Chapter 472

Mother Qin's face changed: "Do you mean you want to leave?"

Chen Kai didn't speak, but his current attitude indicated that he had acquiesced to Qin's mother's guess.

Qin's mother was silent for a while, and then sheaved a long sigh.

"In fact, we are all one family. I won't say this, you should understand it yourself, and I have already told you just now, you are no different from my own son, and I have repeatedly emphasized that this matter I I have already intervened, and there is no way to quit now, do you think Gao Xiaotian will stop making trouble after you leave?"

These words are really reasonable. Although Chen Kai thought about it before, he still feels that if he stays here, he will definitely bring more troubles to the Qin family. If he leaves, Gao Xiaotian will stop treating Qin In this way, at least the safety of the sisters of the Qin family can be guaranteed.

Of course Qin's mother understood what Chen Kai was thinking, and shook her head helplessly.

"Qin Xiang and the others don't need to worry about you. You just need to keep your own safety from being threatened. That's fine. We are a family, and a family should share weal and woe. I didn't tell you so much today to let You feel guilty because you want to let you know that even if the sky falls, I won't let you bear it alone."

Chen Kai couldn't help being moved to tears. In his impression, only his grandfather is the one who loves him the most, but his father is more or less unfamiliar. Although he also knows the reason why a father loves like a mountain, Chen Kai really doesn't have it in his heart. That kind of feeling, or the feeling is not as strong as that of grandpa. Now hearing what Qin's mother said, it made him really feel the warmth of home.

"I really don't know what to say. Saying thank you at this time is really a bit out of the ordinary."

Only then did Qin's mother let out a long breath in her heart. At first, she thought that such a stubborn character like Chen Kai would not be able to convince her no matter what, but now it seems that after some efforts of her own, the initial results have finally been achieved.

The next thing is to arrange people and horses. She believes that no matter how capable and daring Gao Xiaotian is, he might not dare to directly attack the Qin family's villa.

After all, this is a high-end residential area. No matter who wants to do harm to this villa, it is not an easy task. Having said that, some necessary precautions must be taken.

Qin's mother hesitated, wondering whether to tell Chen Kai all the plans, if not, Chen Kai would definitely be worried, and thinking about it would not be good for the injury, but if he told him, he would definitely be even more uneasy He stayed at home for a long time, but wanted to contribute as much as possible.

Thinking of this, Mother Qin was in a dilemma.

Chen Kai also remained silent all this time, still moved in his heart by Qin's mother protecting him so much, suddenly felt that there was no sound in the room, so he looked at Qin's mother with some doubts.

"Auntie, what do you think?"

Qin's mother suddenly regained her composure and smiled faintly.

"I'm thinking about how to make you safer."

Chen Kai believed it was true, and burst out laughing.

"Auntie, really, since I came back from the hospital, the sisters didn't even let me eat well for a couple of days, but everyone took turns to feed me. This kind of enjoyment should be reserved for the emperor. I can, I am really not used to this kind of life, just now you said so many intimate words to me, it has already moved me very much, if you still think about my safety, I really want to Feeling ashamed."

Qin's mother couldn't help laughing, and the atmosphere here suddenly felt a lot lighter.

But Chen Kai suddenly put on a straight face again, looking at Qin's mother seriously.

"Auntie, I have one more thing I hope you can agree to."

Qin's mother looked at him with some puzzlement, because she had already said what she should have said just now, and she couldn't imagine that Chen Kai still had something to hide from her, so she hesitated to probe.

"If you have anything else to say, just say it."

Chen Kai smiled helplessly: "Since you already know about this matter, I can't say anything more, but can you not tell the other sisters, Qin Xiang already knows something, but she There is definitely not too much to know. If the sisters know all about it, they will definitely worry about this matter, and they will not be able to do what they should do. My younger sister is still in school, if I delay my studies because of this, I'm afraid the loss outweighs the gain."

Qin's mother nodded silently, and said with some emotion.

"You are such a good boy. Now that you can't even protect yourself, you are still thinking about these sisters. I promise you that I will never tell them unless it is absolutely necessary."

After hearing Qin's mother's words, Chen Kai felt a little relieved.

Qin's mother suddenly changed the subject and looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

"Actually, you shouldn't say these things. They are my daughters after all, and I don't want to let them encounter any danger."

Chen Kai nodded silently, secretly laughing in his heart that he really cared a little bit and got confused. Although he cared about the comfort of the Qin family sisters, Qin's mother was their biological mother, so she must be more concerned about this matter than himself.

The two were talking inside the house when suddenly the doorbell rang outside.

Chen Kai and Qin's mother's complexion immediately changed. The sisters should go to work, and those who should go to school have gone to school. Who will be outside at this time?

Chen Kai instinctively rushed out to open the door.

The door opened, and Qin Yue stood alone at the door, not knowing how long it had been.

Chen Kai was a little surprised: "Didn't you go to school? Why did you come back suddenly? Let me tell you, you still have to study hard at school. Even if the class is very boring, you can't skip it easily."

Qin Yue shook her head lightly, and slowly pushed Chen Kai away.

"Don't talk nonsense, when did I skip class? You should know that my academic performance is among the best."

Chen Kai nodded silently, thinking that this is the truth, because the topic he talked with Qin's mother was very important, and Chen Kai didn't want anyone to hear it, so when he saw Qin Yue's door, he was very worried. Among the sisters, only Qin Yue is the most worrying one.

It's fine if Qin Xiang didn't hear what happened just now, but I really did hear it, and I don't know what kind of trouble it will cause.

"You haven't answered my question yet. If you don't have a good class in school, what are you doing when you come back?"

Qin Yue had already walked into the living room, and she just nodded slightly to Qin's mother as a greeting.

Qin's mother saw that Qin Yue's expression was not very good, she stood up from the sofa and asked with concern.

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?"

Qin Yue shook her head lightly: "I'm not uncomfortable, I just forgot to take something when I came back, and I had to come back."

With that said, he quietly returned to his room.

Chen Kai and Mother Qin glanced at each other, and Chen Kai asked in a low voice.

"Auntie, did you hear what we said just now?"

Mother Qin shook her head helplessly, expressing that she didn't know either.

After waiting for a while, Qin Yue really came out carrying a box.

Chen Kai looked at her in surprise: "Are you in the rhythm of going on a long trip?"

Qin Yue forced a smile: "Isn't it good? Don't ask too much, it's very important to me anyway."

Chen Kai hesitated for a moment, but finally couldn't help asking.

"Did you hear what I said to my aunt at the door just now?"

Qin Yue looked at Chen Kai pretending to be surprised: "No, what did you say? Are you afraid that others will hear it?"

Chen Kai was still a little uneasy.

"Don't change the subject, I'll just ask you if you heard it."

Qin Yue asked impatiently: "Didn't I already answer you? I didn't hear anything at all, and how far is the distance between the living room and the door? And the real villa has been soundproofed, unless Only by putting your ear against the door can you hear the voices in the room, do you think I'm that boring?"

Only then did Chen Kai feel a little relieved, and nodded silently.

Only then did Qin Yue snort dissatisfied, and pulled the suitcase out.

Suddenly, she felt that something was wrong, because when Qin Yue opened the door, she was not the same as usual, and saw that she was not chattering as much as before.

(End of this chapter)

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