Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 403 Empathy

Chapter 403 Empathy
After finally returning home, Chen Kai was really tired, and fell asleep on the bed as soon as he entered the room.

He also forgot to make breakfast for the four sisters. Fortunately, everyone knew that he was very tired, so they didn't bother.

Chen Kai slept until the afternoon. After the three sisters came back from get off work, Chen Kai still didn't wake up.

Qin Min couldn't bear it anymore: "What's going on with Chen Kai? You can't stop cooking for us after falling in love. He's still living in our house now."

Qin Xiang also felt that what Chen Kai did was a bit too much. Even if she really fell in love and left the house after getting married, at least she shouldn't be so obvious?

He also felt that Chen Kai was not such a person, so he smiled lightly.

"You don't need to worry, I'll go and see what's going on with Chen Kai, maybe, he was really tired yesterday, and he's still sleeping now."

As he spoke, he walked to the door of Chen Kai's room and knocked lightly on the door.

There was no movement at first.

Qin Xiang was really anxious, and knocked harder on the door.

"Chen Kai, are you in the room?"

Now there was finally a response, and Chen Kai's lazy voice came out.

"Is it the eldest sister? Why haven't you gone to work yet?"

Qin Xiang shook her head dumbfoundingly: "Why haven't you gone to work yet? We've all come back, and seeing that you haven't cooked yet, I thought something was wrong with you."

Chen Kai looked at his watch, only to realize that it was past six o'clock in the evening. He got up from the bed and opened the door immediately.

Then he yawned a lot: "I'm really sorry, I really slept all day."

Qin Xiang smiled faintly: "I know you're very tired, or else you can go to sleep and we'll order some takeaway, or else just cook something to eat?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "I've been sleeping all day, and I can't sleep any more, and I'm still worrying about how I'm going to spend tonight."

While talking, he walked into the kitchen.

Although no ingredients were prepared in the morning, the vegetables in the refrigerator were still fresh, and dinner was quickly prepared.

The atmosphere at the entire dinner table was the same as usual, but Chen Kai vaguely felt that something was not quite right, Qin Ying seemed to dodge herself intentionally or unintentionally, and when talking to her, she asked and answered each sentence, and there was nothing superfluous.

Chen Kai was thinking about his future plans with Lin Keke, so he didn't care about it. Anyway, everyone is safe and sound now, and if they can sit and eat together, they won't think too much in the future. It's better to have fun.

Thinking of quickly finishing the meal in his own bowl, still waiting for everyone to finish eating as usual, taking the bowls and chopsticks to the kitchen to wash, and then returning to his room again.

He really couldn't fall asleep, so Chen Kai practiced for a while, took out a book from the shelf on the sixth floor, and read until it was two or three o'clock in the morning. He finally felt a little tired and put the book on the table. He fell asleep deeply.

On the third day, he was finally able to officially go to work. He still didn't go to the head office, and he still protected Qin Ying as he had agreed before.

But when he arrived at the company, something happened that made Chen Kai feel even more uncomfortable. The feeling at the dinner table last night was not wrong. Qin Ying really ignored her.

Chen Kai was a little helpless: "You have always been like this since you came back from Lin Keke's house. I really don't know how I offended you. Otherwise, you should explain it to me."

Qin Ying said calmly, "You didn't offend me, did you? I didn't think you offended me either. I just thought that we two girls kept you in the same office all the time, which would make others Gossiping."

Having said that, his voice seemed to be faintly choked up, and he turned around hastily.

She still didn't think about what was going on, so she had to wait patiently for Qin Ying to continue talking.

Qin Ying wiped away her tears behind Chen Kai's back, to calm down a little, and then continued.

"Actually, I had this idea before, but it was really dangerous at that time. Now there are not many people who want to trouble us, and I can even conclude that this kind of thing may not happen again in the future, so I also No need for your special protection."

Speaking of this, she often sighed, as if tears fell down again.

"You have a girlfriend in the future, don't spend too much time on me, and spend more time with Lin Keke when you are free. This girl is also very kind. After going through that kind of thing again, I am definitely in a good mood these two days. It’s not good, and it may have left a deep psychological shadow. If it is not handled well, it will leave a lot of trouble in the future.”

Chen Kai really felt that something was wrong, because even if he really fell in love with Lin Keke, the relationship between himself and the sisters of the Qin family couldn't be so tense. What happened to Qin Ying?
Thinking of this, he couldn't help it anymore: "I have been with you sisters for a long time, and I always thought that I knew you well, and I have been in the Qin family for such a long time, washing clothes, cooking and cleaning every day. Hygiene, even if there is no credit, at least there is hard work. You are suddenly being so cold to me now, which makes me really uncomfortable. Can you explain to me what is wrong? I can correct my mistakes. "

Just as Qin Ying was about to speak, Assistant Qin Ying knocked on the office door.

Qin Ying hurriedly motioned Chen Kai to stop talking, so Chen Kai reluctantly retreated and walked to the sofa.

Qin Ying took two more deep breaths before shouting towards the door.

"come in."

The assistant walked in with a smile: "President, Manager Zhou has brought you a large bouquet of roses. Do you think they are in the office? Or somewhere else?"

Qin Ying said lightly: "Where are the flowers?"

The assistant smiled mysteriously: "Shouldn't I ask you first? If you say it's in the office, I'll get it for you right now. If you say you can throw it away anywhere, I'll put it in my office." inside."

Qin Ying was amused by the ghostly wit and smiled: "You little girl, Manager Zhou gave me roses, not you. What's the matter with putting them in your office?"

When Chen Kai heard Manager Zhou's name, his heart sank immediately. He had already heard about this person like thunder, and he also knew that he had a crush on Qin Ying for a long time. It's just that Qin Ying never accepted anyone's kindness, but this People have never given up and are still desperately stalking, giving a bouquet of flowers today and a movie ticket tomorrow.

Because she had never accepted a gift from Manager Zhou before, the assistant dared to ask whether to put it in the office or in her own office?
Qin Ying's attitude today obviously caught the assistant's surprise.

She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and immediately laughed out of a sudden realization.

"President, you are willing to accept the flowers from Manager Zhou, does that mean that this person has finally waited for spring?"

Qin Ying's face flushed slightly: "It's working time now, are you sure you want to inquire about my private affairs here? Do you still want to hang out? Believe it or not, I will ask the finance department to pay you immediately?"

The assistant and Qing Jing are obviously very familiar with each other, and they usually make some similar jokes. If it were an ordinary person, they would definitely not dare to say anything more, but the assistant is different. Any fear, but smile more happily.

"If Manager Zhou knows, he will be very happy."

Said bouncing, ran out like a little girl.

Seeing that the assistant had left, Chen Kai finally couldn't help asking.

"Are you really willing to accept that Manager Zhou?"

Qin Ying still said calmly with a straight face: "He has been chasing me for a long time, and you don't know it. Even if it is a test of a person, such a long time is almost enough. I think he is sincere to me. There seems to be no reason to refuse."

Chen Kai was completely stunned, Qin Ying's decision was too sudden, even a little too presumptuous, Chen Kai could not accept this result.

Just when I was about to ask for clarification, the door of the office suddenly thought again.

A young man in a suit stood at the door.

Chen Kai could tell at a glance that this person was none other than Manager Zhou who gave Qin Ying roses.

(End of this chapter)

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