Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 504 Visiting the Divine Doctor

Chapter 504 Visiting the Divine Doctor
Chen Kai looked at Qiao Zique with some surprise. He can now trust Qiao Zique's sincerity. Not to mention whether his grandfather has the ability to deal with his own injury. Let's not talk about internal strength now, just let his arm be faster , it is already incredible.

Chen Kai doesn't know much about medicine, but he also knows that it takes a hundred days to hurt his muscles and bones, and it has only been ten days since the operation. Even if Qiao Zique's grandfather is really a miracle doctor, what can he do to make him suffer How about getting better soon?
If this is really the case, this apprentice is really not in vain, and this time he acted bravely for a righteous cause, which is considered an unexpected reward.

But Chen Kai was really skeptical.

Qiao Zique saw that Chen Kai didn't believe it, so he sighed softly.

"You won't believe what I say now, but seeing is believing and hearing is believing, so you must follow me to find my grandpa now, as long as you see my grandpa, you will believe it."

Because of the experience with Qin Xiang last time, Chen Kai was really not too impressed with this kind of extraterrestrial expert, but Qiao Zique had a sincere look on his face, not to mention that he was a rural female teacher, so he probably wouldn't How bad is it? If he is a bad person, how can he come to teach in such a remote place?

Seeing that Chen Kai was still hesitating, Qiao Zique couldn't wait any longer.

"Let's not waste time here, you should hurry up and walk with me, and the road will take a while to walk on the mountain road, if you wait until dark to start the road, I'm afraid it will be even more difficult to go."

The boss and the proprietress of the noodle shop also saw Chen Kai's hesitation, and the boss coughed lightly again.

"Since the teacher is so sincere, you should go and see it together. If your illness can be cured, of course there is nothing better. Even if it can't be cured, at least you have to try it."

Chen Kai nodded, feeling that what the noodle shop owner said made sense.

Seeing Chen Kai's affirmation, Qiao Zique's eyes lit up.

"It's not too late, you follow me quickly."

The couple of the steel pipe boss smiled apologetically.

"Because we have to go back to open a store, this has delayed our business for a long time, and we can't delay our online business, so we can't go with you."

Qiao Zique didn't even think about inviting them to go, but now that the noodle shop owner and his wife have said that they don't want to go, they don't have to think of reasons to shirk them.

So he stroked the little boy's hair with his hands: "When you get back, do your homework carefully, and I will check it tomorrow."

The little boy nodded heavily, turned around, and looked at Chen Kai expectantly.

"Uncle, you must count on what you promised me, but you must not count on what you say."

Chen Kai smiled and was about to speak when Qiao Zique took over.

"Don't worry, even if uncle refuses to teach you, the teacher will not agree."

Chen Kai smiled awkwardly, thinking that what he promised just now was really too fast. Although he said that he would call him whenever he was free, do he have such time in a short time?
Gao Xiaotian's affairs haven't been dealt with yet, and it's really too long since he came out today, and he didn't say anything to the family. Will the family be in a hurry?

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that it would be better to go another day, but Qiao Zique had already taken Chen Kai's hand and left the hotel.

Chen Kai thought to himself that now that he has come to this point, he might as well stop looking at it. If he can really heal his arm, then there will be one less thing to worry about. As for internal strength and other things, he will slowly think of a way in the future.

What's more, Qiao Zique said that her grandfather is a miracle doctor, maybe he also solved the problem of internal strength while treating her own arm, and that would be the real life of this trip.

Because the owner of this restaurant had said before that Chen Kai and the others were invited to this table, so the owner and the proprietress saw that Chen Kai had really followed the teacher, so they hurriedly followed, and said goodbye to each other at the door. leave.

Qiao Zique really led Chen Kai to the mountain road. Chen Kai was very curious about why a young girl walked the mountain road so familiarly, so he couldn't help asking.

"I see that you are very familiar with walking. Do you often take this road?"

Qiao Zique obviously heard Chen Kai's implication, and smiled faintly.

"Actually, I lived in the mountains when I was young, but I left after I went to university. After graduating from university, because I couldn't worry about my grandfather, I went directly to the countryside to teach."

Chen Kai nodded secretly. He didn't expect Qiao Zique to be so filial. He was used to seeing too many children from the countryside in the city. After they came out, he never wanted to go back to live a hard life. Most of them are just in the countryside. Although the conditions are not as good as those in the cities, they are not much worse.

Qiao Zique actually finished college, and returned to the countryside with this mood, which made Chen Kai have a more intuitive understanding of her, and felt that his previous understanding was a little sorry for her.

The two chatted while walking, as the so-called men and women match, work is not tiring, and walking on the path in the mountains with such a young and beautiful girl, Chen Kai's mood also became happier.

Qiao Zique told many interesting stories about his youth on the road, and Chen Kai listened quietly, and occasionally added a sentence or two. He was originally good at eloquence, and Qiao Zique was a very talkative person, so the more he talked, the more he talked. The happier you are.

Chen Kai was already a little tired after walking for so long because he couldn't move one arm and had no internal strength. Can't see the color of fatigue.

Hearing that Chen Kai's breathing was a little short, Qiao Zique turned around with a smile.

"are you tired?"

Chen Kai immediately shook his head resolutely: "What are you talking about? No girl feels tired, how can she feel tired?"

Qiao Zique smiled sweetly and looked at Chen Kai.

"I know that your martial arts are very good. I saw you hit several times by yourself, but you may be injured, so you can't keep up physically, and you are not used to this kind of mountain road, so even if you say you are tired I won't laugh at you either."

As he spoke, he suddenly sighed again: "I have been familiar with walking this road since I was a child. To be honest, I also feel a little tired after walking so far, but I thought you must be more tired than me, so I have never walked Rest, because waiting for you to say it first, I happened to borrow the donkey, but if I say it first, you will suspect that I am not a person who lives in the mountains."

I was taken aback in my heart, I didn't expect Qiao Zique to be so thoughtful.

Qiao Zique went on to say: "A little further ahead, there is a very clean big rock, I think we should rest there."

Chen Kai nodded silently and quickened his pace.

"Then let's go quickly, we don't know how far we have to go yet."

Qiao Zique immediately said, "It shouldn't be that far away. It takes about 20 minutes to walk. My grandfather's place is only 40 minutes away from the school by mountain road."

As he spoke, he quickened his pace and followed Chen Kai.

After walking for another three or four minutes, I saw a very clean big stone, lying here like a natural stone bed, and I don't know how long it has been.

Qiao Zique ran over excitedly and sat on the stone.

"I didn't lie to you, did I?"

Chen Kai could only nod silently, and sat on the other side with a smile.

The two of them walked for so long, and they were already sweating. It was the wind blowing up the stone from the cooperation, and Chen Kaijiao felt very comfortable.

The faint fragrance from Qiao Zique's body spread into Chen Kai's nose, which made Chen Kai a little fascinated, and suddenly felt that it was a good choice to live in seclusion in the mountains and not care about the world's affairs.

But he also knew that according to the current situation, this wish might not be fulfilled, because the four sisters of the Qin family couldn't leave him alone, and the matter of Gao Xiaotian was still waiting to be resolved by himself.

He thought about it, and couldn't help but be dazzled.

Qiao Zique's voice pulled him out of his thoughts and back to reality.

"It's almost time to rest, let's hurry up."

Chen Kai regained his composure, and nodded silently.

"Then let's go."

(End of this chapter)

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