Chapter 495
Chen Kai said that the surveillance was originally meant to scare people, but now seeing the virtue of the little boy's father, he immediately concluded that the child's parents must have known about it, and it wasn't the boss's son's fault at all. Wouldn't it be too cheap for them to leave school like this?
Thinking of this, Chen Kai suddenly shouted.


The little boy's father shivered violently, but when he turned his face, he turned into a smile, but this smile made Chen Kai feel extremely disgusted.

"If you just leave like this, wouldn't this matter become a mess? I think it's better to call out the monitoring. If you insist on refusing, it means that you have ghosts in your hearts. The boss paid for the medical expenses? If it was your fault, shouldn't we also ask you to pay for the medical expenses?"

The little boy's father's face became extremely ugly, but he still smiled reluctantly.

"I don't think this matter should be taken so seriously. The children occasionally have some quarrels. Isn't that normal? Let's adults don't follow in it and affect the friendship of the children. After all, we are all classmates. , class in the same classroom every day, looking down and not looking up, if it gets too stiff, it may not be appropriate, I think this matter will be left as it is."

Chen Kai snorted again: "Why didn't you say this before the boss's son jumped off the building? If you hadn't been so persistent all the time, if it weren't for the collusion between you and the little girl's parents, how could it be possible?" It has evolved to this result, if a big mistake is caused, this is a human life, can you live with your conscience?"

Chen Kai became more and more angry as he spoke, and started to walk towards the little boy's father, while the other hand that could move also clenched his fist, wanting to teach them a little lesson and let them remember it.

The little boy's father and brothers had already realized how powerful he was. They knew that even if the two of them worked together, they couldn't beat Chen Kai, and they would most likely be beaten to the point of blowing their heads and turning into a horrible sight.

Seeing Chen Kai approaching step by step at this moment, they also pulled the little boy back step by step.

The little boy's father looked at the teacher for help.

Although the female teacher felt that it was inappropriate for Chen Kai to do something, but the little boy's father was really abominable, and he really deserved a lesson, so under the two contradictory emotions, she didn't say a word.

The boss and his wife felt that it would be better to accept it as soon as they found it. You, the boss, walked up to Chen Kai and let out a long sigh.

"I think it's better to forget it. This matter has nothing to do with you. If you fight today, they will definitely let them hold a grudge and find a chance to trouble you again. We don't want to see such a thing happen."

Chen Kai looked at the boss with some surprise: "You don't have to worry about me, are you worried that if I teach them a lesson, your son will have a harder time at school? Their children will bully your children even more? If that's the case , you can rest assured, because this time I will let them know that Prince Ma has three eyes on his head."

The proprietress also came over to persuade him: "Let's forget it. My son jumped off the building just now, which made me understand a lot of things. He really forgives and forgives others. Thank you for your rescue just now."

As he spoke, tears flowed out again.

The little boy's father and uncle saw Chen Kai stop, and fled while holding the little boy's hand like amnesty.

There were three people missing in the scene, leaving only the teacher and Chen Kai, the little girl's parents, and the noodle shop owner and his wife.

The little girl's parents also had some embarrassment on their faces. They saw that the little boy's father was so afraid of Chen Kai, and they also thought that Chen Kai was sad, maybe because of kung fu, and they were very worried that Chen Kai would rush over to deal with him.

The little girl's mother pinched her husband hard.

The little girl's father immediately came to his senses, and looked at Chen Kai with a big smile on his face.

"You see, I'm really sorry that this incident happened. We didn't understand the situation. It was the little boy's father who spoke so convincingly that we couldn't believe it. I'm really sorry for what happened just now."

Chen Kai stared at him coldly, and finally sighed softly.

"I don't understand why parents like you can educate such a good daughter. How wonderful what the little girl said just now? Don't you parents feel blush when you hear it? Have you ever thought about it? What kind of example did you set?"

The little girl's parents repeatedly said that they only hoped that this matter would end as soon as possible, and they vowed in their hearts that they would not get involved in this kind of thing in the future, unless the little girl was really wronged. When a girl encounters something brave, it is better for the bully and the nosy to fight each other.

Seeing that the matter was finally over, the female teacher also let out a long sigh of relief. In her heart, she had already seen the degree of gnashing of teeth for the little boy's father.

Although they were also the parents of her own students, their behavior was really abominable. They almost made the students in her class commit suicide by jumping off the building. If the boss's child really died, how would she explain to the parents?
It also occurred to her that she had done something wrong in this matter. In fact, this matter was not complicated. She had heard about what kind of little boy was in class, but she never took it seriously.

Because every school and even every class has some mischievous students, and the little boy is just a little naughty. The female teacher never expected that there would be such an incident as campus bullying.

This matter could have been investigated before the parents were called. The three people were called to the office to inquire carefully.

But once the parents are called, things become a little complicated, because the bullying child sees his father coming. On the one hand, he has confidence in his heart, thinking that the parents will definitely not let him be wronged, and on the other hand, he also has concerns. I was afraid that if I told the truth, I would be beaten again when I went home.

The female teacher wanted to understand this, and secretly regretted it in her heart, thinking that she should not be so reckless when dealing with similar matters in the future, but now that the boss and the boss's wife have suffered such a big grievance, she should express it no matter what.

So he smiled apologetically at the boss and his wife.

"I'm really sorry about today's incident. I'm responsible for the incident. Fortunately, the child is safe and sound. In order to express my apology, I would like to treat you to a meal."

After speaking, he turned his attention to Chen Kai: "And this gentleman, I don't know what relationship you have with this child, but if it wasn't because of your help just now, the consequences would be unimaginable, so I hope you can participate in today's dinner."

Chen Kai looked up at the sky, and felt that it took too long to come out. He didn't know that the sisters of the Qin family had already found out that he was not there, let alone that the sisters of the Qin family were going crazy looking for him now.

I just felt that if the Qin family found out that I had escaped, it would be difficult to explain, so I shook my head lightly.

"Isn't it necessary to eat? Now that things here are old, I think I should go home."

Saying goodbye to the noodle shop owner and his wife.

The owner of the noodle shop didn't even wait for him to speak, but said with a warm smile.

"I also just want to thank you. You are my child's savior, so today's meal must be eaten anyway. Of course, if you think we are not qualified to sit at the same table with you for dinner, then be I didn't say anything, we still have to thank you."

This has already been said for this sake, Chen Kai knew that today's matter might not be postponed, so he had no choice but to smile lightly.

"Look what you're talking about? I'm just an ordinary person. It's my honor that you are willing to invite me to dinner. The reason why I wanted to refuse just now is really because I have been out for too long."

The proprietress also took over the conversation: "You didn't finish the bowl of noodles in the store just now, you must be hungry now, even if you have something important to do, you still have to fill your stomach, so don't refuse .”

(End of this chapter)

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