Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 401 reinforcements have arrived

Chapter 401 reinforcements have arrived
Qin Xiang had better put down the phone, and Qin Min, who had been silent all this time, suddenly lowered his voice.

"I think it's better to make a call. I'm a little farther away from here. I'll come back after the call."

Qin Ying looked at her worriedly: "It's quite chaotic here, if one person is alone, what if there is any danger?"

Qin Min blinked mischievously: "Don't worry, I will protect myself."

While talking, while everyone didn't notice her, she quietly backed out.

Go to the bar and ask the bartender: "Where is the bathroom? Can any waiter take me there?"

The bartender looked at Qin Min in surprise and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything and waved at a waiter.

The waiter saw the bartender's gesture and walked over immediately.

"What's your order?"

Qin Min moved closer to the waiter's ear and said in a low voice.

"You take me to the bathroom."

As he said that, he reached out and handed her a piece of paper. The waiter immediately smiled when he saw the money.

"Then come with me."

Qin Min nodded, followed the waiter and left here.

Chen Kai is now confronting those gangsters, and he doesn't know what happened afterwards. Qin Ying and Qin Xiang are indeed a little worried.

But now I can only pray to God to bless me.

When Qin Min arrived in the bathroom, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"We're in the Dark Blue Bar now. You'd better call more people over here. There are some dangers here, and you have to come as soon as possible. The consequences will be unimaginable after it's over."

Hearing Qin Min's voice over there, he didn't dare to delay, hung up the phone, and immediately summoned dozens of people to the Deep Blue Bar.

Chen Kai is currently entangled with those gangsters.

The red hair looked at Chen Kai with disdain: "Do you think you can really beat so many of us?"

Chen Kai smiled nonchalantly: "It's really not my bragging. If you have the ability, you can go together. If I can't help you solve it within 3 minutes, I will agree to whatever request you make."

Lu Mao picked up a beer bottle and stared at Chen Kai coldly.

"I think you are impatient, brothers copy guys."

The people with colorful hair also waved their hands. These people immediately started looking for convenient weapons nearby, most of which were beer bottles, and some were also some red wine bottles.

Strictly speaking, these things can't be considered as weapons, but now they are more intimidating to deal with Chen Kai who is unarmed, at least they think so.

Chen Kai still looked indifferent, and these people approached Chen Kai step by step.

Seeing the disdainful expression on his face, they couldn't bear it any longer, they raised the bottles one after another, and threw them at the top of Chen Kai's head.

Chen Kai didn't pay attention to them at all, and he didn't hide or dodge. When he knew that the bottles were about to reach the top of his head, he suddenly turned around and walked around behind this person.

For some reason, Hong Mao suddenly lost the beer bottle in his hand.

Before he had time to be surprised, he was hit hard on the top of his head, and he fainted to the ground before he could even let out a scream.

The beer bottle in Chen Kai's hand was already broken, exposing the sharp glass shards. If it was just able to knock people out just now, then in Chen Kai's hands now, such a weapon might be able to stab people to death all at once. .

No one dared to move around, and Chen Kai was also worried that if he really wanted to kill someone here, the consequences would be difficult to deal with, so he threw the half of the bottle in his hand on the ground, and waved at the green hair in front of him.

"Why are you hesitating? I remember telling you just now that I don't have much time to stay here with you, so you should hurry up, or..."

At that moment, people with colorful hair could see that Chen Kai was definitely not an ordinary person, but since the matter had reached such a level, it was too late to retreat.

Because after all, they still have to hang out in this land. If they leave today without the fight, there are so many people in the bar, they will definitely be ridiculed when they see it, and they will have no face to continue playing in this bar in the future.

Chen Kai became impatient and stared at them coldly.

"If you want to fight, do it quickly. If you don't fight, then where did you come from? Get out of here quickly. Don't you know if a good dog doesn't get in the way?"

When did these people suffer such insults? After hearing this, they couldn't help but attack Chen Kai at the same time.

Although Qin Xiang and Qin Ying had already been mentally prepared, when they saw so many people rushing towards Chen Kai at the same time, they were so frightened that they screamed.

Chen Kai had no choice but to deal with these people quickly, otherwise the three girls would definitely leave a psychological shadow.

Until now, he still didn't know that Qin Min had already called someone.

This scream caught Qin Minde's attention. She ran out of the bathroom in a hurry. Seeing that the eldest sister and second sister were safe, she let out a long breath, patted her chest lightly and said reproachfully .

"What's the matter with you two? You screamed so well, I thought what happened to you."

Qin Xiang smiled wryly and shook her head: "Didn't you see the scene now? Chen Kai is alone, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, a hero can't stand a crowd, if Chen Kai gets hurt, we sisters may die today." It’s doomed again.”

Qin Min was a little surprised when he heard this, but when he saw that Chen Kai was able to handle so well in front of so many people, he gradually felt relieved, so he smiled and pointed to the battlefield.

"You don't need to worry at all, especially the second sister, have you forgotten Chen Kai's martial arts?"

Qin Ying looked at Qin Min a little fishy: "Although I said so, I'm afraid it won't hurt to call more people, otherwise Aunt Chen Kaiwan was really negligent and got injured. How can the child send him to the hospital, not to mention that if Chen Kai is injured, none of us will be able to escape."

A few sisters were chatting here, and the situation on the battlefield was gradually becoming clearer, because several people had fallen under Chen Kai's feet, and some of the remaining people were too timid to continue to charge forward. There are only a few brave ones left. Although they still hold the bottle in their hands, they don't dare to go one step further.

Chen Kai smiled triumphantly: "Have you already surrendered now? If that's the case, then go away quickly. To be honest, I really don't want to hurt you, but if you continue to fight, it will be very hard to say." .”

With these words, Chen Kai felt that he had exhausted his benevolence, because he had already shown his hand just now, no matter how many people came from the other party, he might not be his opponent, let alone take advantage of him.

These people looked at each other in blank dismay, although they were very unwilling, but there was no better way to think of it now.

Knowing that these people dared not do anything again, Chen Kai turned around and looked at the three sisters with a smile.

"Now we can get out of here."

Although Lin Keke was worried about Chen Kai's safety just now, she was drunk, leaning on Qin Xiang's shoulder, and fell asleep at this moment.

Everyone couldn't bear to wake her up, so they had to help her left and right to leave the Dark Blue Bar.

The man with colorful hair knew that there was nothing to do here, so he turned around and ran away while Chen Kai was not paying attention.

But as soon as he reached the door, he was surrounded by the people Qin Min called just now.

Chen Kai still didn't know what happened here, so he looked at Qin Xiang with a smile.

"In any case, the matter is finally settled satisfactorily. Let's go back and send Lin Keke back first."

Everyone had no reason to refuse, so they had no choice but to follow Chen Kai and left the bar, but just as they walked to the door, they saw a group of people blocking the people with colorful hair.

You don't need to guess, you know that these people must be the subordinates Qin Xiang called, so she turned around and looked at the three sisters helplessly.

The three sisters replied in unison: "We are also for your own good."

Having said that, Chen Kai had nothing to say, so he nodded silently.

Qin Xiang winked at the gang at the door.

"Teach them a lesson, let them have a long memory."

(End of this chapter)

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