Chapter 562
Chen Kai nodded silently, and was about to ask why this group of people knew that he was in this place, but the man with the machete lying underneath suddenly snorted coldly.

"Chen Kai, you don't have to be complacent. Don't look at you winning now, but you will be chopped up by us soon. Even if we die in your hands, someone will come to you soon to avenge us. .”

Chen Kai smiled helplessly.

"Why do you think I came to this place? Forget it, I can't tell you that much. You might as well tell Lu Kuan when you go back. If he feels sure that he can really kill me, he might as well organize a group of people to come again. "

"It's just that you tell him to ask him to find some martial arts masters, not a bunch of idiots. With the kung fu of three-legged cats like you, let alone dozens of you, even if there are a hundred or so people, what do you want to do?" It won't be easy for me, I'm afraid."

Song Taojie looked at Chen Kai with some surprise.

"Brother, I said, it's really not that I grow other people's ambitions and destroy our own prestige. You really have to leave now, or Lu Kuan will definitely come here again to make troubles when he knows he won't succeed."

And at that time, we will definitely suffer. After all, we have few people and little power. Even if I help, it will be difficult for us to compete with Lu Kuan. Now we are really not his opponents, so we should avoid his edge first. Think of a way slowly later. "

Chen Kai couldn't help but sneered.

"You think I'm afraid of Lu Kuan?"

Song Taojie hastily shook his head in denial.

"That's not what I meant. I just said that a good man doesn't suffer from immediate losses. Now we can't beat them at all, so why bother fighting for the short-term?"

Chen Kai nodded silently: "Actually, I think what you said makes a little sense, so I decided to take your opinion, but you have to remember, I'm not afraid of Lu Kuan, I'm just very worried about my grandpa, if I am really sure that my grandfather is safe and sound, I have plenty of time to settle accounts with him slowly."

Song Taojie forced a smile.

"That's the reason, and since Lu Kuan was able to find us, it is very likely that he has already found your grandfather's whereabouts. He is really dangerous at this time, so you should leave this place as soon as possible."

After hearing this, Chen Kai's heart sank, this was exactly what he was worried about.

The fortune teller had climbed out of the car at some point, and stood opposite Chen Kai, looking at him worriedly.

"To be honest, I also want to go back and have a look. Ever since I was surrounded by these people just now, I have been feeling terrified. I have a faint feeling that something must have happened at home. If I don't go back and have a look, it's really There is no way to rest assured, so let's go first."

Song Taojie sighed helplessly.

"Since this is the case, then we have no choice but to continue walking, but none of us can be sure whether there is still danger waiting for us ahead, everyone must be more careful."

He originally wanted to let Chen Kai leave quickly and take care of things here, but he didn't expect Chen Kai to be so anxious to find his grandfather, and because he wanted to worship Chen Kai as his teacher, he had to risk his life to accompany him. Gentleman, continue to follow.

Anyway, this group of people with bracelets already knew their identities, and they would definitely tell Lu Kuan when they got back that after today's battle, the two of them might really confront each other head-on.

No matter what kind of conflicts there were in the past, at least they were okay on the surface, and they would say a few polite words and flatter each other after meeting each other.

Although there is a huge difference in strength between himself and others, Lu Kuan knows that a character like himself exists, and if there is nothing special, he will not really embarrass himself.

But from now on, things might be a little bit different. I must be more careful in the magic capital in the future, and it will be difficult to be as free as before.

Chen Kai saw Song Taojie staring at the front in a daze, so he couldn't help but touch him.

"What are you thinking? If you don't want to continue to take us away, we'll just take another taxi. You can do whatever you need to do. I really troubled you just now. When I have a chance, I will You will be thanked."

Only then did Song Taojie come to his senses, and immediately stared at Chen Kai with rounded eyes.

"Brother Chen Kai, what do you mean? I told you just now that I am a loyal person. If not, I just hid in the car and watched you fight. The fight is over now. , I have no reason to leave."

Chen Kai forced a smile.

"I thought you knew that these people with bracelets were Lu Kuan's subordinates, and they were afraid of their strength, so they didn't dare to get close to me, so I just gave you a step, and it would be over if you left, but I didn't expect You are really stubborn, so we don't need to waste time, you can drive quickly."

Song Taojie forced a smile, he really felt a little regretful in his heart, but there is no medicine for regret in this world, anyway, he has already offended Lu Kuan, so he can only take one step at a time.

If he helped Chen Kai, if he was willing to teach him martial arts, as long as his martial arts improved greatly, he wouldn't have to be so afraid of Lu Kuan.

Thinking of this, he walked up to his brother and patted that person on the shoulder lightly.

"Thanks to your help today, I will invite my brothers to drink together later, but now I still have some things to do, you guys take care of this, and then go back separately, remember to be more careful, we are equal I offended Lu Kuan."

The brothers nodded immediately, and a man with five short stature stood up and said.

"Brother, don't worry, we haven't been afraid of anyone since we ate this bowl of rice, so what about Lu Kuan? At worst, we'll all be killed, but you should know, our number is not small. How big a storm will we cause if we kill them? I don't believe that the officials will ignore them."

Song Taojie nodded silently.

"I know that the brothers are all good, but be careful when sailing for thousands of years. I don't want any accident between our brothers."

The brothers agreed at the same time.

"Please rest assured, brother."

Only then did Song Taojie smile in satisfaction, then turned and walked towards his car.

Chen Kai was still sitting in the back seat, and the fortune teller would continue to guide Song Taojie, so he still sat in the co-pilot seat.

Along the way, Chen Kai was very anxious, fearing that something might happen to his grandfather, he kept urging Song Taojie to hurry up.

Song Taojie said helplessly.

"I said, brother, do you see how difficult this road is? Am I fast?"

The fortune teller had no choice but to smooth things over.

"I said Chen Kai, you don't have to worry too much. I have seen your grandfather's martial arts before. If the people chasing and killing him are also at the same level as the gang around us, your grandfather will definitely be able to escape unscathed." , and Lu Kuan's men, who were also missing, found my residence."

After thinking about it, Chen Kai had no choice but to comfort himself like this.

The rest of the road was not that far away, coupled with Chen Kai's constant urging, the fortune teller soon pointed to an open space ahead and said.

"Park over the open space in front, and walk forward for a minute or two, and you will arrive at the place where I live."

Song Taojie had no choice but to park the car in the open space as he said.

The three got out of the car and walked a short distance under the leadership of the fortune teller.

He stopped in front of a dilapidated residential building.

The fortune teller pointed to the door and said, "You two are laughing, I live in this place."

Chen Kai waved his hand impatiently.

"What time is it, you are still in the mood to say these kind words, you lead the way quickly, I am anxious to see my grandpa."

The fortune teller didn't dare to delay any longer, so he led the way again. When he took out the key and opened the door, when the three of them entered the room, they found that the room was already empty.

Chen Kai grabbed the fortune teller's skirt and asked sharply.

"Didn't you say that my grandfather is here? Why is there no one here? Why are you lying to me? Are you also a person arranged by Lu Kuan?"

The fortune teller hurriedly shook his head in denial.

"Can you stop being so excited?"

(End of this chapter)

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