Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 487 Chen Kai Missing

Chapter 487 Chen Kai Missing
Gao Xiaotian stood up and turned around to leave.

Gao Rourou was taken aback, she knew that if Gao Xiaotian was angry now, if he left here, he would definitely go to find Chen Kai, and in a fit of rage, he might really kill him.

She immediately stood up in panic.

"What are you doing? Where are you going? Are you going to kill someone? You already have a murder case on your body. Even if you didn't do Gao Ming's death yourself, it is still to be blamed. Now it is a society ruled by law, you really want to do that?"

Gao Xiaotian looked at Gao Rourou coldly: "Society ruled by law? Do you know that in the capital your brother is the law, and Chen Kai dares to take advantage of my sister? If I don't kill him today, he doesn't know he can't be here Break ground on Tai Sui's head."

Gao Rourou was so anxious that tears fell again: "Even if you have a certain strength in the capital, this is Rongcheng, and Chen Kai has been operating here for a long time, not to mention the Qin Group. As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not suppress a local snake Let’s not say that Chen Kai’s body is inconvenient now, you’re not strong enough to win, even if it’s true that you killed him, do you think you can leave here?”

When Gao Xiaotian saw that his younger sister, whom he had grown up with since childhood, could actually speak for others, let alone the sense of loss in his heart.

"What do you mean? You still don't believe in your brother's strength? Let me tell you, I can cover the sky with one hand in Kyoto, which means I can do whatever I want in any piece of land in this country, not to mention that Chen Kai lied to me Sister, I have already had a sworn feud with him now, you should get out of the way now."

Gao Rourou stretched out her hands and closed her eyes tightly.

"If you really want to leave here, if you really want to kill Chen Kai, you have to kill me first. As long as I am here, I will never allow you to Shanghai Chen Kai."

Gao Xiaotian looked at Gao Rourou in shock, with an expression of disbelief.

"You mean, is Chen Kai more important to you than I am to you? I'm going to ask you this question now. Is it more important to me or Chen Kai?"

Gao Rourou's tears could not stop streaming down.

"Don't ask me such a naive question. I don't want you to kill people now, and I don't want you to be killed by others. You are my own brother. Our family is incomplete. In this world, you were originally my last love." People close to me, now that I know Chen Kai, I think both of you are equally important, and I don't want to see either of you get hurt."

Although Gao Xiaotian was mentally prepared for the answer to the question, he was still furious when Gao Rourou said it himself.

He couldn't help raising his hand: "Say it again? I'm your brother. Now you say that an outsider is as important as your brother. Who do you think your brother is?"

Gao Rourou looked at Gao Xiaotian with a choked voice: "I've said it just now, I don't want you to kill people, and I don't want others to kill you, even if you bring a few people with you, do you think the Qin Group is easy to mess with? "

Gao Xiaotian has been walking around the rivers and lakes for a long time, and he understands better than anyone the truth that a strong dragon will not overwhelm a local snake, but he is still unconvinced. Gao Ming is dead, and it was he who planned it. She knows that Gao Ming has a good brother who is Chen Kai. , I also know the truth that cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates.

If he didn't kill Chen Kai now, he would regret it when Chen Kai came to make trouble for him.

For his own safety and to protect his family, he had no choice but to choose to cross the river with a fierce dragon and act first.

But it's inconvenient to tell Gao Rourou this truth on this occasion. I thought that Gao Rourou should understand this kind of truth after she went to university, but she didn't expect the two siblings to be in such an embarrassing situation.

He didn't know whether Gao Rourou was pretending not to understand, or if she really loved Chen Kai's madly, so she didn't want to understand.

Gao Xiaotian raised his hand in the air and finally did not fall down, looking at Gao Rourou with great heartache.

"Sister, I really don't know why you have become like this. You make me feel so strange. You are no longer as lively and cute as you used to be in my eyes."

