Chapter 388
But the most urgent task now is to find Lin Keke.

He couldn't imagine that Lin Keke was really in any danger, how could he pass his own test?
He could only continue to make calls, but the sound of the system always came from the receiver.

Chen Kai was completely anxious.

"What's going on here? Where did this little girl go?"

No one gave him an answer, and now the stream is endless, and there is nowhere to look for it.

Chen Kai knew that the matter was a little serious, but what should he do now?There seems to be no better way than searching aimlessly.

He knew that Lin Keke definitely hadn't returned to Qin's house, and he vaguely guessed why the girl was angry, which made him even more anxious.

Originally, Lin Keke had no definite relationship, the two parties never said they liked each other, and although Chen Kai had a certain affection for Lin Keke, he also knew that he was a few years older than him.

And Lin Keke is just a little girl now, even just grown up, the possibility of love between the two is really not much, even if there is a little ambiguity sometimes, but the possibility of getting together is really impossible How many.

This is fundamentally different from Qin Yue's. After all, there is an agreement with the Qin family. In the end, one of the four sisters of the Qin family will marry her. Lin Keke is completely different.

"We must find her as soon as possible."

Chen Kai said to himself in his heart, but the sea of ​​people is vast, where to look for it?

He also thought about whether to call Lin Yuanhan, but on second thought, he thought it would be better not to notify him for the time being, Lin Keke was not sure if he was really missing, even if he really turned the matter into the worst possible way Come to think of it, I can handle it myself.

Thinking of this, he anxiously searched around again.

Lin Keke may have gone too far in such a short time, but the surroundings extend in all directions, Lin Keke may go in any direction, but which direction should he chase?

At this time, Qin Ying finally finished talking about the business, and drove in the direction of home by herself.

Because there were too many pedestrians on the road, Qin Ying couldn't drive the car too fast, so she could only move forward slowly while honking the horn non-stop.

Suddenly, I saw a very familiar figure appearing in front of me, looking around anxiously, as if looking for something.

This familiar voice is of course Chen Kai.

Qin Ying drove the car to a stop in front of Chen Kai, and opened the window.

"Why are you still here? Where did Lin Keke go? Didn't you catch up?"

When Chen Kai saw Qin Ying, he was overjoyed, and immediately told her about Lin Keke's disappearance.

Qin Ying frowned after hearing this: "I knew that this little girl would go away in anger, and nothing good would happen, so I urged you to chase after her, but I didn't expect you to be one step too late after all."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, quickly walked around to the co-pilot's seat, and opened the car door.

"Let's not talk about that, and you don't have to go home in a hurry, you still want to find this person."

That's exactly what Qin Ying meant.

Chen Kai got into the car, fastened his seat belt, and Qin Ying drove the car forward slowly.

"I want to call my men and ask them to help find it."

Chen Kai nodded: "Actually, this matter is quite troublesome. I don't know where to find yours."

Qin Ying smiled wryly and shook her head: "Why don't I understand this truth? But one more person is one more strength, especially when it comes to finding people."

Chen Kai had no choice but to keep silent.

Qin Ying took out her mobile phone and made a call.

"I'm on the pedestrian street right now. Come here to help find someone, Lin Keke, have you heard of her? She disappeared in this street. No matter what you are doing now, you must put down what you are doing and come here to look for it together. "

It was already dark now, Qin Ying took Chen Kai to drive, looking around.

Both of them knew in their hearts that it was very unlikely that they would be able to find such a purposeless search, but now there was no other better way than this.

Qin Ying drove the car into a remote alley, and Chen Kai asked suspiciously.

"Why did you drive the car to such a place? Could Lin Keke be here?"

Qin Ying shook her head gently: "You also know that we drove aimlessly, and I was surprised to be able to drive to this place. Since we have already arrived, don't think so much. This small alley should be It’s clear, isn’t it over if we pass through here?”

Chen Kai had no choice but to shut up.

The car went forward for a while, and when it was in the middle, it suddenly saw a group of people rushing in from the front.

And judging by the posture of those people, it must be aimed at him.

Qin Ying looked at the rear through the rear mirror, and found that the same was the case behind, a group of people in clothes came.

Obviously it's a gang.

Chen Kaixin raised it: "These people may have come to look for me. I will get off the car now and lead these people away. You will drive away by yourself."

As he spoke, he opened the car door. He had just stepped out of the car with one leg, and Qin Ying grabbed him.

"Don't worry, let's think of a way. After all, I'm still driving. If it doesn't work, just drive out. They won't stop me at the risk of being hit and killed anyway."

Chen Kai smiled wryly in his heart, thinking that what Qin Ying was thinking was too simple, they must have come prepared when they appeared in this alley, even if they were able to overtake these people, an ambush must have been set at the entrance of the alley.

Chen Kai was sure that as long as these people stopped him, they would definitely not embarrass Qin Ying, so he let her go first, but he didn't expect that Qin Ying already had a deep affection for him.

Although Qin Ying probably didn't realize this, but now she knew that she would not leave Chen Kai alone no matter what.

"If you don't leave, I will be too late."

Qin Ying shook her head lightly and said firmly.

"I will never leave you alone."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "Sometimes you girls are really troublesome."

After hearing this, Qin Ying smiled disapprovingly.

"Sometimes you boys don't bother?"

Chen Kai knew that this was not the time to bicker, because seeing more and more people gathered around, even if Qin Ying wanted to leave, it was already too late.

A tall and rough man walked to the door of the car and knocked on the window.

Chen Kai turned to look at Qin Ying and said seriously.

"Now I have to get out of the car. You must stay in the car. If you have any troubles, don't say that the eldest sister will not forgive me. Even I will feel guilty and smash myself to death."

Originally thought that Qin Ying would agree.

But unexpectedly, she shook her head resolutely.

"You are surrounded by so many people, how can I bear to sit here and watch the excitement?"

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kai knew that his calculations were all in vain. Qin Ying would never listen to his words. The two of them had already become a community of destiny, and they could only get out of the car at the same time to face these people.

Chen Kai got out of the car, subconsciously blocked Qin Ying behind him, and looked coldly at the group of people in front of him.

"Who are you from? What can you do with me?"

Just now, the five big and three thick people looked at him with a smile on their faces.

"If my guess is correct, you are probably Chen Kai."

Chen Kai didn't know this person, so when he heard his name called out, he nodded silently.

"I'm Chen Kai, but I don't know you guys. No matter why you came here, I have important things to do now, so I don't have time to chat with you."

The five big and three rough people were not angry at all, but still kept smiling.

"I know you're very busy, and we wouldn't want to stop you here if possible."

After finishing speaking, he seemed to remember something: "I'm really a little embarrassed, let me introduce myself first, my name is Lei Ting, and everyone who knows me calls me Brother Lei."

Chen Kai carefully searched for the name in his mind, and confirmed that it was the first time he had heard of it, so he looked at the other party suspiciously.

"If I remember correctly, I don't seem to know you, so please tell me if you have anything to do, or get out of here. I really don't have time to spend here with you."

Lei Ting looked at him meaningfully, and suddenly sighed softly.

"At first I thought you were acting, but now it seems that you really don't know who we are."

(End of this chapter)

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