Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 477 Invalid Persuasion

Chapter 477 Invalid Persuasion
Just as he took a step forward, he suddenly found Qin's mother looking at the three of them solemnly.

Chen Kai was taken aback, and turned around involuntarily to look at Gao Rourou and Qin Yue.

Both of them had the same expression.

Qin's mother sighed softly: "You don't have to be surprised, I saw you three mysteriously, and wanted to come over to see what was going on, but I didn't expect to see nothing, but I But I vaguely guessed something."

Chen Kai looked at Mother Qin suspiciously: "What did Auntie guess?"

Qin's mother didn't answer this question directly, but still stared at Gao Rourou quietly.

"You came here specifically to find Chen Kai this time, is it because of Gao Xiaotian?"

Gao Rourou was already mentally prepared, but when she heard Qin's mother's words, she couldn't help being startled and stunned.

Qin's mother softened her tone: "Don't be afraid, you have been hesitating just now, not knowing how to speak, now I help you start this, what can you say to Chen Kai?"

Chen Kai is not a fool, Qin's mother's words already contain a lot of information, which means that there may be some kind of relationship between Gao Xiaotian.

Chen Kai suddenly thought that Gao Rou and Gao Xiaotian were both surnamed Gao, and a sudden idea came to his mind.

"Could it be..."

Then all of this is incredible, Gao Rourou is a very cute girl, and I even had a good impression of her once, if my guess is true, how should I deal with myself?What kind of attitude should I have when facing Gao Rourou?
He was a little confused, staring at Gao Rourou, hoping she would say that she had nothing to do with Gao Xiaotian.

Gao Rourou suddenly sighed: "Auntie is right, I just feel that these words are really hard to say, so I have been hesitant."

Chen Kai took a deep breath and felt that he had guessed right. He looked at Gao Rourou helplessly.

"Just tell me what's going on."

Gao Rourou turned around and looked at Qin's mother, then at Qin Yue, and said helplessly.

"Gao Xiaotian is my real brother."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kai involuntarily took a few steps back. He already thought that there must be some kind of connection between these two people, but he didn't expect such a close relationship.

He couldn't believe it, but Gao Rourou's words already showed the truth of the matter.

Since Gao Rourou had already said the beginning, she didn't have any worries anymore. She didn't wait for Chen Kai to digest the news just now, and continued slowly.

"I also know that it's hard for you to accept this fact, but I didn't come to you to tell you about it, or I didn't just come to tell you about it. I hope you can spare my brother."

Chen Kai frowned, thinking that you probably haven't figured out the situation, now it's not about whether I should let your brother go, or whether your brother should let me go, and what you said does have two or three points of truth.

Now even if your brother really doesn't want to be my enemy, for the sake of Gao Ming, I must seek justice for him. We are brothers, and I absolutely can't let him die so unclearly.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"You came here to find me, does your brother know?"

Gao Rourou didn't expect Chen Kai to ask this question, so she shook her head hastily.

"I discussed it with Qin Yue yesterday. I came to you today. I didn't tell anyone before that, so it's impossible for my brother to know."

Chen Kai cast his eyes on Qin Yue.

Qin Yue had no choice but to nod silently: "Actually, I didn't want to, but there is no other way..."

Chen Kai interrupted her with a gesture.

"I don't mean to blame you. Since Gao Rourou and Gao Xiaotian are brother and sister, it's better for me to know about this matter earlier than later, so as not to be caught off guard."

Gao Rourou waited for a long time and Chen Kai didn't answer her own question. She became anxious and looked at Chen Kai expectantly.

"Can you promise me? Don't be an enemy of my brother. I will talk to him on his side. I will persuade him not to trouble you anymore."

When Chen Kai saw Gao Rourou's pitiful look, his heart ached like a knife, but when he thought of Gao Ming's death, he had to harden his heart and look at Gao Rourou coldly.

"I know you are very knowledgeable, and I also know that you must remember this person. Although I don't know what your impression of this person is, I can tell you responsibly that he is definitely not a bad person, but he just died. In the hands of your brother, I don't understand the relationship between you brother and sister, but I hope you know that killing people will pay for their lives."

Having said that, he let out a long sigh, and continued slowly.

"I know that your brother has a lot of power now, because the Gao Group's right to speak now falls into his hands, but don't think that he can escape the punishment of the law and the justice of the world. I am very wise. Brother, no matter what, even if he is smashed to pieces, I will avenge him."

Gao Rourou and Qin Yue once went out for an outing with Chen Kai, and Chen Kai also saved her own life, otherwise she would have fallen into the cliff and died.

Therefore, Gao Rourou has a very good impression of Chen Kai, and even thought that there was a relationship between the two of them, but because of some accidents, the time to see each other gradually decreased.

But that emotion was always buried in Gao Rourou's heart, and it didn't fade away gradually with the passage of time. On the contrary, because of the passage of time, Gao Rourou was convinced that her feelings for Chen Kai became deeper and deeper.

She had thought of reuniting with Chen Kai countless times, but she never thought that when they met again, they would talk about such an embarrassing topic. Not only was it embarrassing, but it made both of them very sad.

She can understand Chen Kai's desire to avenge Gao Ming, but she can't accept it. Her brother and the man he loves are fighting to the death, but the matter has developed to the present level, and she is definitely not able to resolve it as a little girl. of.

Although Gao Rourou understood this truth, she couldn't accept it.

"I think it's better not to be too impulsive about this matter. You should think it over carefully. It's not that there is no room for maneuver. You also know that my brother now controls the Gao Group, which means that he has enough influence now. I don't want to see you die by his hands, and I don't even want to see him die by your hands, so we can have a long-term plan."

What she said, Chen Kai had already thought about it countless times before, and now that she said it from Gao Rourou's mouth, he felt extremely harsh, he couldn't listen anymore, turned around and walked into the room .

Seeing this, Gao Rourou hurriedly followed.

"Chen Kai, can you stop being so heartless, please listen to me when I'm done."

Qin Yue stopped her suddenly.

Gao Rourou pushed Qin Yue away advancedly: "Don't stop me, let me say a few more words to Chen Kai."

Qin Yue shook Gao Rourou vigorously: "Calm down, okay?"

Gao Rourou finally calmed down, and looked at Qin Yue with tears streaming down her face.

"Can you help me persuade Chen Kai? Tell him not to do wrong with my brother. My brother is really not easy to mess with."

Qin Yue shouted loudly: "Gao Rourou, listen to me, you have to calm me down now."

Gao Rourou's tears couldn't stop streaming down: "I'll tell you the truth, I like Chen Kai very much, you may have seen it a long time ago, but you have always pretended not to know, I really don't want Chen Kai and my brother to have trouble like this , if the two of them fight, there will definitely be no winner, they will both lose, and they will all die, will you watch such a thing happen, Qin Yue?"

Of course Qin Yue was unwilling, but seeing Gao Rourou's sad appearance, she couldn't find the right words to persuade her.

After an unknown amount of time, Qin Yue finally gently embraced Gao Rourou.

"Don't cry, you should tell your brother first. After all, he is here to trouble Chen Kai. Only after you persuade your brother, can Chen Kai slowly find a way."

Gao Rourou wiped away her tears, and stared at Qin Yue quietly, not knowing whether she agreed or not.

(End of this chapter)

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