Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 442 Explain why

Chapter 442 Explain why
Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang with a wry smile.

"Don't ask. You won't be able to help if you ask. This is my own business."

Qin Xiang was a little puzzled, the more he didn't say anything, the more Qin Xiang wanted to ask, people are curious, Chen Kai was originally a humorous person, but now he has become such a gloomy
It's really uncomfortable for people to look unhappy.

"What's going on? Do you know that your appearance is really worrying. I finally rescued you. I don't like Chen Kai who sees people come back but his heart doesn't come back."

Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang helplessly: "It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just that you really can't help me with my affairs, and I don't even know what the reason is, which led to this result."

Qin Xiang became even more curious: "What kind of result? Are you referring to Gao Ming's affairs or your own affairs? Can you stop talking like this and leave half of it? I'm really anxious."

Chen Kai knew that the four sisters of the Qin family cared about him. After living in the Qin family for so long, the relationship with the sisters was not as embarrassing as it was when they first came here. Bullying, but the atmosphere and mood are already very different.

Seeing Qin Xiang's anxious and resolute seriousness, Chen Kai couldn't bear to hide it any longer, so he let out a long sigh.

"You know that my martial arts are very powerful, right? Actually, I'm not boasting. I'm afraid there are not many people in the whole country who can make me suffer. Do you know why?"

Qin Xiang didn't know why Chen Kai brought up this topic?But seeing Chen Kai's serious face, she knew that it must be related to his bad mood, but she just knew that Chen Kai's martial arts were very powerful, and she thought that Chen Kai was just practicing martial arts when he was a child at most, and then he studied hard and practiced hard Some, coupled with their natural talents, are just better physically than others.

But seeing that Chen Kai raised this question so seriously, Qin Xiang felt a little confused. It was obvious that there was something in his words, so he shook his head lightly.

"What's going on? Tell me, you don't have to always be so secretive."

Chen Kai looked at her with a wry smile: "Do you believe that people have internal strength?"

Qin Xiang's curiosity was suddenly attracted: "Isn't that something only found in martial arts novels and TV dramas? Do people really have internal strength?"

Chen Kai nodded silently: "Actually, this is a long story to say. You just need to know that if a real master of martial arts uses internal strength, I know you don't believe it, and I have no way to show you now. You just have to listen to it like this."

Qin Xiang immediately corrected Chen Kai: "Don't think that way, I don't believe it, it's just that I can't accept it when I first heard that such a legendary thing really exists, and it's not in a good mood for you What does it matter?"

Chen Kai couldn't help but let out another long breath.

"The reason why I was able to fight more than 100 people by myself is all based on this analogy, but after I woke up in the hospital, I suddenly found that my power had disappeared. Causes me to feel bad."

Qin Xiang listened silently, suddenly lost in thought.

Seeing Qin Xiang's expression, Chen Kai thought she didn't believe it, so he forced a smile.

"As I said just now, I have no way to demonstrate it to you, so it's normal if you don't believe it, but you asked me a question, and I have already answered you very seriously."

Qin Xiang hurriedly shook her head and denied: "You must not say that, at least you are still alive, and the reason why the Qin family sisters have been safe and sound is basically all because of your credit."

Chen Kai could tell that Qin Xiang was comforting himself, but he still couldn't cheer up.

Qin Xiang knew that this could be the only topic to talk about, because she really couldn't help her now, and she needed some time to figure out how things like internal strength came from, whether it was the same as the legend or not.

She remembered that Chen Kai learned Wing Chun before. Anyone who learns this kind of boxing has internal strength, or is it only Chen Kai who has it?Moreover, Chen Kai's father once came to the villa and the few sisters were very comfortable, and he liked the sisters very much. Chen Kai encountered such a major problem, can he ask his father for advice?
She almost immediately denied this idea, because if Chen Kai's father was told about this matter, it would definitely cause concern in the family. It is better not to let Chen Kai's elders know about this situation.

"I think it's better for me to think of a way by myself. I will use this time to find a doctor who has researched in this area. It will definitely not work. If there is a doctor who can look at this matter, it must be Chinese medicine."

Because of Qin Xiang's guilt towards Chen Kai and because she really felt sorry for him, in the following period of time, she really began to look for a doctor to solve the problem at all costs.

All these activities were carried out behind Chen Kai's back, and Qin Xiang couldn't guess how Chen Kai would feel if he knew that he was helping in this way.

At least one can be sure that Chen Kai absolutely does not believe that there is a doctor who can solve this problem. If Chen Kai is told, there may be disputes between the two parties, which will not help solve the problem at all.

Because Chen Kai was in a bad mood, and he had just recovered from a serious illness, he hadn't cooked during the time he came back, and the family also hired a nanny, so that Chen Kai could recover from his injuries and don't think about other things messy things.

One morning Qin Xiang woke up and found that Chen Kai had disappeared, feeling a little strange in her heart.

Immediately called Qin Ying: "I saw that Chen Kai was not at home this morning, where did he go?"

When Qin Ying heard the elder sister's call, she was taken aback, thinking that something happened over there again, but when she heard that Qin Xiang was just inquiring about Chen Kai's whereabouts, she couldn't help laughing.

"Sister, look at what time it is now. I remember that you were the first person to go to work after breakfast. I don't know what I've been busy with lately. Maybe it's because I'm too tired from work. You woke up noticeably later than usual in the morning."

Qin Xiang interrupted her impatiently: "I'm asking you something serious, it's useless for you to talk about it with me, don't you care about Chen Kai at all? Chen Kai is not at home now, such a serious injury ..."

Qin Ying heard the elder sister's anxious tone, and couldn't bear to joke anymore, so she sighed softly.

"Sister, can you stop being so anxious? I really care about Chen Kai no less than you. If I knew that Chen Kai was missing, I would have jumped up."

Qin Xiang was really impatient with Qin Ying's nonsense, so she couldn't help raising her voice.

"Qin Ying, are you alright?"

Qin Ying heard that the elder sister was really anxious, so she quickly apologized on the phone.

"Sister, don't be angry. Chen Kai is working in my company now. Otherwise, can I chat with you so calmly?"

Only then did Qin Xiang let out a long breath: "Xiaoying, you are a new learner, and you dare to entertain your elder sister for no reason. See how I will deal with you after we meet."

After speaking, she hung up the phone, but Qin Ying was in a good mood today, because Chen Kai came to work in her office again.

Qin Ying felt very happy when she saw Chen Kai, because she knew that Chen Kai and Lin Keke would never have any entanglements again, and if there were no accidents in the future, the two of them would probably go to the end.

After seeing Qin Ying hang up the phone, Chen Kai raised a smile on the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile.

"Why did you upset the eldest sister? I saw your apology just now?"

Qin Ying smiled more happily: "Eldest sister got up in the morning and saw that you were not at home. She was very anxious and called me. I just went around for a while, and elder sister was so angry that she wanted to curse."

Chen Kai smiled and shook his head: "At this time, I really shouldn't be joking with Eldest Sister. Presumably Eldest Sister will come to you to look for me in a while. Do you want me to call her?"

Qin Ying tilted her head and thought for a while: "Calling may not stop the elder sister from coming to see you. She may not agree with you to come back to work, but let you have a good rest at home."

(End of this chapter)

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