Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 506 Change Your Mind

Chapter 506 Change Your Mind
Qiao Zique was originally wondering what grandpa and Chen Kai were talking about, but after hearing these conversations, she immediately understood in her heart.

She was very moved. People are going to die sooner or later. It's not that she doesn't understand this truth, but it's still hard to accept that grandpa left her like this. Although it didn't happen in three or two days, Qiao Zique knew that the old man had I am very old, and I probably won't live for ten or eight years.

In this world, she only has her grandfather as a family member. If he really leaves, then she will be left alone. Although she has developed a heart of admiration for Chen Kai, she never thought that he would feel a little bit towards her. nothing.

But listening to what grandpa said, if Chen Kai refused to agree to take care of him, or to put it bluntly, if Chen Kai refused to marry him as his wife, grandpa would not help him recover his skills.

She stood at the door for a long time. She never heard what Chen Kai and the old man said later. It wasn't that the two stopped talking, but that she really didn't have the heart to listen any more. She made a very bold move. The decision was so bold that she was taken aback.

Chen Kai looked at the old man with a troubled expression.

"Thank you for your love. I really can't agree to this matter. To be honest, I already have a marriage contract, and the old man doesn't want me to be a back-and-forth person, right?"

The old man was a little surprised and stared at Chen Kai intently.

He wanted to see if Chen Kai was lying, but Chen Kai's face was sincere, and he didn't look like he was lying at all.

The old man thought again in a blink of an eye, Chen Kai is undoubtedly a very good young man, and it is normal for a young man like this to be arranged for marriage by his family early.

I had to sigh a long time: "Then there is no way, but I still want to remind you, you must think carefully, you really don't need to answer me so early, anyway, you will have to answer tomorrow at the soonest." I left just to take advantage of this evening to think about it, it's getting late now, go back and rest."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Zique turned around and left quietly.

If grandpa finds himself standing at the door and eavesdropping, it will embarrass everyone, and there is no way to implement the decision he just made.

When Chen Kai came out, there was no one outside, and the surroundings were quiet.

Chen Kai took a deep breath, and slowly approached the room he had prepared for himself. The bedding on the bed was all new. Although the bamboo house was old, it was cleaned very clean.

There is a faint fragrance of bamboo in the nose, which makes people feel refreshed.

Chen Kai was not in the mood to appreciate the quietness of the room, but lay on the bed with all his clothes on, his heart was in a mess.

For a while, he thought about the scenes that Qin Xiang called and said, what actions Gao Xiaotian would take, and how the Qin Group should respond.

For a while, I couldn't help but think about what I should do. Is it to make compromises in order to restore my skills, or is it really just to reject this old man?
He knows better than anyone else what kind of consequences he will face if he refuses the old man's request, and he has already discussed these clearly in the house. This is a family that specializes in treating the disappearance of internal energy, and this The old man is likely to be the only one alive in this world.

He was dizzy thinking about it, and finally decided to stop thinking about it, turned over and fell asleep.

But because he had something on his mind after all, and because he was a little unaccustomed to a new place, Chen Kai didn't fall asleep.

He vaguely heard the door of the room being opened.

Chen Kai suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed.

The person standing at the door was startled, turned around and was about to exit.

Chen Kai had already recognized her, and lowered his voice to call.

"Qiao Zique."

This person is of course Qiao Zique.

Seeing that Chen Kai had recognized her, she had no choice but to stop.

Chen Kai looked at her suspiciously: "It's so late and you don't sleep, why did you come to my room?"

Qiao Zique sighed with resentment.

"Actually, I already understood what you and grandpa were talking about in the room. I hope you can pretend to promise my grandpa and let him treat your illness."

Chen Kai didn't expect Qiao Zique to say such words. Of course, he understood Qiao Zique's feelings for him, and he was inexplicably moved.

Qiao Zique slowly continued.

"Actually, to tell you the truth, I have a good impression of you, because there are really not many young people like you. I usually teach in the school, and the people I contact are really limited. They are not colleagues in the school. It's the parents of the children."

Chen Kai believed this. He knew that the circle of faculty and staff was really small, but he didn't know why Qiao Zique told himself this.

Qiao Zique saw Chen Kai's confusion, so he continued to explain.

"What I just mean is that I haven't met any other young people. Although there were some outstanding boys when I was in college, I'm not interested in them. Today I heard my grandfather say that he Not many, and he also said that I am the person he cares about the most, and I don’t want him to have any regrets.”

Talking and watching with affection, Chen Kai approached the edge of his bed step by step.

Chen Kai hurriedly stopped her.

"You must not be impulsive. Since you have already said this, I will say what I have. I am very grateful for your favor. I don't think I am a gentleman. I can have a one-night stand." Accepted, but the proposal you just mentioned is almost equivalent to playing with feelings, and I really can't do it."

Qiao Zique looked at Chen Kai in surprise. She was confident in her appearance and figure. She originally thought that no matter what kind of man he was, as long as he offered to embrace him, the other party would never reject him. reason.

What's more, Chen Kai is a vigorous young man, and he shouldn't have any concentration, but she doesn't know that Chen Kai has done Liu Xiahui many times before.

So I didn't react for a while, just stood there stupidly

Chen Kai sighed softly, and looked at her with an apologetic face.

"I'm really sorry, I failed your kindness, but it's for your own good. It's getting late now. It's not appropriate for you to stay in my room in the middle of the night. You'd better go back to sleep soon. Let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

An anxious look appeared in Qiao Zique's eyes.

"But if you don't agree, my grandfather won't treat you. Don't you think it's a pity?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "I really feel it's a pity, and it's a very painful thing for me, but I still don't want to do this kind of thing, it will make you unhappy all your life , I will also feel guilty, so what if I recover my skills?"

Qiao Zique stared at Chen Kai stupidly, tears streaming down suddenly.

What should be said has already been said, Qiao Zique has no intention of leaving, Chen Kai can't say anything more.

The two stared at each other quietly for an unknown amount of time.

Qiao Zique finally sighed softly: "In this case, you can rest."

Then he turned and left Chen Kai's room.

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, and lay down on the bed again, unable to sleep anymore.

Chen Kai didn't sleep for a while until the sound of the rooster crowing could be heard from afar.

When he woke up, it was already high in the sun, Chen Kai was a little apologetic, feeling that he got up too late, so he hurriedly got up to wash up.

The old man had already got up, and when he saw Chen Kai coming out of the room, he said happily.

"I knew you probably didn't sleep well, so I didn't call you."

Chen Kai nodded apologetically: "I changed to a new bed, and I can't sleep well."

The old man looked at him meaningfully: "There is no need to say so much, I will heal your internal strength now."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Kai almost didn't react. He looked at the old man in surprise and thought to himself that I didn't agree to your conditions. Why did you change your mind after one night?
Seeing Chen Kaimu standing in place, the old man waved and urged.

"What are you still standing there for? Why don't you come here quickly, don't you want to recover your internal strength?"

(End of this chapter)

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