Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 463 Arriving Home

Chapter 463 Homecoming
In fact, the captain's motive for coming to see Chen Kai was not so pure.

He has already learned that the so-called miraculous doctor is specialized in treating the disappearance of internal strength, so he doesn't know why Chen Kai and Qin Xiang traveled so far to see this person?They are educated in materialism, and they have never seen anyone who really knows how to use internal energy. They always think that it is something in myths and legends, movies and TV dramas, or martial arts novels.

The captain hesitated for a moment, and finally asked out the doubts in his heart.

Chen Kai seemed to have expected that the captain would ask such a question, and he didn't panic after listening to it. He still had a calm face, and then responded lightly.

"Actually, I have never seen it before. It is precisely because I heard that this genius doctor has a special method to treat the disappearance of internal strength. Out of curiosity, I came here to see it."

The captain frowned. He has been in this industry for a long time. It can be said that he has read countless people. Whether the person in front of him is telling the truth or a lie can be seen at a glance, so Chen Kai's cover-up is not There is no way to hide it from him.

What's more, Xiao Zhang had already described the scene in the cellar just now. He knew that Chen Kai was definitely not an ordinary person, so he naturally thought of the man he had heard before, who solved a group of gangsters by himself.

But Chen Kai didn't give him a chance to ask him carefully, and when he was about to ask to understand, Chen Kai had already left.

Qin Xiang let out a long breath after sitting in the car. Thinking of what happened today, she couldn't help but shook her head and smiled bitterly. She thought that it was because she was too careless and easy to trust others, that's why she got into such a big trouble. trouble.

Fortunately, Chen Kai was resourceful and calm, so this time there was still no danger.

The psychological shadow left by an incident is definitely not something that can be easily polished off.

Qin Ying sat in the driving seat and drove. She saw the expression on the elder sister's face through the front rearview mirror, and knew that she was feeling uncomfortable, so she pretended to be relaxed.

"Fortunately, both of you are fine this time. If you hear about such a strange person in the future, you must invite him to the city. Even if you really want to visit, you can't be so rash , eldest sister has always been calm, what happened today?"

Qin Xiang sighed for a long time. Originally, she wanted to explain everything because Chen Kai's situation was really not optimistic, but she was also worried that telling everything she knew would not solve the problem, but would make the sisters feel even worse. Worried, and even alarmed his mother.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiang had no choice but to speak lightly.

"There is a saying that curiosity killed the cat. I didn't quite understand it before. Through today's incident, I finally learned it. You are right. I will never do something like this in the future. It's so easy to do it again."

Qin Ying vaguely guessed in her heart that the eldest sister must have something to hide, but the sisters have grown up with the eldest sister for so many years, and they also deeply understand what is going on. If the eldest sister is unwilling to tell, then anyone It is impossible to find out any news from her mouth.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but sighed deeply.

"Today's business is really good enough. When we get home, we don't have to put up any nine prices to survive. If we really want to eat, let's find a restaurant tomorrow and celebrate well. It's just that tonight How to go back, you have to rest well."

Chen Kai shook his head and denied this point of view.

"Now that there is such a big commotion, Qin Min and Qin Yue must not be asleep, and Qin Mian is probably not asleep either. When we go back, they may be waiting at the door to welcome us."

His guess was really good. Qin Ying drove back to the villa, and saw Qin's mother standing at the door with her two younger sisters from a distance, anxiously looking forward to it.

Qin Ying stopped the car, and the three got out of the car.

Qin Min and Qin Yue rushed over immediately, asking questions with concern.

Qin Yue looked at Chen Kai anxiously: "We will be caught by others this time, I remember that your martial arts are very powerful, why are you even dealing with a fat, big-eared, stupid pig now?" no?"

Chen Kai smiled wryly, thinking that I was also speechless.

Qin Xiang knew that Chen Kai had something to hide, so she hurriedly took over the quarrel.

"Although Chen Kai's martial arts are very powerful, but this time it was really because of carelessness, and it was mainly because of me, that's why he was plotted against by others. After all, this incident made everyone very unhappy, so after all, you two Don't mention it any more."

Qin Yue looked at Qin Xiang with some dissatisfaction, made a grimace imperceptibly, and then saw that Chen Kai was defenseless, and immediately hugged him.

Chen Kai was easy to dodge at first, but he was worried that if he did dodge, Qin Yue would accidentally fall to the ground, so he had no choice but to let Qin Yue hold him.

Unexpectedly, Qin Yue had no idea that Chen Kai's arm had been injured, and after such a long time, that arm was no longer hurting, or at least not so painful.

Although occasionally there was a faint pain from wearing it, Chen Kai felt that there should be no serious problem. As long as he had a good rest tonight, he would be back to normal tomorrow. However, when Qin Yue touched him so carelessly, Chen Kai suddenly felt a This kind of heart-wrenching pain came, and I wanted to scream out loud, but I immediately thought that I should try my best to endure it, and it would be better not to let everyone see my injury.

When Qin Xiang saw Qin Yue open her arms, she knew that she must want to hug Chen Kai. At this moment, she had already had some different views on Chen Kai, so she couldn't help but observe more, wanting to know what Chen Kai thought of him. What kind of performance will this kind of Feilai Yanfu have?

It doesn't matter if you look at it, just in time to see the muscles on Chen Kai's face twitch imperceptibly, it is obvious that Chen Kai is trying his best to endure something.

Qin Xiang rang immediately. In the cellar, Chen Kai used one arm to block the wooden stick that the genius doctor was hitting with all his strength, and that thick wooden stick broke in response. At that time, Chen Kai said nonchalantly that there was no problem at all. Thinking about it now, Qin Xiang knew that the blow in the cellar must have injured Chen Kai.

So he couldn't help but spit out: "Are you okay?"

Chen Kai smiled faintly: "It's okay, what can I do?"

Qin Xiang asked subconsciously: "But in the cellar, I saw that fat man with a wooden stick beating you."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "Didn't I tell you that at that time? Don't say there is only a wooden stick, even if it is an iron stick, I'm afraid it can't do anything to me."

Qin Xiang still doesn't believe it, if Chen Kai still has internal strength, maybe this matter is really easy, but Chen Kai is no longer the old Chen Kai, his martial arts are now just The level of a gangster who fights a lot, even if it is high, it is not much higher.

Thinking of this, Qin Xiang became even more worried.

But I also know that it's not easy to ask too many questions in front of everyone. Even if he asks, Chen Kai probably won't tell the truth.

Seeing Qin Xiang's hesitant expression, Chen Kai knew what she wanted to say, so he winked hastily.

Qin Xiang is so smart, she immediately understood Chen Kai's intentions, so she changed the subject.

"We came back with great difficulty. We can't stand at the door and talk like that. Besides, everyone is tired and hungry. We haven't eaten anything all day today. If there is anything to eat at home, please quickly serve it to us."

Of course, these words were addressed to the two younger sisters, Qin Min and Qin Yue had already held Qin Xiang with each hand.

"Eldest sister doesn't know, we already expected that you don't have time to eat, so when the second sister went to pick you up, we had already prepared a table of banquets. Now that you have only come back after a long time, some of the big dishes are already cold. , it has to be warmed up."

Don't say it's cold now, as long as it's cooked, you can eat it, because today's day is really enough.

So he smiled faintly: "Then let's quickly enter the house."

Inadvertently seeing Qin Xiang still looking guilty, Chen Kai smiled at her nonchalantly.

"You really don't have to think about it. This matter really doesn't matter to you. Don't put too much psychological pressure on it. After eating, have a good sleep, and you have to go to work tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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