Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 405 New Family

Chapter 405 New Family
It is impossible for Chen Kai to know that this dude in front of him is the son of the Zhao family, a new big family in this city——Zhao Feijun.

It was also impossible to know how much trouble Zhao Feijun had caused him.

If he knew, maybe he should teach him a good lesson now, let him know how good he is, at least let him know that he is not easy to mess with, but when he later knows the harm this person has brought to him, he has no choice but to tell him. late.

The phone rang again, and of course it was Lin Keke calling.

"Don't worry, I'm on the road now. I bumped into a man just now and almost got into a fight with him. Now he's gone. I'm heading towards the place you agreed on."

Lin Keke was still angry at first, why Chen Kai didn't come for so long, when he heard Chen Kai's voice, he immediately became anxious.

"Why did you collide with someone? Are you driving or walking? Is it okay? Don't worry. It's okay for me to wait here for a while. Anyway, it's lunch later, and I don't work. You At worst, you can just ask for leave."

Hearing this voice, Chen Kai immediately felt warm in his heart, thinking that there are not many girls who are so sensible, and he couldn't help but think of Qin Yue, who is unruly and human.

Although in the past few days, she never troubled herself again, but thinking of the troubles she encountered during the outing, Chen Kai felt a headache.

And then I got into my own bed every day, so I couldn't sleep for several days, and went to work in the company with a pair of panda eyes every day.

Although Lin Keke has done similar things, for some reason, now when he thinks of the time when he was with Lin Keke, his heart is always so sweet, but when he thinks of Qin Yue, his heart feels a little more helpless and bitter.

He quickened his pace and walked towards the place that Lin Keke had made an appointment with.

But he didn't know that Zhao Feijun was already taking action.

Their family is rich, and he is the son of the Zhao family. He has never been wronged like this since he was a child. If someone bumps into him, he will definitely kowtow and apologize.

Even if he didn't kowtow to apologize, he still had to bow respectfully, but he had never met someone like Chen Kai, he couldn't swallow this breath, he had to find someone to deal with Chen Kai.

Gritting his teeth, he took out his mobile phone and called the Zhao family.

"I'm Zhao Feijun. Just now I ran into a person on the road and knocked me down. Can you find out who this person is? I secretly took a photo of him, and now I will pass it on to you. We must find out who this person is, and then find some thugs, beat this kid to me, and let him know who I am."

After finishing talking, I hung up the phone immediately, and the photo of Chen Kai who took the photo was passed on.

"Now I just have to wait patiently. I believe it won't be long before I know everything about this person."

After Zhao Feijun returned home in the evening, the butler immediately came over to greet him.

"Young Master, you are finally back. I have checked for you what you asked me to do at noon. This person is now inviting the Qin family to stay. He has a very good relationship with the four sisters of the Qin family."

Zhao Feijun snorted with some displeasure: "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be only the Qin Group, and our Zhaojiale Group is no match for them. We are not even weaker than the other party in terms of financial resources. What do I have?" So scared?"

The butler didn't know why Zhao Feijun would say such a thing. After all, he was never afraid of anyone in this city. Seeing Zhao Feijun's angry expression, he asked cautiously.

"I don't know how Chen Kai provoked you?"

Zhao Feijun snorted again: "Didn't I already tell you on the phone? This kid bumped into me. Instead of apologizing, he put on a posture of wanting to fight. If I wasn't worried that I wouldn't be able to beat him, I would have It beat him to the teeth all over the ground."

The housekeeper almost didn't laugh out loud when he heard this, but he also knew that if he really laughed, Zhao Feijun would definitely beat him up, and maybe he would lose the job.

Fortunately, Zhao Feijun didn't notice the butler's expression at all, but said it on his own.

"Go and check this person's address."

The butler smiled flatteringly and said, "I don't need your orders, I've already found out for you, but I can't make up my mind about how many thugs to find, so I'd better ask you to deal with it yourself."

Zhao Feijun nodded silently: "You write me his address on a note, and you don't want to do anything tonight."

The housekeeper immediately nodded with a smile: "You have never let me intervene in things like this before. At most, you just let me go with you to let the wind go."

Zhao Feijun still wanted to dislike hearing this word, so he stared at the butler with wide eyes.

"What are you talking about? In the future, please pay attention to your wording. What does it mean to let go of the wind? Are we going to do something shameful? We are going to uphold justice."

The butler really didn't think this was a matter of justice, but he didn't dare to argue, so he nodded repeatedly.

Zhao Feijun didn't bother to argue with him, and immediately took out his phone.

"Xiao Zhang? You immediately ask Xiao Li to find a group of big and three rough, preferably those who have fought. People with strong martial arts gather at the door of my villa and wait for my fate."

Xiao Zhang immediately became nervous after hearing this: "Master Zhao, what's the matter? Who are we looking for again?"

Zhao Feijun raised his voice impatiently: "Would you like to ask someone to explain to you?"

Xiao Zhang hurriedly laughed: "That's not what I meant, what I meant was, I want to know who this person is, and then I will send some more people here. If there is a weak person, I will call a few people That's fine, if the martial arts are strong, I'm afraid I'll have to make arrangements."

Zhao Feijun interrupted him impatiently: "Xiao Zhang, you are really going back to work more and more. I have told you many times just now, the more you can call some martial arts experts, the better."

Xiao Zhang's heart sank as soon as he heard it, and he thought, this time he must be a difficult person to deal with, but he still didn't know whether he was going to deal with one person or a group of people. Just when he was about to ask for clarification, Zhao Feijun's voice Came again.

"I can tell you, you'd better not push me around. This matter is not in vain. As long as you do it for me, I will reward you heavily."

As the saying goes, there must be courage to serve under a heavy reward. If Xiao Zhang knew that the person he was looking for this time was actually Chen Kai, and if he knew that the other party's martial arts were so powerful, he would definitely not go with him.

But now Mr. Zhao has a good reputation, firstly because he doesn't want to offend him, and secondly because he knows the other party's reward, people like them come out to ask for money, and they will do things for whoever gives them money.

Xiao Zhang hung up the phone, and immediately called all the experts he could call to the gate of Zhao Feijun's villa.

Then I called respectfully: "We have brought you the person you want, and we have already assembled now. When do you think you will act?"

Zhao Feijun immediately walked out of the villa when he heard about it, and nodded in satisfaction when he saw thirty or forty strong and tall men in front of him.

"Xiao Zhang, why don't you say that you are so respected? Because you are really good at handling things. With dozens of strong men, I believe that person will not be able to get anything cheap."

With a wave of his hand, everyone got into the car and walked in the direction of Chen Kai.

But after arriving here, he didn't see Chen Kai, but Qin Ying.

Zhao Feijun's eyes almost didn't fall out, and asked Xiao Zhang beside him.

"Who is this chick? Why is she so beautiful?"

Xiao Zhang immediately guessed Zhao Feijun's intentions. The two of them had known each other for many years, and he knew Zhao Feijun's temperament like the back of his hand, so he said with a smile.

"You don't know, but this person is Qin Ying, the second miss of the Qin family. How is she? She looks pretty, right? Let me tell you, the four sisters in their family are all as beautiful as heaven."

Qin Ying suddenly saw a few strange cars parked downstairs, and immediately had an ominous premonition, and hurriedly called her to stop and went to the office.

"The cars parked outside the company do not seem to belong to our company, do you know them?"

(End of this chapter)

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