Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 519 Journey to Tiger Mountain

Chapter 519 Journey to Tiger Mountain
Chen Kai tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, and he didn't know how long it took, and finally heard Qiao Zique return to his room, and then fell into a deep sleep.

The next morning, Chen Kai got up early, but he didn't expect that Qiao Zique and I had already started cooking.

Seeing Chen Kai coming out, he said lightly.

"I'm going back to school today. It's not interesting for you to be here alone, and the things over there are waiting for you to deal with, so let's go down the mountain together after breakfast, and then we will part ways."

Chen Kai knew that this would definitely be the result, but when the matter came to an end, or when these words came out of her mouth, she was still a little surprised.

Originally, last night I was still struggling with how to say the parting.

Since Qiao Zique had already said it, he didn't have to worry about it, but Chen Kai's mood was very complicated now. He didn't want to admit that it was because of reluctance, but he couldn't think of other reasons.

I had no choice but to walk to Qiao Zique's side silently.

"I'll help you light the fire."

Qiao Zique hastily refused: "After I finished adding this handful of firewood, the rice is almost cooked, so you don't have to do anything, you should go wash up and get ready to eat."

Chen Kai had no choice but to nod, agreeing that after washing his face, Qiao Zique had already brought the rice to the table.

The two sat opposite each other and ate breakfast silently. Qiao Zique returned to the room immediately after finishing the bowl of porridge, and took out the things that had been packed last night. In fact, it was nothing but some clothes. And the necessities of life are packed in a large suitcase.

When she came out, Chen Kai had already finished his meal, and had consciously packed up the dishes. When he saw Qiao Zique carrying such a big suitcase, his eyes flashed with surprise.

"Are you sure you really want to carry so many things? You have to know that it takes a long way to go down the mountain. Although this suitcase has wheels, there is no way for it to go. It can only be carried by hand."

Qiao Zique smiled meaningfully: "I know I can't carry it, but isn't it because of you? You help me take this suitcase down, which is the last thing you do for me. I think the two of us So familiar, and you are a big man, it shouldn't be too much to help me with this, right?"

Chen Kai immediately nodded in agreement.

"I can help you with your suitcase, but take back what you said just now, what is the last thing I do for you? I will definitely come back in the future, maybe after I have dealt with the things over there , I will make my own arrangements."

Qiao Zique seemed to see through Chen Kai's mind, and shook her head gently.

"Let's wait until later to talk about the future."

Chen Kai had already washed the dishes and put the things back where they were before turning around to look at Qiao Zique.

"Are you all set? Is there anything you forgot to take?"

Qiao Zique nodded silently: "I don't have anything important at first. If I really forget it, it's a big deal and I'll come back to get it later. Before it's too hot in the morning, let's go down the mountain quickly, and I I have to rush to teach the students."

Chen Kai nodded, reached out to take the suitcase in her hand, and the two walked side by side.

At this moment, Chen Kai had recovered his inner strength, so it was no problem holding this little thing, and the two went down the mountain talking and laughing.

When we were parting, we said a few words of comfort to each other, and said that we would definitely meet again in the future, and each cherished it.

Chen Kai watched Qiao Zique gradually walk away with the suitcase, and then he took out his mobile phone and called Qin Xiang.

"My internal strength has recovered now, and I'm going back today."

Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately, both surprised and delighted.

"Really? Don't lie to me."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Haoyan had already answered the phone. For the past few days, because he was worried about the Qin family, he had been living with them.

Now that he heard that his son couldn't make a call, he said it back, and immediately snatched the phone impatiently.

"Where are you now? Don't act rashly, I will pick you up now, and then we will go to a safe place."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "Father, I know you are worried about me. In the past, it was because of the disappearance of internal energy and there was no way to do it, but now it's different. I'm going to find Gao Xiaotian to settle this matter. .”

Chen Haoyan's voice became serious: "You must not act recklessly, even if your skill has returned to the peak state, it is still a bit too risky for you to do so, you must know, you go to Gao Xiaotian, that is the time In other people's territory, Gao Xiaotian alone is enough for you to deal with, not to mention adding so many of his subordinates, Gao Xiaotian is not a gentleman, a gentleman will beat you one-on-one, if you are beaten by a group, then But it's dangerous."

Although Chen Kai felt that what Chen Haoyan said was somewhat reasonable, he was unwilling to listen to it, but before he could refute it, Chen Haoyan's voice came again.

"I think we should meet each other and talk about dealing with Gao Xiaotian after we have discussed it. After all, Sun Tzu said in the Art of War, more counts more wins, less counts less wins, and we can't fight uncertain battles."

Chen Kai listened quietly, after a while, Chen Haoyan didn't continue to speak, and then spoke slowly.

"Father, I understand all the big truths you said, but this incident happened because of me. I feel guilty towards Gao Ming in my heart. Now I must solve this matter alone and give my brother Gao Ming an explanation. Otherwise, I will definitely have trouble sleeping and eating in the future."

Chen Haoyan immediately became worried, and just about to say a few words of dissuasion, Chen Kaijiao had already hung up the phone.

Chen Hao stomped his feet angrily and cursed: "This brat is really disobedient, don't let me see him, see him, see how I can teach him a good lesson."

Qin Xiang took the phone with a worried face: "Uncle, it's not time to be angry yet, the important thing is where did Chen Kai go now? Let's find a way to stop him quickly."

Chen Haoyan pointed to the phone in Qin Xiang's hand: "Call him."

Without his ordering, Qin Xiang had already dialed Chen Kai's phone, but just after the phone rang, she heard a cold voice from the system.

"The user you dialed is currently unavailable, please try again later."

Qin Xiang stamped her feet anxiously: "He doesn't answer the phone anymore."

Chen Kai knew that the Qin family was in a mess because of his own will, but he still went to find Gao Xiaotian according to his previous decision.

Hanging up the phone call back from Qin Xiang, she murmured: "I know this will make you worried, but I really don't want to cause trouble for anyone who cares about me. It will make me feel that I am A waste, it is unnecessary to live in the world, after all, the matter started because of me, so it must be ended by me, as the saying goes, the person who untied the bell must tie the bell."

He knew where to look for Gao Xiaotian, because he had already found out where this person was hiding during the phone call a few days ago.

If it was in another place, it might be a bit difficult to find, but because Gao Rourou was accidentally injured and is still unconscious in the hospital, it is relatively easier to find this hospital.

Chen Kai walked onto the avenue, stopped a taxi immediately, and headed towards the hospital at high speed.

After walking for more than half an hour, Chen Kai finally arrived at the destination, took out a hundred-yuan bill, and handed it to the driver.

"Is this enough money?"

The driver shook his head and said with a wry smile, "You're embarrassing me a bit. Do you know how far it's traveled? Even if you use the meter, you can't get off without 150 yuan."

Chen Kai knew that the taxi driver asked for too much, but he was not in the mood to argue with him now, so he took out another hundred yuan bill and handed it over.

"keep the change."

He pushed open the car door and got out, but the taxi driver saw two hundred-yuan bills and made an extra 50 yuan for no reason. Worried that Chen Kai would repent, he immediately stepped on the gas pedal and walked away.

Chen Kai shook his head with a wry smile, thinking that it was not easy for them, and he didn't need to be as knowledgeable as them. Yu Shi took a deep breath and walked towards the hospital gate.

But before he reached the door, a figure flashed in front of him, and someone blocked his way.

(End of this chapter)

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