Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 411 A Private Appointment

Chapter 411 A Private Appointment
Lin Keke's eyes widened immediately, looking at Lei Ting in disbelief.

Chen Kai had already told herself about the whole matter in the afternoon, but she just brought it up lightly. Although she knew that Qin Ying was almost in danger, she never thought that it would be like this.

Lei Ting was taken aback by Lin Keke's reaction.

"Miss doesn't seem to know about this at all, does she?"

Lin Keke nodded silently, but suddenly thought that he could use Zhao Feijun to achieve his goal.

Thinking of this, a smile rose from the corner of her mouth.

"Go and make arrangements, tell me about that Zhao Feijun, and just say that I want to meet him alone."

Lei Ting looked at her with some doubts: "Miss, maybe I'm talking too much, this guy surnamed Zhao is not a cheap lamp, and others are avoiding him, why do you still want to meet him? When it gets entangled, it's like a plaster."

Lin Keke stared at Lei Ting coldly: "My uncle has assigned you to be responsible for my safety, so you have to listen to what I say. There are some things that you should not inquire about. You must not inquire casually, just follow what I say Just do it."

Lei Ting had no choice but to nod silently. What Lin Keke said was the truth. Lin Yuanshan had also told him in private that Lin Keke's safety must be guaranteed, and he must not be frightened or hurt in any way.

In fact, it was equivalent to Lin Keke's personal bodyguard. Seeing that Lei Ting hadn't left yet, Lin Keke urged him impatiently.

"What are you still doing here? Why don't you hurry up and do it?"

Lei Ting suddenly realized, and immediately apologized with a smile.

"Miss, don't worry. I have Zhao Feijun's phone number. I just need to call him and explain your intentions a little bit. But it's hard to say whether this person is willing to meet."

Lin Keke felt that this was a trouble, but he had to try it anyway.

"Don't worry about anything else, just call him and tell him that I want to see him. I think he won't stop coming to see me according to his way of spending time and drinking."

Lei Ting stopped talking, and immediately took out his mobile phone and dialed Zhao Feijun.

Zhao Feijun was bored at home, because yesterday he was about to succeed, but suddenly a group of people appeared to spoil his good deed.

But he didn't die for Qin Ying. Although he had some contact with all kinds of girls, he had never seen such a beautiful and unpredictable girl as Qin Ying.

Thinking of Qin Ying, he couldn't help but want to drool.

Suddenly the phone on the table rang, and Zhao Feijun answered the phone impatiently.

"who are you?"

Lei Ting coughed softly: "Master Zhao, my eldest miss wants to meet you alone, I wonder if you are free?"

Zhao Feijun asked in a somewhat puzzled and impatient tone.

"What is your eldest lady?"

Lei Ting was about to get angry when he heard the other party say that, but in the end he forcibly endured it.

"My eldest lady is Lin Yuanhan's daughter, Lin Yuanshan's niece, how about it? Can this face please you?"

Zhao Feijun became puzzled. Of course he had heard about the name of the Lin family, because the reason why a family like their Zhao family can stand upright is that their eyes and ears should not be too dull, and they also have connections with various local forces. dealt with.

Suddenly realized with a smile, he said, "Who did I think it was? It turned out to be Miss Lin. To be favored by Miss Lin, I am really lucky. Does anyone want to discuss business with me?"

Lei Ting shook his head gently: "Anyway, there is something to do, but it is not convenient for me to say what it is. You just need to set a time, what exactly does my eldest miss want you to do? After we meet, don't you?" Do you know it?"

Zhao Feijun nodded repeatedly and agreed: "That's right, I think it will be tomorrow morning. If there is anything, we will talk about it after we meet."

Although Zhao Feijun had heard of the Lin family, he didn't know that Lin Keke was still a student, and when he heard Lei Ting calling her Missy, he instinctively thought that she had already graduated and was a budding figure in the business world.

But when we actually met, I found out that Lin Keke was just a delicate little girl, and judging by her appearance, she didn't look like she had graduated? .

At the moment, I was a little puzzled, not knowing why such a little girl was looking for me, but I was a little excited, because Lin Keke couldn't lose to Qin Ying in terms of body and appearance.

"Excuse me, are you Miss Lin?"

Lin Keke knew what Zhao Feijun did to Qin Ying, suppressed the nausea deep in her heart, and pointed to the chair opposite her.

"This is the eldest son of the Zhao family, right? Please sit down."

Zhao Feijun sat down with a smile on his face, and when he saw that there was no water on the table, he immediately called the waiter over.

"What's the matter? Miss Lin has been with you for so long, and she doesn't even give you a glass of water. Do you still want to do business?"

The waiter hurried over, she had met Zhao Feijun a few times, and Zhao Feijun often came to this restaurant.

Lin Keke couldn't bear to see it: "You don't need such a thing, I said it. I will order food after you come, and I didn't ask them to serve water."

Zhao Feijun smiled awkwardly: "Miss Lin is a bit too polite."

Seeing the attentive look on the other side's face, Lin Keke felt even more disgusted in her heart. Knowing that the other party thought she was a beautiful woman, that's why she acted so attentively. playboy.

He dared to attack Qin Ying yesterday, and he didn't know when he would turn his mind on himself.

Thinking of this, I felt even more disgusted in my heart, so I said straight to the point.

"I don't think we need to go around in circles anymore. I invited you here this time just to cooperate with you."

Zhao Feijun looked at her in surprise: "Before I came here, I thought you had business with me, but I really don't know what kind of business you are talking about with me."

Lin Keke took a long breath: "I already know about Qin Ying, and I also know that after yesterday's incident, Qin Ying will never look good on you, but this is exactly what I want to talk to you about. business.

Zhao Feijun could only listen silently.

Lin Keke smiled lightly: "I don't care what method you think of, you must let Qin Ying be with you, of course it's best if she agrees willingly, of course you can also use some shady means, but that way It's not my intention to come and bring you endless trouble."

Zhao Feijun thought that Qin Xiang brought a group of people to arrive in time at the critical moment yesterday. If it wasn't for Qin Xiang, he and Qin Ying would have cooked rice by now.

Hearing what Lin Keke said now, he asked subconsciously.

"I don't know what is the relationship between Qin Ying and you?"

Lin Keke sighed again: "I don't need to ask you any more questions. You just need to know that if you can really be with Qin Ying, I will definitely reward you very generously."

Zhao Feijun snorted coldly with disdain: "Qin Ying is my immediate target. I swore to myself yesterday that I must get this girl. I have no reason to refuse."

Said and looked at Lin Keke meaningfully: "It's just that I can't figure out that this is my own business. What kind of interests do you have in this matter?"

The waiter had already run out of tea, so Zhao Feijun asked the waiter to leave and poured tea for Lin Keke himself.

A look of disgust flashed across the corner of Lin Keke's mouth, but he still didn't say anything after all.

Instead, she replied lightly: "You are right, it has nothing to do with it, but the man Qin Ying likes has a lot to do with me."

Zhao Feijun looked at Lin Keke meaningfully: "You mean, Qin Ying and you both like the same man."

Lin Keke corrected: "This is no ordinary man, it is Chen Kai who knocked you down that day. He is now my boyfriend. I just wanted to make Qin Ying give up and let you stop touching Chen Kai. I was called to this place, and I hope you can agree."

(End of this chapter)

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