Chapter 539
As soon as the hero turned around, he immediately realized that Qin Xiang was not leading him to the supermarket, but to the villa.

But now the male lead is in a very bad mood, he doesn't understand why Qin Xiang doesn't allow himself to admit that he is the grandson of his grandfather.

So it doesn't matter where she takes herself.

As expected, Qin Xiang brought the hero back to the villa.

As soon as he entered the door, the male protagonist finally couldn't help asking.

"What happened just now? I wanted to figure out what kind of hospital there is between the Lu family and my grandfather and why my grandfather must have spent all his energy, but you just wanted to drag me away."

Qin Xiang looked at him with a wry smile.

"Of course I know what question you want to ask, but it is precisely because I know that he dragged you away quickly, because you don't even know how powerful the Lu family is. It’s a little too underestimated for them.”

The male protagonist sneered contemptuously: "I know they are not easy to provoke, but do you think I am easy to provoke? And if it is really their fault, I must seek justice for my grandfather."

Qin Xiang looked at the male lead affectionately.

"Can you stop being so excited? You must know that if you can't bear it, you will make a big mess. You must not be impulsive now. Before the matter is clear, you will get yourself into trouble if you act rashly."

Why doesn't the hero understand this truth?

It's just that I finally saw Lu Wen, but I wanted to hide my head and show my tail, and keep my name incognito. I really felt a bit useless.

But now there is no other way. Qin Xiang has already dragged him back to the villa, so he can only slowly find a way in the future.

Qin Xiang knew that the hero was still a little unwilling, so she gently held his hand.

"You have always been able to hold your breath, and I also know that caring makes chaos, but now I really can't show my sharpness. After all, the reason why I followed you to this place is to prevent your impulsiveness from endangering your life. of."

The male lead could only let out a long sigh.

"Actually, I also know that what you said is right, but it was really a good opportunity just now. I was worried in my heart that chance encounters like this may not happen again in the future. I really want to go to Lu's house to ask People?"

"Even if we do go to other people's homes, if any conflicts are really triggered at that time, we will become entangled, and it will be even more difficult to get out."

Qin Xiang rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

"What are you talking about? What is a turtle in a urn? It's really ugly."

The male protagonist could only smile awkwardly.

"To be honest, I really can't think of a more vivid term."

This annoyed Qin Xiang even more, she patted the male lead's chest lightly.

"The more you talk, the less you can talk. Do you really want to be a big turtle so much? If that's the case, things will become very simple."

The male lead could only shake his head.

"It's just a joke here, why do you have to get angry?"

Qin Xiang also smiled.

"Actually, to be honest, I hope we can talk and laugh, because I am really worried. Your nerves have been tense all the time. I was still terrified just now. You must promise me that you must not Do it rashly."

The hero fell silent. It's not that he doesn't understand that Qin Xiang is doing it for his own good, not to mention that the two of them have established a relationship as a couple, so he should at least consider her safety when he acts.

Thinking of this, the hero sighed softly.

"But what should we do next? We can't just wait quietly like this. Although I escaped this time, I can already see that Lu Wen has already doubted me."

Maybe they have already started to investigate me, didn't you just say that?Their family has a very powerful influence in the devil. If they really want to be alone, I am afraid it will be easy to find out.

And at that time, when you saw Lu Wen, how should you explain it to him?
Qin Xiang smiled wryly and shook her head: "I didn't expect you to be farther than I thought. I was just worried that you had a conflict with her and there was no way to end it, so I pulled you away in a hurry. What about the future? What to do? Then we have to wait until it happens, and it’s useless to think about it now.”

Seeing the expression on the hero's face at this moment, Qin Xiang knew that her persuasion had achieved her goal, and he took it down as expected.

The hero was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Qin Xiang.

"You don't have to worry. I also know that the most important purpose of coming to Shanghai this time is to find my grandfather. It would be great if I could find it. If I can't find it, at that time, let's ask Lu Wen about it. My grandfather's whereabouts, I have a faint feeling in my heart, this Qin Xiang must know the latest news about my grandfather."

The male protagonist's plan is not because he is already confused, but because he thinks that the emotional analysis really makes sense. It is really not a wise choice to rashly ask Lu Wen before knowing the whereabouts of Chen Tianhen .

It would be fine if the two families didn't have a deep hatred. If it was true as I had guessed before, Grandpa and Lu Wen had some unshakable hatred. As long as I asked, I would definitely be embarrassed by the other party.

And at that time, I fell into the hands of others, no matter what other people think, I have no way to resist, when the male protagonist thinks of that scene, he feels extremely useless, but now there is nothing he can do, he can only be patient waiting.

Qin Xiang suddenly walked towards the window, opened the curtain, and glanced at the scenery outside.

The male protagonist was a little strange, so he also stood up from the sofa and walked to Qin Xiang's side.

"What are you looking at?"

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly: "Have you forgotten what we were doing when we went out just now? It's just that we happened to meet him, and we couldn't go any further, so we came back temporarily, and I'll see if he left In the future, we can go to the supermarket to buy things, so we must brush our teeth and wash our face, right?"

The hero suddenly realized and smiled.

"To be honest, we don't need to be so sneaky at all, as if we were thieves. If we knew this, we might as well live in this villa before. As long as we are relatively close, it is very convenient to meet Lu Wen." OK."

Qin Xiang turned to look at the hero with a smile.

"I told you when we were in the hotel that we don't need to live so close together. It was you who insisted on renting this kind of villa. If you think it's wrong, it's not too late for us to move now. Anyway, it's only a matter of three or a few days. Can't finish it."

The male lead hurriedly shook his head, thinking that I didn't mean that, but that the other party must have started to investigate me. We are so close, will there be any bad influence?Wouldn't it be so convenient if the other party was about to take action? "

Of course, this method was not mentioned, because it would only increase Qin Xiang's worries.

Qin Xiang seemed to have seen through the hero's mind.

"What are you thinking about?"

The male protagonist shook his head again: "I didn't think about anything, Lu asked if he left? If we left, we can go out, and not only to go to the supermarket, there are no ingredients in this kitchen, even if I really want to I'm afraid I have to buy some vegetables to cook for you."

Qin Xiang stared at the male lead affectionately.

"What are you talking about? We only live in this place today. We can't relax at all. Let you start cooking when we come here. But yesterday's sleep time was too short, so we don't have to cook today. We You can eat whatever you want outside."

"Actually, the most important thing is to buy some things in the supermarket, you can also buy some fruits or something, some rice noodles, and wait for a day and a half before you start cooking."

As he said that, he glanced out of the window again, but found no sign of Lu Wen, and the male protagonist who just saw it smiled.

"It's all right now, I hope we won't meet any annoying people when we go out again this time."

Of course the male protagonist knew that the person Qin Xiang said he hated was naturally Lu Zenn, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, thinking that what this kid did before was really too much.

Even if there is no such thing as grandpa, if you meet him in the future, you will have to find a way to teach him a lesson and give Qin Xiang a bad breath.

(End of this chapter)

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