Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 446 Qin Xiang is Sad

Chapter 446 Qin Xiang is Sad
Not only did Qin Ying not think of it, even Chen Kai didn't think of it.

If it was back when there was still the mainland, Chen Kai would never be able to gain a foothold just because of a weak woman like Qin Ying.

At that time, I felt a fragrant smell going straight into my nose. It felt so refreshing and so intoxicating.

Chen Kai really didn't want to leave for a while, but he also knew that it was too unreasonable. Although judging from the current relationship between the two of them, there will be a day when they will share the same bed sooner or later, but now is not the time.

Qin Ying also felt a mature man's breath blowing towards her face, and she was a little flustered.

She was even a little bit overwhelmed. She thought the same as Chen Kai, and felt that the two of them had no status yet, so it was really inappropriate to do this, and there was no way to explain it to the sisters in the future.

What's more, she is not of Qin Yue's character. Qin Yue just thinks of going out as soon as she comes out, and doesn't think about the consequences at all. After all, Qin Ying is two years older, so she has to think a little more.

"Aren't you getting up quickly?"

This sentence was probably only heard by herself, she just felt that her face was hot now, Chen Kai had already been distracted, and hurriedly apologized after hearing this sentence.

But before he could speak, he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him.

Then Qin Xiang's voice was heard.

"What's the matter with you two? Even if you really need that, you shouldn't come to my room, let alone my bed?"

This sentence was slightly sour, and she misunderstood the scene in front of her.

Chen Kai stood up and looked at Qin Xiang's faltering explanation.

"I'm really sorry, but it's really not like what you saw just now. It was really a misunderstanding just now."

Qin Ying also sat up blushing: "Sister, listen to me, we..."

Qin Xiang waved her hand impatiently.

"It doesn't matter what happened. I still have some things to do and I won't stay here. It's just like I said just now. If you really need it, you'd better find another place. After all, it's in my room It's really inappropriate to do this kind of thing in there, but fortunately I didn't see more, or would everyone be embarrassed?"

After saying a word, Chen Kai and Qin Ying blushed.

It wasn't until Qin Xiang's footsteps could no longer be heard that Qin Ying suddenly regained her composure, and she felt a little ashamed and a little confused.

The elder sister was obviously unhappy just now, but what's going on?In the past, when she saw that she and Chen Kai had a good relationship, she should be happy for herself, but now her words revealed a kind of sourness.

So he involuntarily cast his eyes on Chen Kai, his eyes full of exploration.

But Chen Kai remembered what happened last night, and couldn't help but turn redder, because the feeling of those two soft lips touching is still vivid in his memory, and it is precisely because of this that he didn't sleep well yesterday.

Although he knew why Qin Xiang was unhappy, he couldn't explain it to Qin Ying.

"Actually, I don't blame Eldest Sister. In fact, think about it. If you saw the scene just now on your bed, you wouldn't be too happy, would you?"

These words were just perfunctory, Qin Ying believed it to be true, although she didn't fully believe it, but at least she explained the doubts in her heart slightly.

"It's true, big sister. We didn't do anything well at all? She doesn't allow others to explain, and we came back here because we were worried about everyone's safety. If we didn't go home, this kind of thing wouldn't happen."

Chen Kai felt very helpless, Qin Xiang must have misunderstood, Chen Kai suddenly felt that he should explain, just looked at Qin Ying and forced a smile.

"I still don't know where Eldest Sister went this morning. I'll go and ask, so as not to find out what happened, and I have to explain what happened just now, otherwise I'm afraid I won't be able to explain it after a long time."

Qin Ying felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. Although it was really an unintentional mistake just now, deep in her heart she faintly felt that the elder sister had misunderstood and misunderstood.

On the one hand, things like this can only be described more and more darkly, and on the other hand, she really wants everyone to think that she and Chen Kai are together. Such words are tantamount to indirectly declaring sovereignty.

Even if the sisters really had some unreasonable thoughts about Chen Kai, they probably wouldn't dare to rob them blatantly.

This is of course a relatively selfish idea. Qin Ying thought it was still inappropriate after thinking about it, and Chen Kai wanted to explain it, but if she stopped her, it seemed a bit uncomfortable.

Chen Kai hadn't left yet, and was still waiting patiently for Qin Ying's answer.

Qin Ying finally nodded silently: "Because the matter of looking for the eldest sister just delayed my work all morning, I'm afraid I have to go back quickly. As for the elder sister, I'm afraid I will leave it to you."

Chen Kai patted himself on the chest and promised: "Don't worry, I will take care of the big sister, but you should be more careful. Although Lin Keke is unlikely to have any troubles, there will inevitably be other gangsters and so on." of."

Thinking of what happened a few days ago, Qin Ying still has lingering fears in her heart. Chen Kai managed to save his life, but really don't let anything go wrong.

If it wasn't for Chen Kai saving herself and her eldest sister, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened. Thinking of Chen Kai's almost dying, and her heartbroken death, Qin Ying secretly swore in her heart that she would never let Chen Kai be in a You are in danger, and to do this, you should first protect your own safety.

Thinking of this, she looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"Then it's settled. I'll go back to the company first, and you must also pay attention to safety."

Saying that, he took his Kun bag, turned and left.

If it was normal, Chen Kai would definitely drive Qingyan to the company and come back, but the appearance of the eldest sister just now is really worrying.

Chen Kai was in a state of confusion. The two of them had such an intimate relationship yesterday. In Chen Kai's memory, it seemed that they only had such an intimate relationship with the elder sister.

Although I used to share the same bed with several sisters before, but at that time I tried my best to restrain myself from thinking too much, so as not to lose control of myself.

But the amount of information contained in the kiss last night was too great, Chen Kai had to admit that he couldn't restrain himself at that moment.

Now Chen Kai himself doesn't know whether he likes Qin Ying more or Qin Xiang more.

Chen Kai suddenly thought that his luck during this time was too messy, he managed to deal with Lin Keke, and now he has an ambiguous relationship with the eldest sister and second sister of the Qin family.

It used to be Qin Min and Qin Yue, these two girls didn't know whether it was because of their young age or some other reason, Chen Kai felt that they were relatively easy to deal with.

But dealing with the elder sister and Qin Ying at the same time made Chen Kai exhausted physically and mentally, even unable to do what he wanted.

He couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, murmuring.

"I can't care so much. Things have already happened anyway, so I can only take one step at a time. If it doesn't work, I will listen to Qin's mother. Whoever she asks herself to marry is fine. Now I want to Nothing works."

Thinking of this, he felt a little cheerful, took a deep breath, turned and walked into the yard, because he knew that Qin Xiang hadn't left at all, and since she wasn't in the house, she must be in the yard.

When he walked to the yard, he found that under a big banyan tree, Qin Xiang was standing there silently lost in thought.

Chen Kai quietly walked behind her and coughed lightly.

"Sister, I'm really sorry for what happened just now, but it was really a misunderstanding, not what you thought."

Because Qin Xiang was thinking about some things, she didn't realize that Chen Kai had come behind her. When she heard Chen Kai's voice, she couldn't help being startled, and turned her head hastily.

"Why don't you make any noise when you walk?"

When he spoke, his voice was still choked with sobs, Chen Kai couldn't help but raised his head, and suddenly found that Qin Xiang's eyes were still flashing with tears, and his eyes were red, obviously he was crying just now.

Chen Kai was stunned for a moment, knowing that what happened just now had hit the eldest sister a bit hard.

(End of this chapter)

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