Chapter 479

The knock on the door rang again, and Chen Kai instinctively thought that it was the nanny who called the door this time, and responded impatiently.

"What's the matter? Didn't I tell you just now? I don't want to eat tonight."

Qin Yue's voice came in: "You should eat something anyway, if you don't eat anything, we will be worried, and because you can't move one hand, so I want to bring it in."

Chen Kai was very moved in his heart, and slightly eased his tone.

"You really don't need to worry about me. I'm feeling irritable now. I really don't have the mood to eat. Just go out. I'll come to eat when I'm hungry later."

Qin Yue was still a little unwilling: "Didn't I already bring it to you? And you can't move one hand, I'm afraid if you touch that arm when you eat..."

Chen Kai didn't listen to her finish: "Really, I really want to be quiet now, can you stop disturbing me?"

Although this sentence did not raise his voice, his tone clearly showed impatience. Chen Kai felt that this was not appropriate, so he sighed softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm really annoying now, just let me be quiet for a while."

Qin Yue sighed outside, and then heard footsteps, which meant that Qin Yue had already left.

Chen Kai stared blankly at the door, as if he had lost his soul.

I have never felt that my mood is so complicated, but now I really feel uncomfortable like thousands of ants biting my heart.

"What should I do? Who will tell me?"

But no one answered this question. Chen Kai remembered that there were a few bottles of wine hidden in the cabinet, just in case he would take a few sips when he couldn't sleep at night. Although this kind of situation was rare, Chen Kai believed that there was a reason to be prepared.

Now is the time to use it, Chen Kai no longer hesitated, took out a bottle of wine from the cabinet, opened the bottle cap, and took a big sip from the bottle without taking the glass.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief: "Don't let people say that drinking to drown their sorrows. In today's situation, if you don't drink two glasses, how can you sleep?"

But Chen Kai somewhat underestimated his drinking capacity, and waited until the bottle of wine was finished, Chen Kai still didn't feel sleepy at all, but became more and more awake.

But the more this happened, the more he didn't know what to do. Of course he didn't want to hurt Gao Rourou, but if he really killed Gao Xiaotian, Gao Rourou would definitely be injured. If he didn't kill Gao Xiaotian, he had no way to explain to Gao Ming.

He was dizzy thinking, so he could only mutter to himself.

"I'm afraid I haven't had enough, so I'll open another bottle."

This wine is not red wine, nor beer, but high-grade liquor. Most people drink such a bottle, I am afraid that they have already got under the table, but Chen Kai has no problem at all. He feels that he is drinking such a bottle. There will be no problem, so I opened the second bottle without hesitation.

Now if someone is next to him, they will definitely find that Chen Kai can't even sit still, sitting there shaking non-stop. You must know that no matter how good the drinking capacity is, I am afraid that it will be discounted when he is sad, let alone Chen Kai. I didn't eat at all, there was nothing in my stomach, and I got drunk faster when I drank on an empty stomach.

But Chen Kai didn't think he was drunk at all. When he drank another third of the bottle of wine, he finally started to feel a little sleepy, so he put the bottle on the bedside table and slowly I closed my eyes.

He didn't glance at the clock on the wall, it was already 02:30 in the morning.

He didn't take off his clothes either, he just lay half leaning on the head of the bed. After an unknown amount of time, he suddenly heard someone push the door in. Although Chen Kai had drunk too much, he still maintained a high level of vigilance. Knowing that Gao Xiaotian had sent someone to this city, his nerves were always tense, and he dared not relax in the slightest.

Hearing someone coming in, Chen Kai immediately opened his eyes, and turned on the light immediately.

He immediately saw Gao Rourou who was almost naked. He said that he had no clothes on at all, which was a little exaggerated. Gao Rourou was still wearing underwear.

Even Chen Kai couldn't help swallowing, and asked in a hoarse voice.

"Why are you? Why did you come to my room when you didn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

Gao Rourou stared at Chen Kai affectionately.

"I know no matter what I say, I can't persuade you to give up fighting against my brother. I can't solve the deep hatred between you, but if I don't know, it's fine. Now that I know, I can't just sit and watch You fight to the death, but there are really not many things I can do as a girl, after thinking about it, I'm afraid there is only one way."

Chen Kai still retained reason in his heart, and immediately waved his hand when he heard what Gao Rourou said.

"I'm in a very bad mood right now. I'm not in the mood to think about these issues. Can you leave my room first? Now we're alone and widowed, and you're dressed like this, so others can see it. I can't tell. I'm fine, because this is my room anyway, and I'm a man, and you're a young girl, a big girl, and it's not suitable for you to do this."

Although Gao Rourou didn't speak, she walked towards Chen Kai step by step, and sat on his lap, still with an affectionate expression on her face.

Chen Kai's heart fluttered for a moment. He knew what soft jade was, but he had never hugged such a beautiful girl when he was half drunk and half awake.

In fact, the girls around Chen Kai are not ugly, they are all the one-in-a-million girls, and Chen Kai has shared the bed with many girls, but such intimate contact with girls who don't wear clothes I am afraid it is the first time.

If Chen Kai hadn't been drinking, he would have been rational enough to control himself and do another stay, but now Chen Kai really didn't have such confidence, he just felt that his heart was beating very fast, and even his brain was blank, except The bursts of fragrance smelled in the nose, and I couldn't feel anything.

Gao Rourou looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Don't think about anything now, and don't have any psychological burden. I only need you to promise me one condition, that is, after tonight, you can't be right with my brother, and Don't worry, I won't tell others about this, as you said, I'm a girl, and it's bad for my reputation to come to a man's bed in the middle of the night."

Chen Kai sighed with the last remaining rationality.

"You shouldn't be like this, especially in the current situation, the sacrifice you made is too great."

Even though I said that, because I couldn't move one hand at all, it was pressed down by Gao Rourou instead.

Gao Rourou kept teasing Chen Kai. Before, when Chen Kai was sharing the bed with a girl, he had never been through such a test. Even when he was outing with Qin Yue and Gao Rourou and living in the same tent, he had never had such a throbbing feeling. At that time, at least two girls were wearing clothes.

Maybe it was because of the effect of alcohol, or maybe it was because Chen Kai had suppressed it for too long, but he still couldn't stand the temptation after all, and had a relationship with Gao Rourou.

When he woke up the next morning, Chen Kai only felt a splitting headache, which was an inevitable symptom of a hangover. He sat up, clutched his head vigorously, shook his head and smiled wryly.

"I didn't expect that I could drink myself like this. Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise..."

He didn't say this, because suddenly there was a faint fragrance in the room, which was the unique smell of girls, and Chen Kai suddenly remembered what happened last night.

But now there was no one on the bed except himself—Gao Rourou had already left at some point, Chen Kai was inexplicably disappointed and couldn't help shouting.

"Gao Rourou? Rourou, where are you?"

No one answered him, Chen Kai knocked himself on the head vigorously.

"What's going on? Was it just a dream last night?"

(End of this chapter)

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