Chapter 414
Qin Ying was completely speechless. She had already made plans, but she never expected that Zhao Feijun would be such a person.

She dared to openly act wild in her office. She thought of what happened that day, which made her feel extremely terrified, and even her body trembled slightly. She glared at Zhao Feijun intently.

"If you're sensible, you'd be too sick to leave here now, and wait until things get too complicated..."

Zhao Feijun interrupted him with a lewd smile: "Little beauty, has no one ever told you that you look really beautiful when you are angry, even more beautiful than your usual cold look, and you have to let me Heart beat faster."

Qin Ying was originally sitting on her office chair, but now she has retreated to the corner, with no way out.

She felt that she was at a loss. There were so many security guards and employees in the office, but no one dared to speak up, which made her feel extremely sad.

Zhao Feijun had already walked in front of Qin Ying, and even stretched out his hand presumptuously to touch her face.

Qin Ying closed her eyes and shouted loudly: "Chen Kai! Where did you die for me? Aren't you my bodyguard? Now I'm in danger, why don't you show up?"

Chen Kai was supposed to be in the president's office, but because of that unpleasant incident, he always felt awkward staying in the same room with Qin Ying, so he was taking a walk downstairs in the company.

Suddenly he saw a few cars parked in front of the company, these cars were so unfamiliar, this gave him an ominous premonition, so he hurried back.

Just when he went upstairs, he saw a lot of people watching outside the office door, Chen Kai immediately felt bad, and walked into the president's office at a faster pace.

Zhao Feijun's fingers were about to touch Qin Ying's cheek, Chen Kai was so furious that he grabbed Zhao Feijun by the back collar, intending to throw him out directly.

Seeing that he was about to take advantage, Zhao Feijun suddenly felt that there was a strong force behind him, preventing him from going any further. He couldn't help turning his face, and seeing that it was Chen Kai, he immediately cursed.

"So it's you again! Are you getting impatient? Now, while there is still a chance, let me go and let me go as far as you can, and wait until I tidy up this little beauty. , we will talk about the account slowly in the future."

Chen Kai had already pulled him to the middle of the office, and he really let go.

Zhao Feijun thought that Chen Kai was afraid of him, so he smiled complacently.

"Yes, that's how it should be. As the saying goes, a man who knows the current affairs is a good man. You can't be my opponent no matter what. As long as you are obedient and obedient, I may have benefits for you."

Before finishing this sentence, Chen Kai had already punched him in the lower abdomen.

Zhao Feijun immediately bent down, sweating coldly.

He bent down and pointed at Chen Kai, and said harshly.

"Well, you Chen Kai, you dare to do anything to me, it will kill you without a whole body."

Chen Kai didn't have any deep hatred for this person, and because he was the one who knocked him down last time, he felt a little embarrassed in his heart, but when he thought that this person dared to molest Qin Ying, he never wanted to be with this person again. You're welcome.

Seeing that Zhao Feijun was still standing steadily, although he was bent over with a pained expression on his face, he did not fall down after all. Chen Kai had a measure of the force just released. Those who can withstand this punch Must have practiced some kung fu.

He looked at Zhao Feijun with some surprise: "Have you practiced martial arts?"

In fact, Chen Kai guessed wrong this time. Zhao Feijun was just forced by his family to learn taekwondo before, and it was just some crop moves. He usually pays more attention to fitness, so he reluctantly withstood the punch. When Chen Kai asked this question, his eyeballs rolled around, thinking about it.

"You guessed it right, let me tell you, if you don't get lost now, I will definitely find many people to beat you later, and I will keep your word, and I will definitely let you die without a whole body."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "I don't know how many people have said such things to me before. I was also very scared at the beginning, but after a few times, I found that these are just some wine bags and rice bags. I will tell you There is no great hatred, and it can even be said that there is no injustice in the past, and there is no enmity in the near future. It was you who offended Qin Ying, so I have no way to be polite to you. "

As he spoke, Zhao Feijun was punched and kicked.

But before he could make a move, Qin Ying suddenly stretched out her hand to grab him. It stands to reason that Qin Ying is just a weak woman, and she can't pull Chen Kai no matter what, but this time Chen Kai really stopped.

"Why are you stopping me?"

Qin Ying looked at him anxiously: "You don't know how hard your own fist is? You really let you open the fight. I'm afraid this kid would be beaten to death by you without three punches and two kicks. If you really If that kind of thing happens, you may face your prison sentence, and it will have a very bad influence on the company, so you just need to be kicked out."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh: "I know what this kid has done. I managed to catch him today. I will never allow him to go out unharmed. Otherwise, he really thought that the Qin family sisters were bullying them."

When Qin Ying heard what Chen Kai said outrageously, she was deeply moved, and even forgot to stop her.

Zhao Feijun was terrified, and looked at Chen Kai with a look of fear on his face. She knew that Chen Kai might really be serious this time. Now that there were so many people around, she couldn't escape even if she wanted to.

And even if there were not so many people around, it would be difficult for him to escape from this company, because he was really not sure that he could outrun Chen Kai.

"You have to think clearly. I'm not an ordinary person. I'm the eldest son of the Zhao family. If you offend me, do you know what will happen to you?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "I don't care if you are a big son or a big cock, today I must let you know how powerful my fist is, and I have to teach you how to be a human being, otherwise I am afraid that you will die without a whole body." is you."

As he spoke, he punched again, hitting the same position.

Zhao Feijun immediately covered his stomach with both hands, vomiting out the stomach acid.

Qin Ying kept thinking about what Chen Kai said, and felt warm in her heart, thinking that Chen Kai still had me in his heart, and even wanted to beat Zhao Feijun to death for her own sake.

Although she still wanted to rush over to stop her, she couldn't move at all. She really wanted to enjoy the feeling of being protected by Chen Kai, but now she just felt that there was nothing left in the world, only Chen Kai and herself were left.

Only then did I understand that no matter how dangerous the situation was, as long as Chen Kai had a flustered heart, he could calm down, which no one else could replace.

This Chen Kai had already knocked Zhao Feijun to the ground, and kept punching and kicking him.

At first, Zhao Feijun could utter one or two anti-epidemic and curses, but soon there was no sound, blood flowed from the corner of his mouth, and his body was twitching non-stop.

Only then did Qin Ying regain her senses, and felt that Zhao Feijun would be killed if she continued to fight, and she would be involved in a life lawsuit. I'm afraid it would be a bit difficult to deal with, so she really stepped forward.

"It's almost done. This kid has already exhaled more and inhaled less. If he hits again, he will definitely be killed."

Chen Kai let go of his hand without hesitation, and viciously attacked Zhao Feijun.

"I hope you will have a good memory in the future. Today is a good deal for you. If there is another time, I will throw you from here directly through the window, and let you be smashed to pieces."

Zhao Feijun was speechless, the one-eyed dragon he brought had been waiting outside, he knew that the security guards would never dare to touch Zhao Feijun, but suddenly cheers came from the direction of the CEO's office.

Cyclops subconsciously looked at his subordinates: Has Mr. Zhao encountered any danger?

"I don't think it's very good, let's rush over and have a look."

Cyclops immediately rushed into the CEO's office with a group of people, just in time to see Chen Kai stop.

They hurried to Zhao Feijun to protect him.

Cyclops pointed at Chen Kai and shouted: "Are you impatient?"

(End of this chapter)

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