Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 377 The wrong person

Chapter 377 The wrong person
"This is 20 yuan that I have prepared for you. If you are not busy now, you can help me with this matter immediately."

Brother Heilong didn't expect Young Master Zhang to be so anxious.

"We haven't seen each other for a long time, don't you want to catch up with me?"

Zhang Shao also smiled lightly: "Brother Heilong, in fact, the relationship between the two of us doesn't need to be laid out like this at all. We both know each other well, and I have already given you the money, so I sincerely hope that you will help me immediately." This is busy, otherwise I really won’t be able to sleep well in the future.”

Brother Heilong stared at him quietly. It was obvious that Young Master Zhang's attitude today surprised him. He used to be very polite whenever he saw him. What happened today?
He went straight to the point and went straight to the point. On the one hand, of course, Zhang Shao was eager to take revenge, but on the other hand, Heilongke faintly felt that there was an indescribable meaning here.

After a little contemplation, Brother Heilong realized that it turned out that Young Master Zhang was angry because he didn't go to help immediately yesterday. Showing traces, so it became the current attitude.

Thinking of this, Brother Heilong snorted disdainfully in his heart, thinking that you still dare to use your mobile phone in front of me, I just want to see your father's face, and I don't want to touch you, let alone I also made some money from you before, but I really tore your face apart, and I will lose a benefactor in the future.

After all, no one in this world has a grudge against money, and a playboy like you likes to spend money very much, and is especially easy to be spent by women.

This is understandable and has nothing to do with us, but those women you like are protected by some very powerful bodyguards, so we have such a relationship.

Zhang Shao saw that Brother Heilong hadn't spoken for a long time, and felt a little melancholy

"Brother Black Dragon? Have you changed your mind? If you think the price is not suitable, we can discuss it again, but this matter must be resolved as soon as possible."

Brother Heilong's heart skipped a beat, thinking if he could take the opportunity to knock him down?
Anyway, this family has a lot of money, and his father is usually very willing to give up this baby bump, but after thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it's better to keep it flowing.

Because you really asked for too much money, even if Zhang Shao reluctantly gave it this time, he would definitely say that he asked for expensive money in his circle of friends, which would cause him to be unwilling to do anything in the future. As a result, this business became the last one, and according to the market price, 20 is not too low.

Having figured this out, Brother Heilong smiled faintly.

"You see, brother, it's a little wrong for you to say that? Your business is mine. We have known each other for so long. When did Brother Heilong neglect you? But then again, Brother Heilong also spent a lot of time on you a few years ago. Less money..."

Young Master Zhang interrupted him impatiently: "Brother Heilong, this matter is really urgent, let's stop going around in circles here, okay?"

Brother Heilong felt a little unhappy, because this kid dared to interrupt his speech at will today, it is really a bit daring, even if he was lent a courage before, he would not dare to speak with this attitude.

But in terms of money, Brother Heilong decided not to care about him as much, so he still kept a smile on his face.

"Since you say so, brother, then I have nothing to say. Do you know where the kid you are looking for is? I can call my brothers now to vent your anger on you."

Young Master Zhang showed joy on his face: "To be honest, the reason why I am so anxious is because I know that the boy is downstairs now, and he is accompanied by a very beautiful little girl. I am afraid that I will delay here for a long time. Then If the boy leaves, it will be hard to find."

Brother Heilong was taken aback, he didn't expect that the person Zhang Shao had to deal with was so close to him.

Immediately waved to the brothers behind him.

"Then everyone, don't be dazed? Hurry up and copy the guy, and follow me out to have a look."

Immediately, more than 20 younger brothers responded, and walked downstairs one after another with machetes.

Zhang Shao followed closely beside Brother Heilong, and pointed to a corner with his finger.

"Did you see that young man? It's this kid, and you must be careful, this kid has martial arts."

Brother Heilong also saw the back of a girl, because his back was facing him, so he couldn't see clearly. He instructed that from the figure, he felt that she was a peerless beauty. None of them passed by.

Chen Kai has been concentrating on chatting with Lin Keke all the time, and he doesn't know everything Zhang Shao does.

Brother Heilong quickly walked to Chen Kai's table, stretched out his hand and pulled him over involuntarily.

Chen Kai was startled, caught off guard, staggered and fell down.

Chen Kai was even more surprised by his steady figure, because in this city, he hadn't met anyone who could make him fall for a long time. Although this was also because he was not prepared, but this person's The strength is really amazing.

Lin Keke let out a cry, and immediately felt an ominous premonition in his heart, thinking that someone was looking for trouble again.

He hurried over to support Chen Kai, and asked with concern.

"How? Are you all right?"

Brother Heilong was taken aback when he heard Lin Keke's voice, and when he saw Lin Keke's appearance, he immediately shed tears.

Originally, Young Master Zhang was overjoyed when he saw Brother Heilong make a move. He thought to Chen Kai, today I will let you know how powerful Grandpa Zhang is.

But then I saw Brother Heilong suddenly not moving, because his back was facing him, so I couldn't see the expression on his face.

So he couldn't help asking: "Brother Heilong, this is the person, hit him quickly."

Saying that, he waved at Brother Heilong's brothers: "Brothers, don't stand still, beat him quickly."

The group of people didn't know what happened. Seeing how Zhang Shao was stirring up the flames, they took out the machetes one after another, but before doing anything, Zhang Shao suddenly felt a burning pain on his face, and was beaten by this force. for several laps.

Just this slap made his eyes stare, Zhang Shao couldn't figure out why he was beaten.

He looked aggrieved and looked at the black dragon with a puzzled expression.

"Brother Black Dragon? Why did you hit me? I didn't give you money to let you hit me."

The black dragon looked at him coldly, and pointed at Lin Keke.

"Do you know who this girl is?"

Young Master Zhang was furious: "I don't care who she is? It's not her that I'm looking for, it's that man."

Before he finished speaking, there was another crisp sound, and Zhang Shao received another slap on the left cheek, making him turn around several times in the opposite direction.

Zhang Shao was completely speechless: "Brother Heilong, what's going on?"

Brother Heilong stared at him coldly: "Tell you, this girl Lin Keke is Lin Yuanhan's eldest lady, even if my boss sees Lin Yuanhan, he has to be respectful."

Young Master Zhang was also taken aback. Although he didn't know Lin Keke, Lin Yuanhan was not an unknown person.

Lin Keke looked at the black dragon carefully and recognized it.

She remembered that some time ago, when she was still in school, her father had sent some masters to protect her, and among those masters was this black dragon.

She remembered saying a few words to him, but she didn't expect to meet her here today.

Chen Kai suddenly saw Zhang Shao behind the black dragon.

Instantly understood, he couldn't help but sneered.

"I thought you got a beating yesterday and became more honest today, but I didn't expect to follow here. These people are obviously hired by you. What's the matter? Are you looking for trouble?"

Although these words were said by looking at Zhang Shao, but still can hear, these words are obviously said to himself.

He secretly groaned in his heart, wondering what's going on?Let alone whether you can beat Chen Kai, even if you can beat Chen Kai, so what?Lin Keke must be very close to this man.

If Lin Keke told Lin Yuanhan what happened here, Lin Yuanhan would definitely go to his boss and ask what was going on, and at that time, the boss would definitely beat him up first.

(End of this chapter)

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