Chapter 458
Xiao Zhang saw that the village chief seemed to be embarrassed, so he couldn't help asking.

"The village chief seems to be hesitant to speak, so you can speak up if you have any difficulties."

The village chief quickly shook his head: "Comrade jc finally came to our village, what can I be embarrassed about? It's just that you are allowed to eat here, but you refuse. Considering that you are from the city, this It may take more than an hour to go back and drive, since you are not willing to stay here, you should go while you can still see the road, and it will not be too late to come back tomorrow."

Xiao Zhang looked at Qin Ying, who anxiously shook her head and refused.

"No, we found this place with great difficulty. We still don't know what happened to Chen Kai and eldest sister. If we go back like this tonight, maybe tomorrow..."

Having said that, I couldn't go on anymore, and tears flowed down again.

Xiao Zhang smiled helplessly: "Village Chief, you have also seen that we are not here for sightseeing, but because someone has been illegally detained, and it can even be suspected of being kidnapped. If we leave tonight, It is very likely that the lives of the hostages will be in danger, and no one can afford this responsibility."

Seeing that Xiao Zhang said so seriously, the village head quickly changed his words.

"I don't mean anything else, it's just that you don't want to stay for dinner..."

Xiao Li took over the conversation: "The village chief should stop talking, we won't leave today."

The village head nodded hastily: "Since you are willing to stay in the village, it is the best thing. I was just worried that you are not used to the rooms in this village."

Xiao Zhang smiled, and pointed to the j car parked in the distance.

"The village chief doesn't have to worry that we comrades are used to suffering. If your house can't be accommodated, we'll spend the night in the j car. But no matter what, we must find the hostages as soon as possible. If there is a delay, they may It's just a little more dangerous."

When the village chief Xiao Zhang said this, he also showed an anxious look on his face.
"Look, you finally came here. We can let you live in the car, and now it's getting colder. If someone is guilty of this instead of me? If you don't mind, I can give you Arrange accommodation, you can rest assured that everything you build will be clean."

Seeing what the village chief said so enthusiastically and with sincere eyes, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li looked at each other and discussed with their comrades. Everyone felt that there would be a fierce battle tomorrow. Then you must rest today.

If you sleep in the car, you really can't guarantee enough sleep. Since the old village chief is so enthusiastic, and their place looks quite spacious, these folk j can stay here, there shouldn't be any big problems .

After the discussion was made, Xiao Zhang smiled gratefully at the village chief.

"In this case, we will cause trouble for the village chief."

Qin Ying suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the village chief, but she couldn't tell what was wrong, but she just felt a little strange. At that time, she wanted to prevent these jcs from staying in the village chief's house, but there was no suitable reason.

In a hurry, he called his mother.

"Mom, we are in the village now, and tonight jc decided to stay at the village head's house. I think the village head is a little bit wrong. He asked us to go back at first because it was getting late, but he didn't dare You are very enthusiastic about letting us stay, which is normal, but I always feel that something is wrong."

Qin's mother was silent for a while after hearing this, and felt that what Qin Ying said made sense.

"You are a girl from a family, and I don't like you staying outside, and the place is remote and remote, and the law and order must be very bad. Even if there is a jc, why do you, a girl, squeeze together with so many men? Well, there must be a lot of inconvenience, let alone farm food, you are not used to eating, and you may not be used to going to the toilets in the countryside."

Qin Ying nodded silently: "I've also considered this issue, and the ones who came were all boys and girls. Only those women in my village seemed unwilling to show their faces, as if there was something taboo place."

Qin's mother interrupted Qin Ying: "In this case, you should come back quickly, but don't come back alone, at least let a jc send you back, otherwise my eldest daughter has not been found, and if the second daughter does something wrong The question is, is my old life still alive?"

Qin Ying was also a little scared. On the way back, she ran into problems. Although she was able to drive without any problems, the village was full of weirdness. Qin Ying was really a little scared to go back alone.

So she agreed to Qin's mother, hung up the phone and walked in front of Xiao Zhang.

"Ordinarily I shouldn't have left, but I can't help you here..."

Listening to the inside and outside of the words, Xiao Zhang immediately understood Qin Ying's intentions and interrupted her hastily.

"What are you talking about? Let me tell you this, Ms. Qin Ying, we were a little reluctant when you came to us, and now you are looking for Chen Kai and Qin Xiang. We are still here to take care of you. I want to send you back."

Qin Ying felt a little sorry when she saw Xiao Zhang expose her thoughts, but for her own safety and not to cause trouble for these jcs, she couldn't say anything more.

Xiao Zhang waved at a colleague.

"You are responsible for sending Miss Qin Er back safely. When you return to the city, you can go home if you want to go home. If you don't want to go home, you can continue to participate in the mission. It's just that you come back and forth. I'm afraid you will be killed when you come back." It's midnight."

That person was surnamed Zhao, about the same age as Xiao Zhang, and even looked younger than him.

Xiao Zhao nodded immediately after hearing this.

"Please rest assured, I will send Qin Ying back safe and sound."

As he spoke, he made a standard military salute towards Qin Ying.

"Miss Qin Ying, please get in the car."

Qin Ying reluctantly glanced in the direction of the genius doctor's house, feeling infinitely sad in her heart, and finally got into the j car.

Xiao Zhao waved at Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li, walked to the driving position, stepped on the accelerator and drove away.

Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li looked at the village chief and smiled.

"The village head is so polite, we would rather be obedient than respectful, and disturb you at your house tonight."

The village chief nodded again and again: "You are the people's police, of course we ordinary people must cooperate with your work."

As he said that, he let Xiao Zhang, Xiao Li, and a group of JCs into the room.

This house has a structure of three large rooms. The village chief lives alone in the east room, but a large room has been vacated in the west room. A large heated kang has been the house for almost half a year.

When Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li saw this hole, they were all taken aback. The big kang is really too big, even if it can sleep a dozen or so people, it will not be a problem.

The village chief looked at them with some complacency and smiled.

"It's not too cold now. Even if I don't have enough quilts here, you guys are crowded on this heated kang. I'll light a fire for you at night, it's better than sleeping in the car."

Xiao Zhang nodded with a smile: "It's really troublesome for the village chief."

Xiao Li suddenly took over the conversation: "There are so many of us, you don't have to worry about what we eat and drink, we will go to the small shop in the east of the village to buy some food, and didn't we have a comrade who left just now?" Is it? When you let him come back, it’s okay to buy some food in the city, so you don’t care about us, just go to rest when it’s time to rest.”

The village chief wanted to say something else, but in the end he didn't say anything, smiled reluctantly, turned and left.

Seeing that the village chief was gone, these jcs immediately became serious, none of them wanted to sleep, and they all gathered together to study the whereabouts of Chen Kai and Qin Xiang.

Xiao Zhang felt that the village chief also had problems, so he carefully avoided talking and acting from the village chief.

The village chief thought that JC trusted him very much, so he felt relieved.

At night, the village chief got up quietly, and deliberately listened for a while outside the room where JC lived. He heard the snoring inside, and the JCs seemed to have fallen asleep, so he smiled with satisfaction and sneaked around. out the door.

(End of this chapter)

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