Zhang Shao at noon.

"I finally saw another side of you today. Although you are usually quiet and quiet, you are quite scary when you get angry at noon today."

Qin Ying's face was slightly red: "It's just that this kid is too much. He annoyed me so much that he was annoying me to death recently. I think his father has been in our company for many years, so there is more or less Shares, I don’t want to do things too extreme, but today I really can’t bear it.”

Chen Kai was moved in his heart. He knew that what Qin Ying said was unbearable, the main reason was that Zhang Shao deliberately made things difficult for him.

Although he also wanted to teach Young Master Zhang a lesson, he felt that Qin Ying's direct expulsion seemed a bit reckless, but later he thought that the decision was made after calling the elder sister for approval, and it seemed quite satisfactory that this matter could be handled in this way.

Although he vaguely guessed that Young Master Zhang might not let it go, but thinking of his martial arts, he was not afraid of anyone coming to make trouble.

Zhang Shao and his accomplices were waiting at the entrance of the company, watching Chen Kai and Qin Xiang talking and laughing from a distance, walking side by side.

Seeing Chen Kai and Qin Ying being so close, Shao Zhang gritted his teeth with hatred.

"This kid actually robbed my girlfriend. Qin Ying was originally mine, mine!"

Huang Mao smiled flatteringly: "Why are you in such a hurry? Let's show up in a few minutes and frighten the kid to his knees begging for mercy. Qin Ying will definitely know that this bodyguard is also unreliable, and at that time he will definitely treat him You see it differently."

The strong man also took up the conversation: "I think it's the same. Girls always like strong men. The reason why he likes the bodyguard is because he thinks she's smart? He thinks the bodyguard can really protect her, but After a while, she will understand that the bodyguards can't even protect herself, and she will be clearer."

After Zhang Shao thought about it, it was indeed the truth, which made him feel a little better.

"Let me tell you, little brothers, even if this bodyguard really knelt down and begged for mercy, he would give me a heavy beating, at least let him lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months."

Originally, this group of people just watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal, and they also felt that they were all here. If they didn't start a fight, they would be sorry for the money.

Now that Young Master Zhang finally said this, everyone immediately laughed.

"It's up to you to say? Let's see what the brothers do in a while."

(End of this chapter)

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