Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 544 Believe in Chen Kai

Chapter 544 Believe in Chen Kai
Chen Haoyan was speechless. Facing such a stubborn son, what else could he say?

However, Chen Kai still refused to let go: "Tell me quickly, the international long-distance call has been going on for more than an hour, you tell me quickly, then hang up the phone quickly, what should I do, what are you doing all the time? , Even if you are not annoying, I feel a little annoyed myself."

Chen Haoyan could only sigh again.

"Do you know that if you continue to be entangled in the devil's capital, once Lu Kuan's people find out, then all these years of hard work will really be in vain. Your grandpa and I are both old. The matter of revitalizing the Chen family , besides you, whose shoulders do you think it can rest on?"

"Once Lu Kuan really solves you, our family will never return to its glory days. I have already told you this, and I will emphasize it again this time. As for whether to listen or not, you can only watch You're on your own."

Chen Haoyan said with some emotion: "I really don't have that much time to talk to you here, these old things, because I still have my own things to do."

After speaking, he hung up the phone.

Chen Kai could only shake his head, quietly looking at the phone screen, not knowing what to say, today's story was really shocking, he needed time to digest it.

The only regrettable thing is that he still can't find the whereabouts of his grandfather, so he has no way to rest assured, but from the way his father speaks, he can know that his grandfather is still safe at least for now.

It was only a matter of time to find him. Fortunately, they had already made preparations when they came, and they didn't plan to finish the matter in three or five days.

It's just that Qin Xiang has been away from the company for too long, and whether there will be any problems in the operation of the company.

Chen Kai thought that now is not the time to worry about this kind of problem, so he sighed again, slowly returned to the room, and went to bed to rest.

Early the next morning, when Qin Xiang woke up, she saw that Chen Kai had already woken up, standing at the window very exhausted, as if she hadn't slept at all last night, and looked at him puzzled.

"What's wrong with you? You look very bad, did you not fall asleep last night?"

Chen Kai turned his face and forced a smile.

"Don't worry about it, I have a very serious matter to ask you, I hope you can answer it truthfully."

Qin Xiang was a little frightened by Chen Kai's attitude, so she stared at him seriously.

"What's the matter? It's really rare for you to look so serious."

Chen Kai could only forcefully smile again.

"Because I'm a little worried when I think of Grandpa's whereabouts are still unknown, don't worry about it now, tell me about the Lu family, how much do you really know?"

Qin Xiang frowned and looked at Chen Kai.

"Why do you suddenly think of asking this? No matter how much I know, even if I tell you everything, you can't know yourself and the enemy. So if you want to do it rashly, I advise you to give up the idea."

She sighed softly, and continued slowly.

"Don't forget that the purpose of our visit this time is mainly to find the whereabouts of your grandfather, not to directly fight the Lu family. In that case, we definitely have no chance of winning. The difference in strength between the two sides is too great."

"Even if your martial arts are so strong, the opponent is not an ordinary person. What's more, this is his territory, and some of them are martial arts experts. How can you deal with it alone?"

Chen Kai walked slowly to the side of the bed and sat down, stroked Qin Xiang's long hair with his hands, and stared at her affectionately.

"I understand all the reasons you just said. I just asked you how much do you know about the Lu family? Because no matter whether we start a war now, this battle is probably inevitable. The more I know, the more I can Make corresponding preparations in advance, so that you won’t be in a hurry when the fight actually takes place.”

Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai suspiciously.

"Is this your sincere words? Why do I vaguely feel that you have something to hide from me? If this is the case, I advise you to tell me the secret deep in your heart. We are already here In this relationship, you must be honest with me."

Chen Kai shook his head with a wry smile.

"Where do I have so many secrets? I just want to know the situation of the Lu family. Why do you push back?"

Qin Xiang also forced a smile.

"That's just because I know you too well. Sometimes, even eight horses can't pull back what you believe in. If you are already ready to go to war in your heart, and once I tell you, I am worried that you will ignore it." I went straight to them to settle accounts."

"And at that time, I hadn't passed the door, I'm afraid I would have become a widow, because I know that once you choose to do something, you will definitely not come back alive."

Chen Kai stared at Qin Xiang quietly, and finally sighed.

"Then I promise you that you will never make a rash move, can't you? I am not a child of a few years old, and I will never be impulsive to fight that kind of unsure battle, and I think you at least understand this point , why are you so worried now?"

Qin Xiang looked at Chen Kai with some complaints.

"Of course I would believe it if it was something else, but now it's about your grandpa, I'm worried that you will lose your mind."

She paused, then gritted her teeth suddenly, as if she had made a very important decision.

"Since you definitely want to know, it doesn't matter if I tell you, anyway, you will know sooner or later."

After talking about what he knew about the situation of the Lu family, Chen Kai was very shocked after hearing it.

He knew that Qin Xiang must know more than himself, but he didn't think of Qin Xiang.Knowing the situation far exceeded his imagination, he even knew how the Lu family started.

It's just a little different from Chen Haoyan's version. What Qin Xiang said was the one that Lu Kuan slandered the Chen family. After listening to it, Chen Kai was filled with emotions and sat on the bedside sighing.

Qin Xiang suddenly reacted.

"I remembered that you were actually from the Chen family back then. This is great. I finally know what kind of grievances your grandfather has with the Lu family, and why you must come to this place."

Chen Kai smiled wryly and shook his head: "Frankly speaking, I didn't know about these situations before I came here, but no, I have to clarify that our family is not what it is rumored in the world."

Qin Xiang was silent for a while, and finally stared at Chen Kai with a serious face.

"I believe you, you have always acted very decently, if it is really like the rumors in the world, you will definitely not be the Chen Kai I know, so you don't need to have any psychological pressure, even if I know you Regarding the grievances between the two families, I still treat you wholeheartedly, and I believe that you are also sincere to me."

What he said was sincere, and after listening to it, Chen Kai felt a little moved in his heart.He didn't dare to look Qin Xiang directly in the eyes anymore, because he was afraid that his tears would flow down.

It was a very speechless thing to cry in front of the girl he loved. He turned to the window, stood up slowly, walked to the window, and subconsciously took out a cigarette and lit it.

Qin Xiang's mood is also a bit complicated. The version of the story she heard, the Chen family is so unbearable, but now she has become a man and woman with the descendants of the Chen family, and if there is no accident, they may become husband and wife in the future .

There are rumors in the Jianghu. Has the Chen family really been slandered?Is there even a ten-thousandth chance that the rumors are true, and if that's the case, how should I deal with myself, and how should I get along with Chen Kai?

The more Qin Xiang thought about it, the more upset she felt, and she couldn't help but shook her head vigorously, trying to get rid of these troublesome things, but she couldn't do it.

She could only sigh inwardly.

I thought to myself that I have done business in the business world for so many years, and I have seen countless people. I am afraid that I can tell at a glance whether a person is decent or villainous.

But who is Chen Kai?Maybe his city is so deep that even he can't see his true face, maybe the Chen Kai he knows is his true color.

(End of this chapter)

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