Chapter 526
The matter here has been dealt with, Chen Kai felt that in the next period of time, Qiao Zique should be properly arranged, because he had promised the old man before that he would take good care of her for the rest of his life.

And when we parted, I also made a solemn promise to others that I would go to her when the matter here was settled.

You can't always be a person who breaks your promise.

If you want to marry her in the future, then you can only take one step at a time. At least Chen Kai now thinks that there may not be such a day. Although he also has a certain affection for Qiao Zique, this kind of The degree of goodwill is not to the extent of breaking the promise with the Qin sisters.

On this day, Chen Kai got up early in the morning. Ever since he fell into a coma in the hospital, he never cooked at home again. After experiencing so many things, the sisters of the Qin family have already gotten used to Chen Kai not cooking three meals a day. Meals are all cooked by part-time workers, and now a nanny has been specially hired.

So after Chen Kai finished his meal, he greeted Qin's mother.

"I remembered one more thing. I have to go to the side that helps me recover my internal strength. I won't go to the company today."

Qin's mother looked at Chen Kai with some doubts.

"Hasn't your internal strength recovered? Is there any medicine you need to take?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly: "No, since my inner strength has recovered, I have to express my gratitude to them anyway, so I want to go and have a look."

Qin's mother nodded silently: "You are a good boy. He has helped you so much. You should thank him. Would you like your aunt to go with you? Or ask your sisters to go with you?"

Chen Kai thought that if anyone followed him, everyone would know about Qiao Zique, but now is obviously not the time.

If I let everyone know now, I am afraid I will have to spend a lot of time to explain it. Thinking of this, Chen Kai shook his head again and smiled lightly.

"Auntie, don't bother, that miracle doctor likes to be gentle. If he sees me taking so many people with him, he might be unhappy. I'm just going to have a look and express my feelings. Even if you don't come back today, you will come back tomorrow."

Qin's mother didn't see that Chen Kai meant to lie, but she vaguely felt that Chen Kai might not only express his gratitude, but also had other things. Without the trouble of Gao Xiaotian, I believe there will be no danger if you go and have a look.

So she nodded silently: "In this case, then you can go, just be careful on the way, if you have nothing to do, come back early, so as not to worry about you at home."

Chen Kai agreed, turned around and walked out of the gate of the villa.

He knew that Qiao Zique had moved into the school, so instead of going to the bamboo house in the mountain, he went directly to the school to look for Qiao Zique.

Because I have already been to school and the road is relatively familiar, I didn't call.

When Chen Kai arrived at the school, Qiao Zique had just finished a class, and inadvertently saw Chen Kai standing in front of her with a smile.

She was visibly taken aback.

"How did you come?"

Chen Kai smiled lightly: "Didn't I say before that I will come to see you after I finish dealing with the matter over there. Now that I have finished my work, it is not a place to talk. Do you think we are here for you?" Should we talk in the office, or find a place outside where we can chat while eating."

Qiao Zique pondered for a while: "I have to teach the students later, so let's go to my office."

Qiao Zique is the class teacher, and the conditions in rural schools are not very good. Not every class teacher has an independent office, and everyone uses the public office. It is still inconvenient for other teachers to know what Chen Kaijue said.

So he shook his head lightly: "I think it's not appropriate to chat in your office. If you don't want to go to the restaurant with me, then let's find a more secluded corner."

Qiao Zique looked at Chen Kai with some doubts, and asked tentatively.

"Did something happen again?"

Chen Kai smiled and shook his head: "I'm afraid you're thinking too much. I've already told you that the matter over there has been dealt with. This time I'm here just for you."

Qiao Zique understood something in her heart, but she couldn't understand it, so she nodded silently.

"In this case, then follow me."

Then he turned and walked towards the school playground.

Chen Kai followed closely behind.

Now the disease is not physical education, and the children are already in class, so there are no people on the playground at all, and when talking in such an open place, there is no need to worry about the walls having ears.

Qiao Zique stopped and turned to look at Chen Kai suspiciously.

"If you have anything to say, just say it here."

Chen Kai looked around and nodded silently.

"I came here to see you on the one hand, and to work on you on the other."

Qiao Zique was a little puzzled: "For my work?"

Chen Kai continued to smile: "Yes, I want you to teach in a senior high school in the city. Regardless of your education background or my current status, it is easy to send you to a key middle school as a head teacher. It used to be Because the old man is still there, you have to accompany the old man to live, but now the old man..., I think it is a shame to leave you in such a rural school. "

Just as Qiao Zique was about to speak, Chen Kai interrupted her suddenly.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished yet. On the one hand, it's because I feel that your ability is completely qualified for the teaching tasks of key middle schools. On the other hand, I promised the old man to take care of you. I met you in such a school. They are all unqualified parents and a bunch of gangsters, I am really worried."

Qiao Zique listened quietly, making sure that Chen Kai had finished speaking this time, so she shook her head lightly.

"The students I lead will take the quiz in two months, and I will accompany them through this journey. You know, I am a person who starts and ends things. If I have better conditions, I will give up now. These students, it made me feel like I had no work ethic, and I'll feel guilty looking back on it later."

Chen Kai let out a long sigh. Actually, before he said such words again, he had thought that Qiao Zique might not agree to his arrangement, but he never expected that Qiao Zique's attitude would be so decisive.

"I hope I can give you a better life. You have studied in college and spent four years in college. You know that life in the city is very different from that in the countryside. If you are worried about me I can tell you that if I want to do this, I don't need to spend any effort at all, even if it is to repay the old man for restoring my internal strength, what I spent is really not respectable."

Qiao Zique was silent, and after a while, she suddenly raised her head and stared at Chen Kai seriously.

"To be honest, I appreciate you doing this for me, but I still hope that you can live your life according to my own wishes."

Chen Kai wanted to say something else.

Qiao Zique interrupted him impatiently: "I understand your kindness, but before my students take the quiz, I don't want to think about it, so let's not talk about it anymore, okay?"

Chen Kai thought to himself, Qiao Zique is really a rare good girl, what does it mean to be rich and not to be promiscuous?Qiao Zique taught herself a lesson with practical actions.

Now that the topic was over, the two of them suddenly fell silent. For a minute, neither of them spoke. Just when they were a little embarrassed, they suddenly heard someone calling Qiao Zique from the direction of the school gate.

And this voice was very familiar, Chen Kai recalled it, and immediately remembered that it was the proprietress of the noodle shop.

As soon as I thought of this, I saw the proprietress of the noodle shop hurriedly walking towards the playground.

Qiao Zique was a little puzzled: "The child hasn't finished class yet, you came here a little early."

The proprietress didn't answer the question directly, but looked at Chen Kai meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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