Chapter 423
Gao Ming smiled meaningfully: "I don't think you can accept this information even if you know it."

Chen Kai is very familiar with Lin Keke's phone number.

One of these call records is naturally Lin Keke, and the other is Zhao Feijun without guessing.

He involuntarily widened his eyes, unable to hide the shock in his heart.

"What's going on here? How could she do such a thing? The Lin Keke I know is definitely not a girl like this."

Gao Ming laughed more complicatedly: "Girls are very jealous. You have spent such a long time in the group of women. You should know this truth better than me. Although Lin Keke is still a student, such a girl A child should be pure, but don't forget what her father does."

He suddenly felt that Lin Keke's father seemed to be a little too important, so he hurriedly corrected him.

"To be precise, she is not worth mentioning at all. I still remember that when he was fighting for territory with Yang Long, he almost lost his life. Even Yang Long's kind of stuff can give Lin Yuanhan a narrow victory. It goes without saying how much Lin Yuanhan weighs."

He poured himself another glass of wine, and continued slowly.

"Lin Yuanhan has a younger brother, Lin Yuanshan. This younger brother is very powerful. He has great influence abroad. The reason why Lin Keke dares to be so lawless is not enough for Lin Yuanhan alone. Uncle's light."

Chen Kai nodded silently, feeling that Gao Ming's analysis still made some sense.

But this ending is so unprepared, Chen Kai really couldn't accept it for a while, his fingers holding the file bag even trembled slightly, Gao Ming couldn't help but sighed again They, Chen Kai, have known each other for a long time, and they know that this is a person who is overwhelmed by Mount Tai and does not change his face. Now it is embarrassing that he has become like this for a woman.

As the saying goes, a hero is saddened by a beauty, and he is also a hero, the easier it is to suffer in front of a beauty.

——Especially an extraordinary beautiful woman like Lin Keke.

"I really can't imagine that Lin Keke is such a woman."

Chen Kai looked at Gao Ming with a wry smile.

The phone rang suddenly, and Chen Kai glanced at the caller ID, and it was Lin Keke who was calling.

Chen Kai couldn't help but let out another wry smile, the last thing I want to receive is this person's call, because I don't know how I should face her?
Is it to expose her conspiracy?This is a bit cruel to her. After all, I had a sincere relationship with her, but if I don't expose it, there will always be a knot in my heart. This knot cannot be untied. Get along like before.

Gao Ming looked at Chen Kai meaningfully: "I think you should answer the phone at this time."

Chen Kai nodded, picked up the phone silently and connected the call: "What's the matter?"

Lin Keke said with a somewhat coquettish and dissatisfied tone: "What are you doing? It took me so long to answer the phone? Make people wait anxiously, I don't care, you have to pay me."

Chen Kai took a deep breath. Hearing this pure and flawless voice, and thinking of the snake-like plot, Chen Kai had a hard time bringing these two Lin Keke together.

"Why do you want me to accompany you? I mean how do you want me to accompany you?"

Lin Keke exaggeratedly called out: "Don't you know that we haven't eaten together for a long time? Don't you miss me? I miss you every day. I can't see you every day. It's very sad as if something is missing, and I can't even sleep at night. People have been waiting for you to call me, but you seem to have forgotten him. Are you with someone else now? What about girls dating?"

She did such a lot like a cannonball, Chen Kai listened patiently, but he really didn't know how to answer.

Poured himself a glass of wine again, looked at Chen Kai gloatingly, and nodded silently.

That meant telling him to go quickly, otherwise he would not know what Lin Keke would do.

Chen Kai nodded and was about to answer on the phone.

Lin Keke was dissatisfied with Chen Kai's hesitation, and his voice suddenly rose an octave.

"Are you really with other girls? Tell me, are you with that Qin Ying again?"

Chen Kai was still suppressing the dissatisfaction in his heart, but when he heard Lin Keke's excited voice, he immediately raised his voice.

"You still have the nerve to ask me? Why did you join forces with Zhao Feijun to deal with Qin Ying? Didn't you get along very well with the sisters of the Qin family when you lived in the Qin family? Why do you have to do such a thing?"

When Lin Keke heard Chen Kai's questioning, she couldn't figure out how Chen Kai would find out so soon, even though she also knew that he couldn't contain the fire after all.

So on the other hand, he always urged Zhao Feijun to make a quick decision, but he didn't expect Chen Kai to be so powerful, and it took almost two or three days to investigate the matter to himself.

But after thinking about it again in a blink of an eye, she felt that it was very possible that Qin Ying said this. Although she didn't know how this conclusion came to be, Lin Keke was willing to believe it out of the girl's intuition.

"Did Miss Xiaoying tell you this? She really wronged me. I never did such a thing. Why did Miss Xiaoying slander me?"

Chen Kai heaved a long sigh in his heart, Lin Keke was talking about Qin Ying just now, and now he is pretending to be pitiful here, calling her Miss Xiaoying, Chen Kai was really disappointed in Lin Keke to the extreme.

"Let me tell you, Qin Ying didn't tell me that at all, and she didn't even know that you would do such a vicious thing."

Lin Keke didn't believe it, and immediately asked back.

"Then how do you say I did this?"

Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed again: "People are doing what the sky is watching, Lin Keke, I hope you can understand this truth, there has never been an impenetrable wall in this world, you think what you do is very confidential, but you underestimated You overestimated me, overestimated your companions, and overestimated yourself."

Speaking of this, Chen Kai suddenly felt that he was very annoying, and said helplessly.

"Maybe you are still too young, and you still don't understand some things, but it doesn't matter. Fortunately, we haven't been in contact for a long time, and there is no substantive relationship. I don't need to be responsible to you. Let's break up. "

Lin Keke's eyes widened in shock when he heard this. He thought that Chen Kai would be very angry when he found out, but he also wanted to be with Chen Kai, so he couldn't break up anyway, especially now that Qin Ying He didn't suffer any injuries at all, at most he was just a little frightened. Could it be that because of this, Chen Kai wanted to break up with him?

She couldn't accept this fact anyway, so she cried on the phone.

"You said that I found Zhao Feijun, and you described me as such a vicious woman, can you tell me the evidence? Is there anything that can prove that I have colluded with others to deal with Qin Ying? If there is no evidence, That means you've moved on."

Speaking of this, Lin Keke cried even louder as if he had been greatly wronged.

"Even if you really want to break up with me, at least you should choose a less hurtful reason. You imagine me as such a vicious woman, how can I bear it?"

If Chen Kai hadn't had this portfolio in his hand, he might have trusted Lin Keke, and he couldn't help but drive to him immediately to apologize in person.

But because he had the file bag in his hand, and believed that Gao Ming would never be able to create some fake information to fool himself, so after Chen Kai heard these words, he suddenly felt extremely disgusted in his heart. He felt that he was really innocent before. To be fooled by such a girl.

"Can you stop pretending to be pitiful here? It's really not cute at all. If you know me well, you should know that what I did is definitely not groundless. I have solid evidence, but it's true. I don't want to show it to you, because it will make you lose face and feel ashamed, this is the last thing I can do for you."

(End of this chapter)

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