Gao Rourou has already burst into tears: "You still say that I have changed? You take off faster? Become more unbelievable? My brother is an upright man, not a murderer!"

She wiped her tears violently: "Now that Gao Ming is dead, you have got what you want, so you should stay away from the fights in the rivers and lakes. Why did you come all the way to this place to kill people?"

Gao Xiaotian suddenly realized that this place was in a coffee shop, the conversation between the two brothers and sisters was likely to be overheard by the waiter, and once he notified the police station, he might be summoned and investigated. Although he was not afraid, this was after all a trouble.

So he lowered his voice and warned: "Don't bite the murderer one by one, don't you really want your brother to get involved?"

Gao Rourou also suddenly realized her gaffe, but deliberately quibbled.

"Didn't you say that you can cover the sky with one hand? Why are you afraid now?"

Gao Xiaotian was so choked by this sentence that he couldn't speak.

Gao Rourou looked at him with a painful face: "It's almost enough, you have to forgive others and forgive others. There is no deep hatred between you and Chen Kai. If you don't trouble him, I will persuade you here. Maybe it will turn the big thing into a small one, and a small thing into a small one.”

Gao Rourou didn't finish this sentence, because Gao Xiaotian had left angrily.

Gao Rourou woke up and wanted to grab it, but it was too late. Gao Xiaotian walked out of the coffee shop, got into the car that had already parked here, stepped on the accelerator and drove off.

Gao Rourou immediately chased her out, but when she reached the door, Gao Xiaotian had already disappeared.

Gao Rourou stamped her feet anxiously, and hurriedly took out her mobile phone to call Qin Yue.

At this moment, Mother Qin and the four sisters are discussing how to deal with Gao Xiaotian.

Qin Yue's cell phone rang suddenly.

Qin's mother was startled: "Did Gao Rourou call?"

Qin Yue took out her mobile phone and glanced at the caller ID, then nodded silently.

Qin's mother hurriedly urged: "Then what are you waiting for? You still haven't answered the phone? Now only Gao Rourou knows his brother's whereabouts clearly, and is more concerned about Chen Kai. If you call at this time, there must be important news to inform .”

Qin Yue knew that the matter was of great importance, so she connected the phone immediately.

"Rourou, what's the matter?"

Gao Rourou also didn't care about the image of a lady, and shouted heartbreakingly on the phone.

"I just met my brother, and our chat broke down. Now he is very impulsive. Don't let him find Chen Kai, otherwise, something that we all don't want to see will happen."

Qin Yue immediately became anxious: "What's going on? Don't you speak very clearly? Why are you so incoherent now? Why did you talk to your brother and talk about it? What did you talk about?"

Gao Rourou was anxious and at a loss, shouting hysterically.

"Qin Yue, when is this? Are you still telling me if it's clear? You're in my state now. I'm afraid you're even more excited than me. My brother is very impulsive now. He'll be so excited when he sees Chen Kai." Do it immediately, and I beg you, just let him not hurt Chen Kai, and you must not hurt my brother, if my brother loses a hair, I will never end with you."

Qin Yue sighed for a long time: "Thank you for calling me, but your request is a bit too much, we will try not to hurt him as much as possible, but once the two sides really fight, what will happen? Could it be that you and I can control it?"

Gao Rourou is not in the mood to dwell on these issues any longer.

"I'm going to hang up first, you should quickly notify Chen Kai and let him transfer."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Qin Yue looked at Qin's mother worriedly.

"Is Chen Kai still in the room now?"

Qin's mother shook her head lightly: "It should still be there. Wasn't he still sleeping in the room when we came out?"

Qin Yue was so anxious that she was about to cry: "Then I'll tell him quickly, this matter is no small matter."

After speaking, he ran upstairs and pushed Chen Kai's room away.

Then there was a scream.

Qin's mother and several other sisters rushed up immediately.

Then I saw an incredible scene - the room was empty, and Chen Kai had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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