Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 511 Relentless pursuit

Chapter 511 Relentless pursuit
"This is my phone number, please keep it, don't worry, even if it is to cure my illness, I will definitely come back to visit the old man."

Knowing that no matter what, Qiao Zique could not keep Chen Kai, so she took the note with tears in her eyes and nodded silently.

"Then you must take care of yourself."

Chen Kai also felt a little sad at the moment, and hastily turned his head away, not daring to look directly into Qiao Zique's eyes, for fear that tears would fall uncontrollably.

"You too, remember what I said, you must call me if you encounter any danger."

He left without looking back.

He still had money with him, and when he reached the main road, he immediately hailed a taxi and rushed to the Qin family villa in a hurry.

After walking to the door, Chen Kai suddenly felt a strange aura in the villa. He faintly felt that the villa was too quiet, as if it didn't look like someone lived in it. Chen Kai was really worried, so he quickly He walked to the door of the villa step by step, took out the key and opened the door of the villa.

He was immediately stunned by the scene in front of him, because the empty room verified his guess, and there was no one in the room.

If it is said that the Qin family has already gone out, why even the originally employed nanny has disappeared?

Chen Kai suddenly had an ominous premonition, and immediately picked up the landline to call Qin Xiang.

When Qin Xiang saw the caller ID, it turned out to be her own phone number, she was also taken aback in her heart, and immediately thought that Chen Kai might be back, so she hurriedly connected the call, and before Chen Kai had time to speak, she called reprimanded.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I say that I won't let you come back? Why are you so disobedient? What if you encounter any danger?"

Chen Kai coughed softly: "Did you know that I came back before I spoke?"

Qin Xiang rolled her eyes angrily: "Of course you're back, if it's someone sent by Gao Xiaotian..."

Speaking of this, she suddenly couldn't continue, because if it was really someone sent by Gao Xiaotian, she might also use the landline to call herself.

Chen Kai was not in the mood to think why Qin Xiang didn't continue, and immediately asked the doubts in his heart.

"Why is there no one at home? Where did you all go, and what happened to make your whole family hide?"

Only then did Qin Xiang regain her senses: "Don't ask any more questions, the house is very unsafe now, you should leave there quickly."

Chen Kai also became anxious: "If you don't tell me what happened, I'll just stay at home and not go anywhere. If Gao Xiaotian comes, let him come. I don't believe that he has three heads and six arms. At worst, I will die with him."

Qin Xiang's anxious tears almost flowed out.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Nothing happened to us, just to avoid any danger to our sisters, so we had to temporarily move to a safe place as a last resort."

Chen Kai was a little suspicious and couldn't help asking.

"You didn't lie to me?"

Qin Xiang's voice immediately raised an octave: "When is this, am I still in the mood to joke with you? And to tell you the truth, it's not my own idea, but my mother's. If you If you don’t believe me, I will call my mother right now and ask her to tell you in person.”

Only then did Chen Kai really believe it, but if he left here, where would he go?
Could it be that he went back to the mountains to let Qiao Zique's grandfather treat him?
In that case, I really can't rest assured here.

He sighed helplessly: "Where are you now? I finally came back. Even if I really have to leave, at least we have to meet each other, right?"

Qin Xiang was silent for a while, then asked suddenly.

"Don't you still believe what I said?"

Chen Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "It's not like this at all, okay? I really want to see you, and I can make sure that you are safe and sound with my own eyes, so I can leave with peace of mind."

Qin Xiang murmured in dissatisfaction: "I said so much, but I still didn't believe it. Anyway, I have to tell you sooner or later, so come here now."

Qin Xiang told Chen Kai her address, Chen Kai knew that place, it was not too far away, and the taxi would arrive there in half an hour.

Chen Kai nodded, hung up the phone immediately, and walked out of the gate of the villa, but when he just locked the door and turned around again, he suddenly found a circle of people surrounded him at some point.

Chen Kai was a little surprised, and immediately thought that these people might be Gao Xiaotian's people. They couldn't find the Qin family sisters, so they have been waiting here all this time. They must have found out when he came, but they deliberately stayed put. I want to know if there are still people in the Qin family villa.

Chen Kairen stared at the group of people in front of him.

"My brothers are very patient."

A fat man with big ears stood up and responded.

"Don't talk nonsense, we have been waiting for you for two days. The emperor has paid off, and finally let us wait for you. Now you have to catch your hands and go with us to the eldest brother, so as not to suffer from flesh and blood."

Chen Kai didn't speak, but carefully observed if there was any place to leave. He hadn't recovered his internal strength yet, so it was really a risky thing to deal with so many people alone.

It would be great if he could escape for his own life after being punched three times and twice kicked, but Chen Kai was worried that he would not be able to resist in the end and would be captured alive by them. The humiliation was really beyond his ability to bear.

"There is nothing shameful about a good man not taking immediate losses, but running away if he can't beat him."

Thinking of this, Chen Kai nodded secretly.

"Really? You have been waiting for me for two days, but do you think I came back alone? How many people are there? Twenty or thirty people at most? Do you think you can really get me back?" captured alive?"

The fat man snorted again: "Don't play tricks, do you think we are three-year-olds?"

After speaking, he waved his hand at the group of people behind him.

"Brothers, tie this kid up for me!"

The group of people behind rushed over immediately.

Chen Kai suddenly stretched out his hand to stop them.


All the people didn't know what he wanted to do, so they couldn't help being stunned.

Chen Kai smiled lightly: "Look around, who is behind you?"

The fat man sneered again: "The boy has a lot of tricks, but do you think we will be fooled?"

He said in his mouth that he would not be fooled, but he turned around involuntarily.

What Chen Kai wanted was this effect, so Chen Kai turned around and ran away.

The fat man knew he had been duped when he turned around, and immediately ordered his brothers to chase after him.

So a very spectacular chase took place. Everyone saw a man running desperately in front, and twenty or thirty young men chased desperately behind him.

Chen Kai was out of breath from running, thinking that all of you are bullying me because I have no internal strength, or else you are the only people here, and if there are so many people, I might not be able to make me escape.

But the hero didn't mention the bravery back then, Chen Kai could only grit his teeth and run forward desperately. He didn't even remember the last time he was in such a mess, and the group of people behind him were still chasing after him.

Chen Kai had no choice but to see a small alley in front of him, so he immediately turned into it, hoping to find some hiding place in this small alley, so as to temporarily escape the disaster.

When I turned in, I realized that this alley was just a narrow and long ordinary alley, with smooth walls on both sides, and not even a single house.

If he had internal strength, Chen Kai could jump onto the wall as soon as he jumped.

But now I can only continue to grit my teeth and run forward.

Because he was lying in the hospital for more than a month, and his arm was injured after he came out, so he didn't exercise much, and now Chen Kai was a little exhausted.

And the group of people behind him didn't have internal strength, but they were all strong young men. Except for the fat man who ran a little slowly, the others had gradually caught up with Chen Kai.

Seeing that he couldn't escape, Chen Kai had to stop, and turned around to stare at these people angrily.

"You guys are looking for death. I didn't want to start killing. Since you want to die so much, I don't have to be polite!"

(End of this chapter)

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