Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 570 Relatively speechless

Chapter 570 Relatively speechless
Chen Kai didn't know what to say, and Wang Yuxi probably felt his son's embarrassment, so he smoothed things over and greeted Qin Xiang with a smile.

"It's not easy for you to come to the magic capital, and it's midnight now, I think you are already hungry? This is my own restaurant, you can order whatever you want, and you can order whatever you want."

"And I can assure you that the chef in the restaurant is a high-end chef that I hired with a lot of money. You will never be able to eat such authentic dishes outside this restaurant. As long as you want, you can eat three meals a day every day." Eat in this restaurant."

Qin Xiang thought to herself, what is this?The Qin family is considered a big family in Rongcheng, where is the lack of money for this meal?But she also knew that Wang Yuxi was Chen Kai's mother after all, so she probably wanted to express her compensation to her son in this way, right?
Thinking of this, Qin Xiang sighed in her heart, and couldn't help but think that this is really a pity for the world's parents.

There is no mother who does not love her child. Wang Yuxi had to let her go because of fate. She has been deeply guilty these years.

Now that Chen Kai has grown up, she really doesn't know how to make up for it. Chen Kai is not short of money, his martial arts are so good, and he doesn't worry about being bullied wherever he goes.

Only when she came to Shanghai, under her nose, she was found trouble by the Lu family. Although the two families were already feuds, she had expected that as long as Chen Kai came to Shanghai, the struggle with the Lu family would be inevitable. It was inevitable, but she didn't expect it to happen so soon.

Wang Yuxi suddenly greeted the waiter again.

"Go fry a few dishes, and get two more bottles of red wine. I want to have a good drink with my son today."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly: "Can we not drink? I'm really not in the mood today."

Wang Yuxi took a meaningful look at Qin Xiang.

Qin Xiang could only shake her head with a wry smile.

"Auntie, since Chen Kai doesn't want to drink, don't force him. How about I drink two glasses with you? If I just drink red wine, I also have a certain amount of alcohol. Don't worry, it is absolutely impossible for me to drink too much. Make a fool of yourself in front of you."

Wang Yuxi sighed helplessly.

"Actually, I just feel happy. I haven't met Xiaokai for many years. I don't know how to express my happiness when we meet this time, so I just want to drink two glasses. In normal times, I rarely drinking."

Qin Xiang didn't know what to say, she secretly rejoiced that she followed, if there were only Chen Kai and Wang Yuxi on this table, the scene would definitely be more embarrassing than it is now, maybe Chen Kai would have walked away just now.

Although Wang Yuxi would not be angry with Chen Kai, but if he wanted to ask her for help in the future, Chen Kai might find it even more difficult to muster up the courage.

Wang Yuxi really wanted to help, but if she missed this opportunity, Chen Kai would not contact her even more.

The two meat and two vegetables were quickly served, and Wang Yu greeted Chen Kai and Qin Xiang to eat with a smile.

"Originally, I wanted to have a banquet, but I thought Rong Zi Shanye would be fine with two appetizers. To be honest, I'm really not petty. As long as my son is happy, even if I have to pay everything willing."

"Besides, it will be a long time in Japan. I will have a good meal in the daytime. Anyway, I own the restaurant."

Chen Kaijiao had no intention of eating at all, so Qin Xiang had to hand him a pair of chopsticks.

"Even if you don't want to eat, at least you have to pretend. This is your mother. I haven't seen you for so many years. Why make the scene so embarrassing?"

Chen Kai had no choice but to take the chopsticks, the scene was really too embarrassing, Wang Yuxi gave Chen Kai a feeling of strangeness besides embarrassment.

After meeting for such a long time, Chen Kai never called her mother.

Wang Yuxi felt very painful about this, she.I also want to chat with Chen Kai about the topic of childhood, because for her, the only memories the two have in common are those, but is it appropriate to talk about childhood at this time?Will Chen Kai be willing to recall those things?
Wang Yuxi couldn't make up her mind, but if she didn't talk about that, the two of them hadn't seen each other for more than 20 years, and there was no common language at all.

