Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 440 The Bad News Comes

Chapter 440 The Bad News Comes

Qin Ying immediately jumped up excitedly and grabbed Qin Xiang's hand.

"Sister, you came just in time. I just said that I would call you. Did you see that? Chen Kai woke up, and everything is normal. He is not going to be in a vegetable state as we were worried about before."

Qin Xiang heard the voice outside the door, so she was not particularly surprised at the moment, and looked at Chen Kai with a smile.

"It's fine if you wake up. For more than a month, we've been really worried to death."

Chen Kai smiled apologetically: "Thank you for your care."

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly: "Don't say thank you. If it wasn't for your help, our two sisters might be dead by now. If you want to say thank you, we should thank you."

Chen Kai also shook his head: "Let's not talk about it now, I was just asking Qin Ying, where did Gao Ming go? I called him just now, but he didn't answer, did something happen? "

Embarrassment flashed across Qin Xiang's face, and she responded with flickering words.

"I'm afraid you are thinking too much. You must know that although Gao Ming's martial arts are not as good as yours, he is still a first-class master. What's more, his family is so powerful. Even if someone really wants to touch him, I'm afraid he has to weigh himself. portion."

If she hadn't seen the expression on Qin Xiang's face when she said this, maybe she would really have believed her, but Qin Xiang really didn't get dirty, especially in front of Chen Kai. What's more, he has a guilty conscience, which made Chen Kai suspicious.

"Did something happen to him?"

Qin Xiang hurriedly shook her head in denial: "Look, shouldn't you be worried about your body now? Besides, you have suffered such a serious injury and just woke up. You should have a good rest and don't think about these miscellaneous things, Gao Ming Regardless of whether there is anything wrong over there, I am afraid that you will not be able to help right now."

Chen Kai immediately became anxious, got up and struggled to jump off the bed to find Gao Ming's way out, but this movement inadvertently pulled the wound, and he gritted his teeth in pain.

Qin Xiang and Qin Ying immediately rushed over to support Chen Kai.

Qin Ying's tears flowed down again: "You woke up after a long time, and you know how badly you were injured just now? Can't you stop worrying everyone? Just now my eldest sister told you to calm down, so you can go now I'm afraid you can't find Gao Ming's whereabouts even if you look for it. You don't even know his exact location, and didn't you call him just now? You can't find this person at all, so how can you help?"

But Chen Kai couldn't listen to anything now, but he didn't continue to struggle with the instructions, because the wound really hurt, he looked at Qin Xiang and said with difficulty.

"Unless you tell me what's going on with Gao Ming, I really can't calm down. I know you're all looking at me now, but even tigers doze off sometimes. I don't believe you don't blink."

Qin Ying looked at Qin Xiang with some doubts. She really didn't know what happened to Gao Ming, but Chen Kai's trouble would definitely make his condition worse.

Everything now is irrelevant to her. After going through this incident, Qin Ying fell in love with Chen Kai's life and safety is more important than anything else, even more important than her own life.

So he grew up and looked at Qin Xiang seriously.

"Eldest sister, you see that Chen Kai is already in such a hurry, so don't keep it up, what do you know? Let's tell the truth."

Qin Xiang sighed for a long time, and looked at Qin Ying sadly.

"You don't know the seriousness of the situation. I didn't tell Chen Kai not because I didn't want to tell him, but because this matter is really serious, and Chen Kai is in such a physical condition that he can't bear this kind of stimulation. of."

Hearing what Qin Xiang said, Chen Kai was even more convinced that Gao Ming must have encountered some danger, and suddenly realized a more terrifying problem in his mind.

It is very likely that Gao Ming couldn't wait for his own help, so he went to find the illegitimate child alone to settle the score. Because he was not fully prepared, to be precise, because he did not have his own help, Gao Ming lost the battle with the illegitimate child. Maybe he was already killed by the other party.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help feeling sad.

"Gao Ming...Gao Ming...I'm sorry for you. If I hadn't encountered such a thing, you wouldn't have ended up like this."

Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai helplessly: "You seem to know the ending of the matter already?"

Chen Kai shook his head vigorously: "I just know that Gao Ming can't deal with that situation alone. I only know that because I was lying on the hospital bed, Gao Ming was exposed to the danger alone. I only know that If something happened to Gao Ming, I would feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Qin Ying looked at Qin Xiang helplessly, and hurriedly urged her loudly.

"Eldest sister, if you know something, tell Chen Kai quickly. Seeing how excited Chen Kai is, I'm really worried that there will be some danger in the future."

Qin Xiang knew that she couldn't hide it anymore, so she took out a tablet computer from her pocket and called up a news video.

Chen Kai immediately calmed down. After seeing the video, Chen Kai realized that what he had thought just now was really good. Because Gao Ming couldn't wait for him to be discharged from the hospital, he went back to Beijing alone to deal with the illegitimate child.

What made Chen Kai even more unacceptable was that Gao Ming was really dead, and the news said that Gao Ming died in a car accident.

For a moment, Chen Kai was a little overwhelmed, he couldn't believe everything reported on the news, he knew the superb martial arts and he also believed that this time he would go to find an illegitimate child to settle accounts, and he would definitely make some preparations, even if it was true No matter what the danger, it is impossible to die so easily, and it is even more impossible to die in a car accident.

But that's not what the news said. The news was so convincing that Chen Kai had to believe in this matter.

He struggled to sit up.

Qin Ying helped him up: "Can you stop making trouble? With your physical condition, so what if you find a clever enemy? You have no way to be rewarded by others, and after you go like this, it will be very difficult. It might just be a useless death, I don't think Gao Ming would be willing to see you die like this."

Chen Kai was speechless, his chest heaved violently, and there was a sharp pain from the wound. He knew that being too emotional would affect the healing of his wound.

But Gao Ming is the only friend Chen Kai has met since he came to this city. Although his martial arts is not as good as his own, he is not bad, and he has been very helpful during this time, and the two have shared weal and woe many times.

If Gao Ming hadn't had an accident, Chen Kai obviously didn't know that the relationship between the two had reached such a deep level.

What should we do now?It was said on the news that Gao Ming was dead, and he didn't even see the last side of him, and now he can only lie uselessly in the hospital ward.

How can he stand it?
The more he thought about it, the angrier he became: "No, I must avenge Chen Kai, or else I am ashamed of this brother."

Qin Xiang really couldn't stand it anymore, so she poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

"Can't you just calm down?"

Silently finished the water glass, but did not intend to drink, but directly spilled the water in the glass on the ground.

Qin Xiang's eyes widened and she looked at him dissatisfied.

"What the hell do you mean?"

Chen Kai smiled apologetically: "It doesn't mean anything else, I just want to test whether my strength has recovered."

There is a reason for Chen Kai to do this, because just now Qin Xiang and Qin Ying actually pressed themselves to struggle, although they are now injured and their physical condition is very weak, which can partly explain this problem, but Chen Kai also faintly feels that there may be something wrong. Something even worse happened.

It happened that Qin Xiang handed over a glass, and Chen Kai knew that if his strength was still there, it would be easy to crush such a glass.

But Chen Kai gritted his teeth and tried hard, only to find that the cup was intact.

He couldn't help being dumbfounded, muttering to himself.

"It turned out that what I was most worried about happened."

(End of this chapter)

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