Chapter 409
It's very late, I don't know how I got back into the room, and I don't know how long he leaned on the bed and stared at it, I don't know what he is looking at, to be precise, he probably doesn't know himself Thinking about something.

Finally, I heard that the outside has become quiet, and everyone has gone back to their rooms, but Chen Kai doesn't know how many people can sleep today.

At least one person was sure that he couldn't fall asleep anyway.

Having been together for such a long time, Chen Kai already has a deep understanding of the temperament and temperament of the four sisters of the Qin family, especially when he was in close contact with Qin Ying some time ago, he has a better understanding of her personality .

"She must have had a sleepless night today, and the eldest sister didn't say that. After all, they are the ones who got into such a troublesome matter. Although I can vaguely guess that Zhao Feijun must have no good intentions, and compared to the extent of his anger, Qin Ying doesn't seem to have suffered any more serious injuries, at most she was just frightened."

Chen Kai murmured to himself, and soon he knew that not only Qin Ying couldn't sleep tonight, but even himself could not sleep.

I really want to make a call, but I'm not sure whether Qin Ying will answer it. After deliberation, I finally think it's more appropriate to send a short message.

If the other party sees it and doesn't reply, you can also comfort yourself that she is asleep. If the other party who calls is asleep, she may be woken up, although Chen Kai is sure that Qin Ying will never fall asleep.

So he took out his phone and sent a text message.

"I did something wrong today, but I really didn't receive your call. I hope you don't get angry anymore. I don't know what kind of injury you suffered, but I know you must have another injury." Psychological shadow, don't worry, I will never let this matter go away like this, I will definitely make Zhao Feijun pay a heavy price."

Less than a minute after the message was sent, Chen Kai received a reply.

"I've already told you that you don't have to worry about it. I'm fine. As you said, I just had a little psychological shadow. What happened this afternoon was really scary to me, but luckily I You didn't suffer any physical damage, so I told you not to worry about it. It's not polite at all. What should you do in the future? Lin Keke is really a good girl. You should cherish her and don't hurt that girl again. The heart of a child."

These words obviously meant something, but Chen Kai didn't have the heart to think about anything else.

After Qin Ying finished sending the short message, she sighed softly.

"I've already given you a chance. You don't know how to cherish it. Since you think Lin Keke is better than me, or more suitable for you than me, then I wish you happiness. Speaking of which, Manager Zhou is right. I'm not bad either, and after chasing me for so long, I've always been cold towards him, and he never gave up his enthusiasm, now I decided to give him a chance, and give myself a chance."

Thinking of Manager Zhou, Qin Ying finally smiled.

Lying on the bed, Chen Kai carefully recalled the content of the short message just now, and suddenly knew why Qin Ying sent such a letter. Although he had Lin Keke now, Qin Ying already had Manager Zhou.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, as if a beloved thing was taken away by another man, and that man was totally unworthy of having this beloved thing.

Lin Keke regretted deleting Chen Kai's contact information just now, but it was not so easy to get it back, and at this time she was also very clear that she was not popular among the four sisters at all.

Although everyone got along pretty well before, but because I fell in love with Chen Kai, those sisters no longer regarded themselves as their own.

What's more, with what happened this afternoon, although I don't know what kind of danger Qin Ying has encountered, but seeing Chen Kai's anxious look, it must be a big deal.

Lin Keke still had a certain amount of confidence in herself, she knew that if it was an ordinary matter, Chen Kai would never abandon herself.

So she thought that Chen Kai would call her to apologize, and she was still thinking, if Chen Kai calls and she will absolutely ignore him, you must give him a good time and let him know that this kind of thing must never be done again up.

Wait until the other party pleads hard, and then you can pretend to forgive him reluctantly.

It was a beautiful idea, but looking at the time, it was already eleven o'clock in the middle of the night, and Chen Kai didn't even show any signs of calling himself.

Lin Keke became anxious, thinking that Qin Ying was in greater danger, so Chen Kai couldn't remember to call her.

Thinking of this, I felt jealous and felt a little sympathetic to Qin Ying. After all, when she lived in the Qin family, Qin Ying was very kind to her.

"I hope she's safe and well. If something really happened, it's understandable that Chen Kai didn't call me, but if Chen Kai just suffered some skin trauma and left him in the cold, then it's absolutely unforgivable."

After making up his mind, he glanced at the time on his phone again, and it was already 15:15, Lin Keke secretly swore to himself, if Chen Kai didn't call him in another [-] minutes, it would be true I'm going to sleep, and I will never talk to this person again.

But when it was 11:30, Lin Keke softened again and felt that he should wait another half an hour.

Just like this for half an hour and a half hour, until four o'clock in the morning, Lin Keke was finally convinced that Chen Kai would not call her again, so she lay down on the bed angrily, with the anger and anger in her heart Not to mention the disappointment.

"Okay, Chen Kai, it turns out that I don't have any weight in your heart. You were so happy to say so many sweet words to me this afternoon. It turns out that it's just a lie. Once other girls are in danger, you will immediately put the girl in danger." I forgot all about it, so why should I be with you? Do you think that all the men in the world are dead? "

She had been shopping for a whole day and was in a bad mood, so she finally couldn't help falling asleep at this moment in the middle of the night.

The first thing I do when I wake up in the morning is to see if there are any missed calls on the phone, but there is nothing on the phone screen, only the photos taken by the two of them in the afternoon are set as the desktop. Yesterday was still very sweet, but now I feel that Unusually dazzling.

At this time, the nanny knocked on the door suddenly: "Missy is awake? Your uncle asked you to get up for dinner."

Lin Keke frowned immediately: "This nanny is really in a hurry."

But looking at the time on the phone, it was already past ten o'clock in the morning, so he shouted towards the door.

"I see."

The nanny agreed, and after a while, I heard footsteps going downstairs outside.

Lin Keke suddenly discovered a very strange problem, that is, since his uncle came back, his father seemed to appear on the scene very less, and he didn't know what he was busy with every day, as if he had left everything in the house to his uncle .

Fortunately, this uncle is also very kind to him. As for his father, Lin Yuanhan, it would be a good thing to withdraw from the arena earlier. After all, he is too old to fight and kill.

She sat on the bed and yawned, then put on her slippers and walked out of the room. When she reached the living room, she happened to see Lin Yuanshan sitting on the sofa in the living room reading the news on her mobile phone.

Lin Keke suddenly thought of Chen Kai, and couldn't help but snorted.

"Uncle, don't let Chen Kai in again, and I don't want to see this person again."

After hearing this, Lin Yuanshan's eyes flashed with surprise, and then he showed a smile.

"I told you a long time ago that it's inappropriate for this kid to wait for you, but you just refused to listen. I don't know what kind of problem you have, but anyway, you have finally figured it out now."

Even though he said this, there was still a hint of confusion between Lin Yuanshan's brows.

In the morning, Qin Ying didn't ask Chen Kai to see her off, and drove to the company by herself. Chen Kai then drove another car and followed her far away.

After arriving at the company, Qin Ying walked into the office with a normal expression, as if nothing happened yesterday.

(End of this chapter)

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