Chapter 548
Lu Wen looked Chen Kai up and down, the two of them stared at each other quietly, neither spoke nor moved.

The atmosphere in the room suddenly became very tense, and even Chen Kai felt a little depressed, but he still didn't speak, and still stood there quietly.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Wen finally let out a long sigh.

"I knew...I knew a long time ago...Sooner or later there will be such a day."

Chen Kai still didn't speak.

Lu Wen looked at Chen Kai with some guilt.

"I admit that we are indeed sorry for the Chen family, especially your grandfather and your father. If you intend to take revenge this time, I am willing to atone for the sins that the Lu family has done before."

Chen Kai looked at Lu Wen in surprise. He originally thought that the other party knew his identity, and this time he was going to act first. As long as he asked clearly, he would probably do it immediately, but he didn't expect the other party to put on an apology Posture, what kind of trouble is this?
Because Chen Kai didn't expect such a situation at all, he was at a loss and didn't know how to deal with it.

Lu Wen continued slowly.

"To be honest, although your grandfather has gone far away in these years, I also know that their life is not good, but how have I ever slept peacefully in these years? It's just that the fault is our family, so if you It is completely understandable for me to really want revenge, and now that I am standing in front of you, you can do it."

Chen Kai stared at him quietly, and finally took a deep breath. He felt that the old man in front of him really didn't want to be as annoying as he thought before, but he was the head of the enemy's family after all. If it wasn't because of Lu Kuan, he would What kind of life?
In any case, it must be much better than it is now. Although since I moved into the Qin family, it is no longer as difficult as before, but after all, there is a feeling of being dependent on others.

How can you feel comfortable living in your own home?Although the Qin family is very kind to him, and the Qin sisters get along very well, but Chen Kai doesn't know his previous life experience. Once he knows, the anger of the Lu family may be felt by those who have never experienced it It is difficult to understand.

Chen Kai didn't speak, and Lu Wen just stood there quietly, as if waiting for a trial.

Chen Kai finally let out a long sigh.

"I can understand how you feel about atoning for your son's sins, but there is a grievance and a debtor. I will never touch a single hair of your hair. What I am looking for is Lu Kuan, and I will only settle accounts with this person. "

Lu Wen looked at Chen Kai helplessly.

"He is my son. I only have such a son. If you really can't let go of that matter and really want to find someone to redeem your sins, I think I am the most suitable candidate. After all, I have a godson and no Fang Zhiguo, now that my son has made a mistake, let me bear it, I just hope you can let my family members go."

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"I've made it very clear just now, I'll only settle accounts with Lu Kuan, if his subordinates don't trouble me, naturally I won't embarrass them, but if they feel sorry for the tiger and help the tyrant, it's okay No wonder I'm being rude."

Lu Wen didn't know what to say, Lu Kuan was his son, even if there were all kinds of wrongs, he couldn't just sit idly by and watch Chen Kai try to deal with him.

He had no choice but to sigh again: "Don't worry, no one will know when I investigate your background, only some of my confidantes, I can assure you, I will never tell my son where you are, I only have one condition, that It’s just that you don’t deal with the Lu family.”

Chen Kai flatly refused: "It's impossible. I've made it very clear just now. I'll only ask Lu Kuan to settle the score with Lu Kuan. If you're still a reasonable person, you You should know that he has caused our family such misery, how can I prevent him from paying the price?"

Lu Wen was silent. In fact, he also understood that things in the world were like this.

In the past, Lu Kuan used his conspiracy to drive the Chen family away from home, and even messed up Chen Haoyan's marriage, so that Chen Kai lost his mother's love at such a young age.

Now that people want to deal with their own son, it can be justified both emotionally and rationally. Having said that, if Chen Kai doesn't want to take revenge, then it is really too abnormal.

But is he just letting Chen Kai kill his son?Lu Wen absolutely cannot accept it, but now that Chen Kai is unwilling to let him go, how should he respond.

"Can you tell me, what exactly is it that you are willing to let my son go?"

Chen Kai let out a long breath, and looked at Lu Wen seriously.

"I want Lu Kuan to retaliate for everything he did to the Chen family. As the saying goes, repay the other in the same way. In any case, this matter cannot be ignored unless Lu Kuan pays the price."

Ever since Lu Wen entered the door, Qin Xiang hadn't said a word. Seeing the two people at war, she knew that she couldn't watch anymore, so she hurried out to smooth things over.

"Don't be like this as soon as you two meet, sit down and talk about anything."

The second half of the sentence is of course correct, Lu Wen said it, she.After all, she is a lady of everyone and knows how to treat guests, let alone Lu Wen before.It's all good for her, too, her.Sometimes I even think if it wasn't because of Lu Wen.If you come forward, then your reputation in school will probably be even worse.

Although all these things were caused by his son, it was only natural for him to make some compensation, but for many years, Qin Xiang still had a faint sense of gratitude to Lu Wen.

On the other hand, from the perspective of protecting Chen Kai, she is also unwilling to see such a conflict break out so soon. Now Chen Kai is alone, and with a self who does not know martial arts at all, not to mention that he has not yet contacted him. Wang Yuxi didn't know if he was willing to help.

In the current state, if you really fight with the Lu family in an all-round way, it will be tantamount to courting death. Lu Wen doesn't even need to do it himself. He just needs to tell Lu Kuan where Chen Kai is and why he came to the magic capital. The men he brought were enough for Chen Kai to deal with.

Lu Wen originally thought that after coming to meet Chen Kai, he would talk about the past, if Chen Kai really wanted revenge and killed himself, the matter would be settled.

So he didn't sit down, but he didn't expect Chen Kai to be such a clear-cut person, and the two of them talked for a long time, but they didn't agree on anything.

Chen Kai's attitude has always been very clear, that is, he must find Lu Kuan for revenge, but as Lu Kuan's father, he will never allow such a thing to happen.

If someone else came to trouble the Lu family, Lu Wen would do it without hesitation, but because of guilt towards the Chen family, he couldn't take care of Chen Kai first, which made him feel very embarrassed.

He had no choice but to sit down and look at Chen Kai with a serious face.

"You must not act rashly. I don't think there is anything that cannot be discussed on the table."

Chen Kai also sat down and said lightly.

"No matter how we talk about it, Lu Kuan must pay the price, unless all members of the Chen family die."

These words were so emphatic that Lu Wen couldn't help but sighed again, but before he could speak, Qin Xiang had already spoken first.

"Chen Kai, what's the matter with you? Didn't we go to the devil to find the whereabouts of your grandfather? As for the grievances between your two families, can we put it aside for a while, the most important thing now is to find someone first, what do you do?" Is the cart before the horse?"

It was only then that Chen Kai suddenly remembered that this was indeed the case. If he could find his grandfather, he would explain the past things more clearly. Moreover, if his grandfather and Lu Wen confronted each other face to face, it would probably be better than talking to Lu Wen directly. much better.

According to his personality, he would never let Lu Kuan go, but if he did this, Lu Wen would definitely stop him, and he was no match for him now, so the most urgent thing was to find his grandfather and ask him what he thought.

Seeing that Chen Kai's face softened, Lu Wen let out a long breath, at least he knew that Chen Kai would not deal with Lu Kuan until he found Chen Tianhen.

(End of this chapter)

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