Chapter 460
Thinking of this, Xiao Zhang looked anxious.

"Chen Kai, something may have happened outside, so I can't chat with you here, and it's dangerous outside, so you can't go with me, just follow your original plan, just wait here until dawn Afterwards, I asked my comrades to come and look for you, anyway, I know it’s nearby, so I shouldn’t go too far away.”

As he said that, he was about to go outside the cellar.

Chen Kai stopped him: "What are you doing? I don't know what's going on outside now. If you go out now, if a bullet flies towards your head, wouldn't you die? I know you all You are not afraid of death, but you must die well and deserve it, what is the matter with you sacrificing your life so foolishly?"

Xiao Zhang hesitated.

Qin Xiang didn't speak all the time, but listened to the two of them quietly. Seeing that Xiao Zhang wanted to go out so impatiently, she couldn't help but also walked over.

"Little comrade, I think you should not be impulsive. You should listen to Chen Kai first and wait here for a while. If you go out now, you will be treated as a living target. Even if you don't think about it, it is somewhat impossible."

Xiao Zhang looked at Qin Xiang with some doubts.

"It's so dark outside now, how do you know they'll find me out?"

Qin Xiang didn't answer the question, and Chen Kaijiao took over the conversation.

"You don't know. Although we don't know where the submission is, the genius doctor who caught us here must know. And if you think about it, the genius doctor must have been staring at this place all the time. , You can tell from the gunshot that it is not far from here."

Only then did Qin Xiang let out a long breath, and took over the conversation.

"The genius doctor doesn't know that you have arrived here, but he has been guarding against us leaving, because as long as we escape from here, the genius doctor will definitely end up badly and be severely punished by the law, so he will inevitably jump the wall, eh , as soon as someone is found coming out of the cellar, they will immediately shoot, and kill them first.”

Chen Kai went on to add: "And your people don't know that you are already here. Now you go out and it's dark outside, and you can't tell the empire apart. Whether it's your people or the genius doctor, they will shoot at you at the same time. You are being attacked from both sides, how sure do you think you can be alive?"

After hearing Chen Kai and Qin Xiang's analysis, Xiao Zhang couldn't help but secretly nodded, and had to sigh a long time.

"I also know that what you say makes sense, but my comrades are fighting bloody battles outside, and I am here alone as a turtle. This feeling is really uncomfortable."

Chen Kai smiled faintly: "You are not being a tortoise, you are protecting the safety of the hostages, because you are also a jc anyway, and you came here to find us, and now you have found us This is tantamount to making a great contribution, but if you leave rashly, the genius doctor will bring someone here to kill us..."

Chen Kai didn't finish this sentence, because he believed that Xiao Zhang had already understood what he meant.

Xiao Zhang was silent for a while, and finally nodded vigorously.

"I see, I listen to you now, I am here to protect your safety, I have a gun here, and now we are in the dark, the enemy is in the light, no matter how many of them come, they have to come down from the door of the cellar , At that time, we only need to solve them one by one, even without a gun, as long as you and I can knock them all out."

Chen Kai and Qin Xiang glanced at each other and smiled meaningfully.

Qin Xiang really felt a little more secure because there was a jc in the cellar.

Chen Kai didn't think so completely. Although having such a helper could protect Qin Xiang to a greater extent, even without this little jc, Chen Kai also believed that it was absolutely impossible for him to be defeated just by relying on the genius doctor's tricks. and Qin Xiang's.

Xiao Zhang suddenly looked at Chen Kai seriously.

"You guys wait here for a while, I'll go up to see the surrounding situation."

Qin Xiang thought that Xiao Zhang had changed his mind and insisted on going out, but just as he was about to reach out to hold him, Chen Kai shook his head slightly.

Xiao Zhang also smiled faintly: "Don't worry, since I promised to stay here to protect your safety, I will never leave me easily. I have already contacted our people just now, I will go and take a look outside The situation, and then use the mobile phone location to tell our people, let them come to this place to support."

Qin Xiang blushed immediately after hearing this, because she really didn't care about it just now, and there was no need for little jc to remind her of this.

Xiao Zhang saw that no one was blocking him, so he really went to the cellar to observe the situation outside with his mobile phone.

At this moment, the colleagues staying at the village head's house have found Xiao Zhang's location through mobile phone positioning.

And indeed, as Xiao Zhang said just now, he has already rushed in this direction. The reason Xiao Zhang wants the old man is because the location of the mobile phone cannot be accurate within ten meters. Somehow, it is necessary for Xiao Zhang to show his head and tell the comrades the exact location when they approach, so as not to waste more time.

Although Chen Kai agreed with Xiao Zhang to climb to the cellar entrance, his heart was raised. After waiting for a while, he found that something was wrong, because the gunfire outside suddenly stopped.

Chen Kai immediately called out to Xiao Zhang at the entrance of the cellar.

"Did you see anything? Did any of your people come to this place?"

Xiao Zhang shook his head with a wry smile: "Don't worry, it's pitch black here, not even a street light, and I'm not a professional camera, and I don't have night vision function at all, so the information I can get is very limited. So what's going on now, I don't know."

After saying these words to Chen Kai, he suddenly came down again.

Looking at Chen Kai with a serious face: "The gunshots outside stopped, and you must have heard it, but the more this happened, the more I worried that I was really sitting on pins and needles here. I think you should be safe here for the time being. .”

Chen Kai listened quietly, thinking that if this little jc really wanted to leave, it would be fine to try to persuade him at that time, and it would be very impolite to interrupt someone's conversation now.

Xiao Zhang thought that Chen Kai would not let him finish speaking, but found that Chen Kai had been listening quietly all the time, and looked curiously at Qin Xiang who was standing next to him, Qin Xiang also looked calm.

Xiao Zhang was a little strange: "Why don't you two talk anymore?"

Chen Kai smiled faintly: "Isn't this what we're talking about after you finish talking?"

Xiao Zhang was a little embarrassed: "Although I promised to stay here to protect you, the gunfire outside has stopped. There are two possibilities. One is that our people fought against the opponent and found that the opponent's firepower was too fierce. out."

Having said that, I couldn't help but sighed softly.

"There is another possibility, that is, the person who kidnapped you is already under our control."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"Although what you said has some truth, but I think there is a third possibility, and you think about it, your mobile phone is now powered, it is impossible for your people not to know your phone number, whether it is caught The genius doctor, even if you were repelled, he shouldn't let you go."

Xiao Zhang fell silent when he heard it. What Chen Kai said was really reasonable, but he couldn't figure it out. If it wasn't what he analyzed, what other possibilities were there.

At this moment, Chen Kai suddenly made a silent gesture, grabbed Xiao Zhang's hand, and leaned tightly against a wall of the cellar.

Xiao Zhang was a little baffled, and when he was about to ask what was wrong, he suddenly heard a very faint sound of footsteps.

He is a jc, and he is usually trained, so his ears and eyes are naturally more sensitive than ordinary people, but when Chen Kai noticed it just now, he hadn't noticed the footsteps, which made Xiao Zhang a little puzzled, and even had some doubts about Chen Kai. curious.

When Chen Kai saw Xiao Zhang's eyes, he guessed what the prince was thinking, because when he defeated Gao Ming before, Gao Ming also looked at him with Xiao Zhang's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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