Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 596 The identity is amazing

Chapter 596 The identity is amazing
"Drive faster. I'm really worried about my mother's safety. When I was chasing just now, I clearly heard that my mother's mouth was probably covered by someone, and she must have added a rope to her body."

"This group of people is definitely not a good person. If I could catch them earlier, my mother might still be safe. If I was a little later, things would be really difficult to deal with."

After Song Taojie heard this, he couldn't help crying secretly, thinking that I had already reached the fastest speed, don't say I'm going to die, even if I really fight for my life, I will drive faster.

But this car can only reach this speed at the fastest, and this is in the suburbs. Although there are not many vehicles, it is inevitable that some cats, dogs, or children will run on the road.

If you drive too fast, if you hit someone, things will be more difficult to deal with.

But these words are just thinking in his heart, and he is not willing to say it to Chen Kai, because he deeply knows that Chen Kai is very upset now.

What I can do is to drive the car as steadily as possible, and catch up with the commercial vehicle before it completely disappears.

At least he could see the license plate number clearly. With the license plate number and his own influence, it would not be so difficult to know who was driving the car.

After driving for a further distance, he found that the commercial vehicle in front was getting closer and closer. Song Taojie was secretly delighted. Unable to suppress his excitement, he said to Chen Kai next to him.
"Did you see it? We have already caught up for a certain distance. I believe it will not take long before we can see the license plate number clearly."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"It's really hard work for you. If it wasn't for your appearance this time, I am being entangled by those people now. Even if I can defeat them, at that time there will be no way to find this commercial vehicle. As the saying goes, Thank you so much, your most important task now is to help me stop this car, and you don't have to worry about the rest."

Song Taojie nodded solemnly.

"Don't worry, your business is my business. I told you last time that I admire your martial arts very much and want to learn from you. Now I finally have the opportunity to perform. Of course I Incumbent."

"But I have to say something first. The current situation is very unfavorable to us. There are many martial arts experts in the opponent's car. If we catch up, there will inevitably be a fierce fight."

"It's really limited what I can do to help, because you also know that my martial arts are only two strokes. Even if you can defeat the opponent, the opponent will hold your mother as a threat."

"I think even if you catch up, things may be a little difficult. You must be mentally prepared for these, so as not to have unexpected accidents."

Chen Kai nodded silently when he heard this. In fact, he had already thought of these when he was riding the motorcycle just now, but he only wanted to catch up with the commercial vehicle at that time, and there was no sign at all. After analyzing it, I suddenly felt that things were really not as simple as I thought. If the people in the car really threatened my mother's life and told me to leave quickly, would I obey or not?

If you don't follow, the mother is very likely to be in danger, if you fight them directly, the mother is likely to be killed by the opponent's dog jumping over the wall in a mistaken injury.

And in that case, I will feel even more guilty, and I have finally reconciled with my mother. If such a thing really happens, it is not something that can be explained by the word regret.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help asking.

"Then do you have any good ideas?"

Song Taojie let out a long sigh.

"To be honest, I really have nothing to do. I will completely listen to you now. If you let me chase, we will chase. As for what will happen after we catch up, that will be a matter of later."

"I was just reminding you just now. I hope you will be mentally prepared so that we will not be caught off guard and we will all be passive."

Chen Kai had no choice but to sigh too.

"Don't let me know who these people are. If you let me know their identity and background, I must fight for them, let them know that my mother has a good son like me, and I have been slaughtered before. It was very different back then.”

Song Taojie finally couldn't help asking.

"As soon as you got in the car, I wanted to ask, why was your mother taken away by someone else? It happened so strangely, and it happened in broad daylight."

When Chen Kai heard this question, he suddenly fell silent, hesitating in his heart whether to tell Song Taojie about his mother, but later realized that Song Taojie was really helping.

And it appeared so timely this time, obviously he has regarded himself as a good friend, and the other party will know about things like this sooner or later, because we will have a lot of contacts in the future.

There must be places where people need help. Since people ask, I should tell them.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai couldn't help but sighed.

"It's really complicated. I'm afraid I can't understand it in a few words. Since you asked, I'll organize the language. Wait for me, anyway, I will tell you."

Song Taojie said with a generous smile.

"It has nothing to do with me. I'm just very curious. If you really don't want to talk about it, that's all. Even if I don't know what's going on, I'm willing to help."

Speaking of this, he suddenly screamed, because he didn't know when the commercial vehicle was getting closer and closer, and he could vaguely see the words on the license plate.

"Great, I thought the other party must have gone crazy and wanted to escape, but now I finally know that this group of people is also saving their lives. The person in the car must be a big shot, and driving the car too fast will definitely put him in danger .”

Chen Kai found that, as Song Taojie said, the commercial vehicle was really getting closer and closer. At first it was only the size of an ant. If it wasn't for his sharp eyesight, he wouldn't be able to spot it at all.

Later, it became the size of a matchbox, and now it has become the size of a bread, and it is a Big Mac-shaped cake. Both Song Taojie and Chen Kai know it.

The other party is still driving forward at the current speed, and within 10 minutes, the other party's license plate number can be seen.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai's expression was a little excited.

"Now I can't tell my story even more, you have to catch up with that car, and you have to go as fast as possible."

Song Taojie saw that victory was in front of him, so he nodded emphatically.

"Don't worry, I thought I couldn't catch up, but now I know, it's not that difficult to catch up with him, just look at me."

Sure enough, after another 10 minutes, Chen Kai could already clearly see the other party's license plate number. Needless to say, Song Taojie's eyesight was no worse than his by four classes, and he had already seen the license plate number. He immediately screamed again .

"My God, this license plate number seems to belong to the Xie family, the first family in Zhongnan City?"

Chen Kai turned to look at him with some doubts.

"Do you know this car, or the license plate number? If you just saw the license plate number, you would guess that it belongs to Xie's family. I dare not underestimate myself, but even I don't have the ability to do so."

Song Taojie smiled helplessly.

"Don't you know the Xie family? The license plate numbers of their family are unique, and all the numbers are connected. I have seen one of the license plate numbers before, so I know about it, but then again, you What is the relationship between your mother and the Xie family?"

Chen Kai shook his head lightly.

"You know that I just came to Shanghai, and I have never heard of the Xie family, and I don't know the background and strength of this group of people. If you know, you might as well tell me a little more. "

Song Taojie looked at Chen Kai in disbelief.

"The Xie family is not an ordinary family. Didn't I tell you just now? It is the first family background in Zhongnan City, which cannot be underestimated. Besides, what is your mother's name? Why do the Xie family want catch her?"

Chen Kai hesitated for a while, and finally said Wang Yuxi's name.

After Song Taojie heard this, he was even more surprised.

(End of this chapter)

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