Chapter 482
When Gao Rourou heard that Gao Xiaotian was going to arrange for her to study abroad, she was instinctively disgusted.

"What are you thinking? I'm studying in college. Anyway, I have to wait until I graduate and study abroad when I'm a graduate student. How can I leave halfway here? I know you're rich, but you can't mess around Huh? I can’t go there and start freshman again, right?”

Gao Xiaotian frowned suddenly, but he still patiently explained.

"Don't think too much, so I told you just now that I arranged for you to study abroad. You know what the arrangement means. It means that you don't need to worry about everything. After you pass, you only need to Study hard and work hard to graduate, even if you fail to graduate, brother will arrange for you."

Gao Rourou became a little impatient, she knew that Gao Xiaotian was doing it for her own good, but it was for this reason that she couldn't agree so easily, because Gao Rourou wanted to prove herself with her own strength, not relying on what her family gave her. resource.

"I'd better think about this matter again. I know you must have spent a lot of thought on this matter, thank you."

Gao Xiaotian suddenly thought of another question. When he was on the phone, he had imagined how happy Gao Rourou would be when he heard the news, but he didn't expect such a result, which made him a little incomprehensible.

Thinking about it again in a blink of an eye, he felt that the only possibility was that Gao was threatened by Chen Kai, and he could clearly hear that Gao Rourou's voice was crying, obviously she was crying just now, or she is still crying now. Yu Shi immediately became anxious. He only had this younger sister, and of course he loved her very much.

"What's wrong with you? Did someone bully you? If this is the case, you have to tell brother, and brother will avenge you immediately, and you don't have to worry, I will go to where you are now, as long as there is me at your side……"

When Gao Rourou heard that Gao Xiaotian was coming, she was startled, and hurriedly refused.

"Brother, can you stop causing trouble for me? Everything is fine here. After you come here, if you let the students know that I have a brother who is a mess, they still don't know how to talk about me behind their backs."

Gao Xiaotian immediately raised his voice: "What are you talking about? Tell me the truth, is it because you were threatened by Chen Kai that you refused to come over? Don't worry, my brother is no longer the former Wu Xia Ameng. As long as I find Chen Kai, I will teach him a lesson immediately, let him know how salty it is, and how sour vinegar is."

This is what Gao Rourou is most afraid of, because as long as Gao Xiaotian doesn't come to the city where he lives, Chen Kai is safe. According to Chen Kai's current physical condition, it is impossible for the Qin family to let him go out, let alone let him leave the city to find Gao Xiaotian.

"Don't be impulsive..."

Gao Rourou didn't finish her sentence, because she suddenly found that Gao Xiaotian had hung up the phone.

Gao Rourou immediately became nervous and couldn't help muttering to herself.

"What should we do? We can't let the two of them meet. As soon as these two people meet, they will immediately beat you to death. Whether Chen Kai hurt Gao Xiaotian or let Gao Xiaotian hurt Chen Kai, she is not willing to see it, let alone She can take it."

"No, I have to tell Chen Kai quickly."

Thinking of this, regardless of Chen Kai's ruthlessness in hanging up the phone just now, he immediately found Chen Kai's phone number and dialed it.

When the phone was connected, she waited anxiously and patiently.

After waiting for a long time, the system's cold, emotionless voice came.

"The person you are calling is busy, please try again later."

Gao Rourou was speechless, thinking that she wanted to tell Chen Kai that it was very dangerous now, and for safety reasons, she had to find a place to hide quickly, because now his physical condition could not even protect himself, if his brother really came, he would be very There may be more than good.

But I didn't expect Chen Kai to hang up the phone. Gao Rourou was so anxious that she almost shed tears again.

"No, I have to tell him anyway, I can't just watch him die like this."

After making up her mind, Gao Rourou dialed the phone number again.

Chen Kai hung up the phone on purpose just now. When he saw the call from Gao Rourou, he instinctively thought that this time must be to persuade himself not to take revenge again, so he was very troubled.

Originally, because he had a skin-to-skin relationship with Gao Rourou last night, he was already in a state of turmoil. Now, apart from worrying about Gao Rourou's safety, he didn't want to hear from Gao Rourou's mouth that he should not take revenge.

"It's better for you girls to stay away from things like this kind of man, and never get involved, because you don't understand, and it's beyond your ability to stop it."

This sentence was just said by looking at the mobile phone on the table. Chen Kai was not sure if he could say these words in front of Gao Rourou. He really didn't know what to do. When the phone rang again, Chen Kai glanced Glancing at the screen on the phone, she found that it was still Gao Rourou calling.

Subconsciously hung up the phone again, thinking that this girl Gao Rourou is really persistent, originally thinking of hanging up twice, after all, repeating, not repeating, if people call me all the time, don't I can't say no to it.

Seeing that Chen Kai hung up the phone once, Gao Rourou felt even more anxious, thinking that she had to inform Chen Kai of the news no matter what.

She could have sent a short message, but then she thought that if Chen Kai didn't see her, wouldn't it be a waste of effort?Thinking about the importance of the matter, it seems too hasty to say it on the phone, let alone send a text message.

"Looks like I'm the only one going there myself."

Gao Rourou made up her mind, immediately packed up her books, and walked out of the classroom quickly.

The classmate looked at her in surprise: "Class is about to start, and roll call will be called later, isn't it a little unwise for you to skip class now?"

Gao Rourou stopped, looked at her classmates and let out a long sigh.

"I really have something to do now. If the teacher really calls the roll, you will promise me for me then."

This kind of thing often happens. Many students are unwilling to take classes on university campuses, because some classes are too boring.

There are even some classes where the attendance rate is not even half. It is often a classmate who agrees to roll call for several classmates.

It also made a lot of jokes.

Gao Rourou was not one of them at first, she and Qin Yue are both very good students, but now Gao Rourou is really in danger, so they both have to leave here.

It's not very close to the school gate. Gao Rourou walked for 15 minutes before reaching the school gate. Fortunately, she was lucky. Just as she walked out of the school gate, she saw a taxi approaching.

Gao Rourou immediately stopped the taxi and told the driver the address of Qin's villa.

The driver agreed, stepped on the accelerator and walked away.

The more Gao Rourou thought about it, the more frightened she became, knowing that Gao Xiaotian must have already started to leave. If Chen Kai and Gao Xiaotian meet, although Chen Kai's kidney injury is not that serious, but if it is really serious, it is very likely that both sides will suffer. Of course The greatest possibility is to die in the hands of Gao Xiaotian.

The taxi drove very fast, and it was not the peak period of traffic flow, so it didn't take long for Gao Rourou to arrive at the door of Qin's villa.

But she never thought that Chen Kai was not at home at all today, but went to the hospital to change gauze.

Of the few sisters in the Qin family, only Qin Yue attended classes at school, so she had to give up Chen Kai and go to the hospital together, while the remaining three sisters and Qin's mother had to accompany Chen Kai to change gauze.

Of course, on the one hand, it was because of the great concern in my heart, and on the other hand, I was also worried that Chen Kai would not be obedient. If only one person accompanied him, Chen Kai might not be able to hold him back. So after discussing with everyone for a while, we finally decided Let's go to the hospital together.

Now everyone is in the hospital, Gao Rourou rang the doorbell for a long time, but no one responded.

Gao Rourou stamped her feet anxiously: "Where did these people go? Isn't there someone at their house every day? Why didn't anyone come to open the door for me today? Could it be because Chen Kai deliberately told me that I was coming? Goodbye to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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