Chapter 455
Chen Kai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, a stick as thick as it was originally broken, of course it would be no problem if he used internal force, but it was lucky that his arm was not broken due to his own bones resisting the stick , how could it be all right?

The muscles on Chen Kai's face began to twitch at this moment. Fortunately, the light in the cellar was not bright, and Qin Xiang's attention was only on Chen Kai's arm, and he didn't notice the expression on his face, so he believed it was true. .

Because after all, she had seen Chen Kai's kung fu before, and although she knew that his inner strength had disappeared, in her impression, it would be no problem for Chen Kai to break such a thick stick, not to mention that it was indeed the case on the surface.

Qin Xiang felt that it was because of her willfulness that the two of them fell into such a situation, so she felt a little sorry, and just wanted to say a few words of apology, but she didn't know what to say when the words came to her mouth.

Because she didn't know that she would encounter such a thing. The reason why she came to such a remote place was to treat Chen Kai's illness. Who knew that such a thing would happen.

Chen Kai saw that Qin Xiang felt a little guilty, so he smiled and comforted him.

"You don't have to think too much, I have already contacted Qin Ying just now, and they will send someone to rescue them soon, not to mention that the miracle doctor just now saw that I am so powerful, I am afraid that he will not come to us again in a short time It's difficult, so we should be safe for the time being."

Qin Xiang nodded silently, tears streaming down again involuntarily.

"Fortunately, I have you. Otherwise, I would be in this situation alone. I really don't know what to do."

Chen Kai didn't say anything, but took out the phone again from the inside of the shoe. It was turned off just now. After turning on the phone, he immediately found that there were many messages and missed calls, all of which belonged to Qin Ying and Qin's mother.

Qin Xiang was also surprised to see that Chen Kai still had a cell phone.

"Why do you still hide a mobile phone?"

Chen Kai smiled faintly: "I told you before, I was worried that one day I would be in danger and I was also worried that my phone would be lost, so I told you a phone number, don't you remember?"

Chen Kai told her what he had said to Qin Ying.

Only then did Qin Xiang vaguely remember that such a thing happened, but because she had completely forgotten about it, she felt even more guilty in her heart.

"I'm really sorry. I thought you wouldn't encounter such a dangerous thing, so you didn't take it seriously when you told me. I didn't expect it to be really useful at this critical moment."

Chen Kai did not answer this question, but directly called Qin Ying.

Almost immediately, Qin Ying received a call. It can be seen that her attention has never left the phone since just now.

"Chen Kai, you finally called. Do you know how anxious we are? How are you doing now? Is there any danger? We have already reported to J, and I believe we will be able to rescue you in a short time. of."

Chen Kai sighed softly: "Although we have encountered some tribulations, my eldest sister and I are safe and sound now, but we are now in a cellar, and that damn doctor closed the cellar door, and we can't get out now , and there is nothing to eat here, you have to find this place as soon as possible, otherwise we may not last long."

Just as Qin Ying was about to speak, the phone was snatched by Xiao Zhang next to her.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Zhang from the local MJ. You must tell me your current location. The more detailed you can be, the better we can reduce the search time and rescue you as soon as possible."

Chen Kai had no choice but to smile wryly. When he came here, he actually kept an eye on his mind. When he walked into the yard, he deliberately observed the terrain here.

In the house, I also found that this house is really a very ordinary house, there is no basement at all, because in such a dilapidated house, to build such a large basement, there must be a deep foundation, and this Planting a house obviously does not meet such conditions.

So Chen Kai is now convinced that this cellar is definitely not under the broken house just now, and must have been moved to this place by the genius doctor after the two fainted.

However, thinking that it is daytime after all, the genius doctor probably would not dare to blatantly transport the two people too far away. Once they are discovered by the villagers, they will definitely arouse suspicion. If some nosy people report this, then the genius doctor But I couldn't eat and walked away.

According to this deduction, even if this place is not under the ground of that dilapidated house, it must not be too far away, and it is very likely that it will not be within a few tens of meters around.

Chen Kai thought that he didn't find any means of transportation in the yard, not even the most common and oldest kind of human cart used for grain, which made Chen Kai more convinced that the cellar was far from the dilapidated house. not far.

Xiao Zhang couldn't help raising his voice when he heard that Chen Kai hadn't spoken for a long time.

"For Chen Kai, are you still there? I'm here waiting for you to speak, please report your address quickly."

Chen Kai continued to shake his head and smiled wryly: "I can only say that it is still near that broken house. You have found the house of the miracle doctor, and then searched carefully in the vicinity. If we hear your car and your voice, I will call for help."

Only then did Xiao Zhang know that Chen Kai didn't know the exact location, which made him very helpless.

Every one of the j houses was helpless, because without a specific location, there was no way to get out of the j, and there was no way to rescue these two people.

Qin Ying suddenly urged anxiously: "What are you still doing here? Didn't Chen Kai tell you to find that genius doctor first? No matter what method you use to find this person, he will definitely tell you."

Xiao Zhang sighed helplessly: "The practice of extorting confessions by torture is no longer popular. Even if we do find Shen Yi, we have nothing to prove. At most, we will lock her up for 48 hours. If he If you refuse to say anything, we still can't find Chen Kai and your elder sister."

Qin Ying immediately became angry and glared at Xiao Zhang.

"Now my eldest sister and Chen Kai are in danger, how can you say that there is no other way? Are you just letting them die like this?"

Qin's mother couldn't stand it anymore, and gently held Qin Xiang's hand.

"How do you talk to Comrade JC? Can't you be more polite?"

Qin Ying also realized her gaffe, so she lowered her head and said in a soft tone.

"I'm really sorry, I'm too worried about the safety of my eldest sister and Chen Kai."

Xiao Zhang smiled indifferently: "We can understand your anxious mood, and just now, after the first reminder, we also realized that we should indeed find a miracle doctor. As for whether he said it or not, that's another matter, and Chen Kay has already said that the cellar should be near there, and it probably won't be too easy."

After speaking, he greeted the colleagues behind him, and everyone drove to the village where the genius doctor lived.

Originally, I thought that no one would reveal the news at all, and no one would hear you when Chen Kai called Qin Ying, so I thought it must mean that you can catch it, even here.

But I didn't expect that after more than an hour's drive, I finally arrived outside the dilapidated house where the genius doctor lived, and the MJs got out of the car one after another.

Rushing into the yard, Xiao Zhang shouted loudly into the house.

"Is there anyone in the house? What you have done has been exposed. You are suspected of illegal detention. We will arrest you according to law."

He shouted several times in succession, but there was not even a reply in the room.

Xiao Zhang and several colleagues looked at each other, Xiao Zhang took a deep breath, went straight to the door of the room, kicked open the door, and rushed in.

But the scene in front of him was immediately dumbfounded, because there was no one in the room at all.

Seeing Xiao Zhang standing there, people outside broke into the house without knowing what happened.

But the room was too small to hold so many people. Some people stood outside and asked what was found inside.

Xiao Zhang turned around and smiled helplessly at his colleagues.

"The kid has already run away."

(End of this chapter)

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