Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 574 Qin Xiang Hospitalized

Chapter 574 Qin Xiang Hospitalized
Qin Xiang was sweating profusely from the pain, so of course she couldn't sleep. Although she was already lying on the bed, she was tossing and turning all the time.

Chen Kai has been sitting next to Qin Xiang.Of course, he himself couldn't lie on the bed and fall asleep in this state, but his heart was full of worries.

He knew that some girls would suffer from dysmenorrhea, and some would be more severe, but he had never heard of Xiang Qin Xiang who was sweating profusely and lying tossing and turning.

Perhaps it was because he had less contact with girls before, and now he is really at a loss. He has already taken two painkillers, but it has not improved at all. Chen Kai couldn't help but think in his heart, it is very likely that Qin Xiang is Got another illness.

"I think we'd better go to the hospital. I've never seen you like this before. If there are other symptoms, we'd better find out and treat them earlier."

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly.

"You really think too much. I have had this kind of situation before. I slept and woke up the next day. It seems to be a bit serious today, but don't worry, I really didn't other illnesses."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly.

"But your appearance really worries me a lot, and you are in such pain that you must not be able to sleep. I think we should go to the hospital and have an examination in the hospital. If there is really no other disease, We are all relieved."

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly again.

"I'm really grateful to see you worrying about me like this, but I'm really fine."

Chen Kai didn't know why Qin Xiang was so resistant to going to the hospital, so he became more skeptical in his heart, but the conversation had already reached this point, and Chen Kai couldn't say anything more, so he was silent for a while and saw Qin Xiang, The pain was so painful that the clothes were soaked with sweat, and finally he sighed.

"I don't think you should hold on anymore. I'll take you to the hospital now. You wait for me here for a while. I'll call a taxi outside and we'll go right away."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the gate of the villa alone without waiting for his inclination to agree to himself. Coincidentally, just as he walked out of the gate, he saw a taxi driving towards this direction at a very fast speed.

The taxi was stopped immediately.

The taxi slowly stopped at Chen Kai's feet, and gently knocked on the window.

"You wait for me here for a while, my girlfriend is sick now and wants to go to the hospital."

The taxi driver looked at him suspiciously.

"Then where is your girlfriend? Is it far from here? If it is far, you can only find another car."

Chen Kai widened his eyes angrily.

"What are you talking about? I told you that my girlfriend is sick. If it is so far away from here, how can I stop the car here? You wait for me here for a while. If you want money, you must be indispensable. "

With that said, he turned and hurried back to the villa.

Qin Xiang still didn't feel better, and when she saw Chen Kai came back, she struggled to sit up from the bed.

"I told you that you don't need to go, why don't you believe it?"

Chen Kai didn't bother to talk so much, he walked up to Qin Xiang, reached out and hugged her up.

"Stop talking too much. I've contacted the taxi and I'm waiting for them at the door. Let's go to the hospital quickly. If something happens to you, I really can't take responsibility, and You are my girlfriend, how could I look at you in such pain and remain indifferent."

Before Qin Xiang could say anything, Chen Kai had already carried her out of the gate of the villa, and closed the gate carefully.

After waiting for the taxi, he immediately asked the driver to step on the accelerator and rushed to the nearest hospital as fast as possible.

Fortunately, it was already midnight and there were not many vehicles on board, so there was no traffic jam. What surprised Chen Kai was that there were all green lights on this road, not even a single red light.

This reassured Chen Kai, he felt that his luck was really good, and believed that Qin Xiang was unlikely to have other illnesses.

Soon after arriving at the hospital, Chen Kai took out a hundred-yuan bill and handed it to the taxi driver.

"There's no need to look for it."

Speaking of opening the car door, she still carried Qin Xiang out of the car and walked quickly to the gate of the hospital.

Seeing Chen Kai walking in a hurry, the nurses hurried up to meet him.

"What's going on here?"

Chen Kai said hastily.

"Where's the doctor? Call me a doctor quickly."

The nurse didn't dare to delay, and immediately contacted the doctor.

Another little nurse hurriedly led Chen Kai, and soon saw the doctor.

Of course, the examination was first. Seeing Qin Xiang walk into the examination room, Chen Kai let out a long breath and wiped the sweat off his face.

The doctor looked at him meaningfully.

"What is your relationship with the patient?"

Chen Kai nodded silently: "She is my girlfriend, and she said she had dysmenorrhea, but in my impression, no one seemed to be in such severe pain, so I took her to the hospital for a checkup to see if there was any pain. other illnesses."

After hearing this, the doctor nodded silently.

"Actually, you don't have to worry too much. I've been practicing medicine for so many years. It's not like I haven't seen girls with severe dysmenorrhea. It's unlikely that they have other diseases. But it's hard to say. Let's wait for the test results to come out." Let's talk about it later."

Chen Kai could only sit anxiously in the doctor's office and wait.

Fortunately, the examination didn't take long, so the nurse took the test and the results came out. The doctor pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and looked at the test sheet with a serious face.

Chen Kai didn't dare to speak, so he had to wait patiently, feeling as uncomfortable as being bitten by thousands of ants.

Chen Kai felt that a century had passed, and the doctor finally sighed softly.

"Your girlfriend doesn't have any other symptoms, it's just pure dysmenorrhea."

Chen Kai let out a long breath.

"But what should we do now? I've given him painkillers for two days, and it doesn't seem to work at all. Do you have any better solutions?"

The doctor smiled faintly, and patted Chen Kai's shoulder lightly.

"This is not a particularly big problem. As long as you get a bottle of needles, you should be fine. It's just that your girlfriend's situation is really rare, so I suggest that after the needles are finished, you should observe and observe in the hospital. , if you are really all right, you will be discharged from the hospital."

Seeing that Qin Xiang's face was soaked, Chen Kai urged Yu Shi anxiously.

"Don't worry about it so much, let my girlfriend stop being so painful. Didn't you say that you want to get a needle? Then act quickly?"

The doctor smiled again: "You don't have to be so anxious. I'll arrange a ward for your girlfriend first, and then you have to sign a letter and go through a hospitalization procedure, and then you'll be fine."

As he spoke, he took out a contract, and the doctor wrote a few words on the contract, and then handed the contract to Chen Kai, instructing him to sign it where the patient's family members were.

Without even looking at it, Chen Kai immediately signed his name and handed it to the doctor.

The nurse had already run over at this time and told the doctor that the ward was ready and the patient had been given a needle.

Chen Kai looked at the doctor meaningfully.

"Can I stay with my girlfriend in the ward now?"

The doctor nodded.

"Of course, it's not an intensive care unit, and no one else is allowed to enter."

Chen Kai forced a smile, and let the nurse lead the way.

When he walked to the ward, he saw that Qin Xiang had already received an injection and was lying quietly on the bed. Chen Kai pulled a chair by the way and sat beside Qin Xiang's hospital bed.

At this moment, Qin Xiang's face was quiet, as if she had fallen asleep, and Chen Kai saw that Qin Xiang was really asleep, so he was really relieved, because he knew that if Qin Xiang was really in pain, he would definitely fall asleep. It doesn't matter, it seems that the situation should be better now.

When he was bored, he could only stare at the infusion bottle quietly, watching the medicine in the infusion bottle getting less and less.

After waiting for two hours, the medicine was finished. Chen Kai felt that it smelled good, and it should be healed now, so he didn't need to bother the nurse anymore.

Because the night is quiet now, the nurses have already rested. Although there are nurses on duty, they are still looking for a place to rest for a while at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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