Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 50 You still want to run

Chapter 50 You still want to run
Chen Kai, who was angry, was full of worries and had nowhere to vent his anger. Fortunately, these people rushed forward without fear of death.

Squinting his eyes to look at the group of people rushing madly, the slight cool breeze blowing the hair on his temples, and the dead leaves fell on his shoulders, but he didn't seem to notice it.

Qin Yue, who was having a petty temper, also came to her senses at this moment. Seeing those little bastards holding weapons and shouting at them, although she was always more courageous than others, it didn't mean she wasn't afraid of death.

"so many people!"

Are you kidding me?
Covering her mouth subconsciously, she had even forgotten that at this time, perhaps running away was the best choice.

She looked aside angrily, Xu Wei, who had nothing to do with herself, was hanging high.

Even if I was angry just now, but what he said doesn't mean I didn't hear it.

"Xu Wei, you despicable and shameless person actually used such low-handed methods!"

After stamping her feet, Qin Yue roared angrily.

However, Xu Wei spread his hands with an innocent look on his face.This appearance almost killed Qin Yue.

"Now you know you've been tricked!"

Chen Kai snorted coldly, walked briskly, his eyes turned cold, and with the flash of his fist, a fierce tiger seemed to appear behind him.

In an instant, the powerful kingly aura oppressed everyone present, as if an invisible big hand had stuck their throats.

Before everyone had time to see his moves clearly, or even understand what happened in this short moment, they were punched to the ground, bleeding from the corner of their mouths, unable to move.

"This thin guy is so good at fighting!"

The punks were shocked.

At any rate, they also came out to play in their teens, even if they have no culture, they still have some real skills.

But just now, they were knocked down by this weak-looking little boy, and they didn't even see his moves clearly?

When they reacted, severe pain pervaded their bodies, and everyone fell to the ground in extremely strange postures.That kind of strange shape is impossible for normal people to make. Obviously, they all have broken bones!

Their terrified eyes didn't seem to make any waves in Chen Kai's eyes. If he didn't want to kill them all with one move, he wouldn't use his special skill 'Wing Chun' to teach these little bastards a lesson.

'Wing Chun' is his exclusive skill, whether it is in the Jianghu, or in the martial arts cheats of a family, it can be regarded as an unrivaled secret martial arts.

Coupled with the fact that his innate strength is superior to that of ordinary people, these little gangsters who usually do evil, in his eyes at this moment, they are vulnerable ants.

Squeezing them to death is just a matter of minutes.

The whole process lasted less than a minute, and fifty or sixty punks fell to the ground crookedly and howling.

"Will you bet and admit defeat?"

Chen Kai spoke coldly, without any emotion in his voice.

As long as there is a little gangster who dares to say dissatisfaction at this time, he will be able to make all of them dare not say the word dissatisfaction in the future.

"Convince, we are convinced, we lost!"

At this time, the arrogant little bastard, how dare he refuse to accept it?

He had seen this man's outrageous martial arts with his own eyes just now, unless they really didn't want to live anymore!

"Forgive me, brother, we don't want to kill you. It's... it's him!"

The little gangster had an idea and pointed at Xu Wei who was hiding behind and trying to reduce his sense of existence.

"He instigated all of this. He said that as long as we cut you down, he would give us 10 yuan."

"We were also blinded by money for a while, so we did such a thing. We knew we were wrong, and we dare not do it again, big brother!"

The little gangster knelt in front of Chen Kai, crying with snot and tears.

At this time, as long as they can survive, crossing rivers and demolishing bridges is just ordinary for them, and it can no longer be ordinary.

What's more, Xu Wei doesn't necessarily treat them very well at ordinary times. He just treats them as running dogs. If that's the case, why bother to loyally work for him?
"Third son, you dare to betray me. When I go back, I will never let you go!"

Xu Wei, who was betrayed, saw that his subordinate Wu Lao San dared to betray him in front of his face, and was gnashing his teeth in anger.

Hiding aside, preparing to sneak away, a small stone suddenly broke his knee and fell to his knees.

And the small stone fell beside Xu Wei impartially, a pebble the size of a thumb.

"Did I let you go?"

Chen Kai looked up at Xu Wei, did he really think he didn't know what he was doing?

He didn't clean him up, it's just that he wasn't free for the time being. Did he really think he didn't hear what he just said?
The knee was in severe pain. Even if the injury was not visible at this time, Xu Wei could still feel the piece of flesh hit by the stone. It must have been swollen at this time.

The weirdest thing was that he didn't know what magic power that stone had, so he couldn't even stand up at this time?The knee seemed to be useless, unable to exert any force.

Don't look at Xu Wei who is struggling in vain, because Chen Kai knows that it is impossible for him to stand up, and he has no chance to escape.

"Have you seen it with your own eyes now?"

"Can you understand why I didn't let you come over?"

Frowning, Chen Kai looked at the evasive woman in front of him with complicated eyes.

"Today, Xu Wei didn't ask us to come here just to watch a play, but you fell into his trick."

"Don't you know how dangerous the situation was just now? Do you think you can solve so many people with a few bodyguards?"

He was really angry at this woman's wayward behavior. How could she not put her own safety first?
Holding his forehead with both hands, he was so angry that he had a headache.

"If something happens to you tonight, what should the eldest sister, second sister, and third sister do? How should I explain to them? How should you explain to them?"

Spreading his hands, he looked at Qin Yue and motioned for her to give himself an explanation.

After the fierce fight just now, Qin Yue has already understood her mistake, but now facing the man's fierce questioning, she just felt her throat choked up and couldn't say a word.

"Wow wow wow ~"

Just when the atmosphere became tense, the bell of the police car rang rapidly, and the red and blue lights kept flashing.

Someone called the police!
Chen Kai frowned, and after glancing at Qin Yue, he turned and looked at the policewoman who was walking towards them.

"We received reports from the masses that gangs were fighting in the arena on campus!"

The female policeman looked around. In the huge arena, only Chen Kai and the girl next to him were standing, and everyone else fell to the ground grumbling.

(End of this chapter)

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