Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 613 The plan went well

Chapter 613 The plan went well
Chen Kai frowned and thought for a long time, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he slapped Song Taojie's shoulder excitedly.

"I know what to do, now let's give him a cooperation."

Song Taojie looked at Chen Kai suspiciously, and shook his head with a wry smile.

"You'd better tell me your plan in detail. My mind is in a mess now. I'm afraid I really can't understand what kind of method you want."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"There are four of them looking at my mother now. If one of them is ours, this matter will be much easier."

Song Taojie still didn't understand.

"Can you tell me why it's easier for you to deal with the remaining three?"

Chen Kai sighed softly.

"Things are very complicated to explain, and I'm too lazy to tell you so much now, you just need to understand that there is one of us in it, and we can do it."

Song Taojie scratched his hair helplessly.

"This matter seems a bit difficult to handle. There are only two of us. If we want to sneak in one of them, it will be easy to be discovered. You must know that the group of people must be blind, let alone deaf. How can we hide it from them? "

Chen Kai shook his head lightly again, and smiled mysteriously.

"You don't need to worry about this matter. You can do as I said now. Just knock on the door and attract one of them. I will take care of the rest."

Song Taojie frowned and thought about it, and suddenly figured out what Chen Kai meant, so he looked at him in horror.

"Are you okay? It's a bit too dangerous to do this."

Chen Kai sighed softly.

"I knew it when I saw your expression. You must have understood what I mean."

Song Taojie had no choice but to nod in agreement.

"I do know what you want to do, but I don't think it will be easier than if we just rush in and snatch your mother out."

Chen Kai looked meaningfully at the still unconscious.Lu Zeen.

"Didn't I say it just now, if we really do that, it will definitely be difficult to deceive people. We finally transported here in Lu Zeen. If we don't let him come in handy, wouldn't our efforts be in vain? "

Song Taojie thought for a long time in silence, and finally nodded with a wry smile.

"Since you said to do this, let's do this. I'll knock on the door now to lure one of them out, and then you change your clothes as quickly as possible."

Chen Kai nodded and agreed: "That's what it means."

Song Taojie said helplessly.

"But there is one thing, you must promise me that if something goes wrong, you will come out immediately, as long as you are still alive, even if you can't save your mother this time, we can think of other ways. "

"If you have any ups and downs, all hope will be gone. Don't say that your mother will be heartbroken. She will really have to spend the rest of her life by Xie Enshi's side. I think about those days I just can’t stand it, let alone someone who has experienced it firsthand.”

Chen Kai was in a good mood at first, because he felt that this matter would definitely be successful, but after hearing Song Tao's analysis, he suddenly became a little irritable and felt that it was too important.

"I said, can you say something nice?"

Song Taojie shook his head helplessly.

"This idea is very risky. I'm just telling you the pros and cons. Let's act now."

As he spoke, he carefully opened a crack in the door, looked outside again, and made sure that there was really no one in the corridor, so he took a deep breath and walked out of the room.

When he was standing in the corridor, he turned around and saw Chen Kai beckoning to him, indicating that the corridor was safe, Chen Kai nodded silently, and followed Song Taojie out of the room.

But he didn't close the door, because he will come here to carry Lu Zeen later.

The two walked carefully to the door of Wang Yuxi's room. Song Taojie looked at Chen Kai and nodded, and asked with his eyes if it was time to knock on the door. Chen Kai nodded slightly in agreement.

Song Taojie took another deep breath to calm himself down, and then gently knocked on the door.

And following his knock on the door, Chen Kai dodged and hid to the other side.

Then a voice from the door was heard.


Song Taojie responded immediately.

"I'm a hotel waiter. Just now, Mr. Xie told me to let one of you go out for a while. He has something to explain to you."

Of course the people inside didn't want to believe it, but they still opened the door a crack and looked at Song Taojie with doubts on their face. When he saw that Song Taojie was wearing the clothes of a waiter, he felt a little relieved.

"He had already explained to us when he left just now, and even if something really happened, why didn't he call us directly, but asked you to pass it on?"

Song Taojie smiled helplessly.

"I don't know about this either. He is waiting outside now. If you don't believe me, you can call and ask, but I advise you not to make this call lightly, because Mr. Xie doesn't seem to be in a good mood. "

The bodyguard's eyes also changed immediately, and at this moment, he believed what Song Taojie said.

He turned around and said something to his companions.

"Boss asked me to go out for a while. I don't know what it is. You must watch it strictly, but don't make any mistakes."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for those people to agree, he turned his face to look at Song Taojie and said lightly.

"I still don't need to call."

As he spoke, he followed Song Taojie out of the room, and when he was behind him, he punched him on the neck with lightning speed. Unfortunately, this person didn't know what was going on, so his eyes went dark. fainted.

Song Taojie heaved a long sigh, watching Chen Kai's satisfied joke.

"Not to mention, your hand is really clean and neat. If it were me, I'm afraid it would be impossible to get it so easily."

Chen Kai waved his hand impatiently and interrupted him.

"When is this, are you still thinking about joking here?"

As he spoke, he quickly took off his clothes, drew a suit of other clothes, and after finishing everything, he looked at Song Taojie and said.

"Do you think it's possible for them to see the flaw?"

How could Song Tao know?

He could only comfort Chen Kai: "Anyway, we've already done it, so don't think about it so much now."

Chen Kai nodded silently.

"Since this is the case, I'll sneak in now, and you'll lure other people away later, but you have to wait a few minutes for this process, and make sure I'm really inside without conflicting with them before you can act."

"Otherwise, if they recognize me and you knock on the door again, they will definitely think you are my helper. You don't even need to think about it."

"Don't worry too much. It's not that I don't believe in your martial arts. I just think that I can deal with the people inside alone."

Song Taojie smiled helplessly.

"You don't need to save face for me. I know that my skill is really not as good as yours. If there is a real fight inside, my appearance will only cause you trouble, so I will just wait for you here for a while."

"Okay, now we've delayed long enough, and soon someone inside will wonder why this person hasn't gone back?"

Chen Kai nodded and stopped talking, quickly walked to the door of Wang Yuxi's room, and knocked lightly on the door.

After hearing the response from inside, Chen Kai opened the door and sneaked in.

Song Taojie's heartbeat started to speed up since Chen Kai entered the room, but he couldn't do anything about it. The two made an appointment, and he would wait here for a few minutes.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and Song Taojie became more worried as time went by, but fortunately, there was no sound from inside, which at least meant that Chen Kai was still safe for the time being.

After waiting for another three or four minutes, Song Taojie believed that there must be nothing wrong with Chen Kai, so he took a deep breath.

Walking slowly to the door, he knocked on the door again.

"Mr. Xie said, tell all of you to go down there, the buddy was being scolded there just now, let you go over quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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