She didn't know what Chen Kai was busy with recently, nor did Chen Kai know about Wang Yuxi's career. Although it was possible that Chen Haoyan had told him some things, after all, she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, and many topics couldn't be discussed at all.

Wang Yuxi sighed softly, and there was a piece of steak in Chen Kai's bowl.

"Thanks to the Lu family, you didn't catch up with the Chen family. When you finally returned, your life was very difficult when you were a child. Even if you want to eat a piece of meat, it is very difficult. You should try our restaurant's dishes. "

Don't say that Chen Kai felt embarrassed after hearing this, Wang Yuxi.Saying these words feels a little weird, an indescribable awkwardness.

"You were actually very fun when you were young. You were so cute. Everyone praised you."

Speaking of this, she suddenly stopped talking, because she suddenly realized that babies have no memory at all, not to mention that after so many years, even if there are some vague memories, they have already been forgotten.

Qin Xiang also felt the embarrassment of the scene, so she picked up the wine glass.

"Everyone should drink the bar first. When you don't drink, there are some things you can't say. Once you drink, the atmosphere will ease up. Don't you think this is a bit embarrassing?"

As he spoke, he drank the wine in the glass.

Chen Kai had never seen Qin Xiang drink like this before. The girl's alcohol capacity is very small, even if it is red wine, it is easy to get drunk if she drinks it in such a hurry.

Chen Kai looked at her worriedly: "I won't stop you from drinking, but can you drink a little slower, you can easily get drunk like this."

Unexpectedly, after finishing this sentence, Wang Yuxi also drank up the wine in the glass.

Chen Kai was speechless. He didn't know what happened to the two women who were closest to him today. According to his current mood, he should be the one who should drink away his worries the most.

But now the two women around him seem to be trying to drink, one is his girlfriend, and the other is his own mother.

Although he was her biological son, his memory of his mother was very vague. He felt that he would definitely get drunk after drinking like this, so he couldn't help but want to say something, but he just couldn't find the right language.

The meal was finally finished in an embarrassing atmosphere. Chen Kai never said a few words. The difference just now was that he felt it was not so embarrassing. After all, after having a meal together, the relationship between the two There was a little relief.

Now that we have finished our meal, we should leave next. After all, it was almost 02:30 when we arrived here, and it is almost four o'clock now, and it will be dawn in two hours.

But no one said anything about leaving, Qin Xiang felt a little uncomfortable in her stomach, knowing that she might be on her period, so she stood up and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry, I want to go to the bathroom."

Wang Yuxi hurriedly stood up to greet the waiter.

"You take Miss Qin to the bathroom."

The waiter agreed and looked at Qin Xiang with a smile.

"Miss Qin, please come with me."

Qin Xiang smiled politely: "Thank you."

After Qin Xiang left, only Chen Kai and Wang Yuxi were left at the dinner table.

Chen Kai was really dissatisfied. Qin Xiang went to the bathroom at this time. Because she was there, the atmosphere at the dinner table was not so awkward, at least not so awkward that people couldn't sit still. Now that Qin Xiang left, Chen Kai Immediately, I felt a little uncomfortable all over.

The woman in front of me is obviously my mother. I gave Chen Kai the feeling that even facing this sworn enemy, he didn't feel so uncomfortable.

He didn't know how to describe his current feeling, he just wanted to leave this place quickly, even if he wouldn't refuse to meet Wang Yuxi in the future, at least he had to be mentally prepared.

Today's meal really made people feel bad. Chen Kai didn't realize how good the chef's dishes were. During the whole process, Chen Kai felt uneasy.

It was not until today that Chen Kai realized the meaning of the words that he had heard before but never knew what it was like.

"It turns out that this is called not knowing the taste of food."

(End of this chapter)

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