Chapter 62
Brother Hu almost dropped his jaw in shock, did he hear correctly just now?
Puman actually personally invited him to join the gang?

Although it is normal to invite a person with good martial arts to join the gang, it is not normal if this word comes from the mouth of Master Puman. thing.

However, the next scene made Brother Hu doubt life even more, because Chen Kai refused!

"Sorry, I have no intention of joining these gangs. I am very grateful for your appreciation, but it is a pity that I cannot promise you."

After drinking the wine in the glass and gently placing the glass on the table, Chen Kai stood up and cupped his hands.

"You are indeed a respectable opponent, but I hope that no matter what happens in the future, your good skills will not be wasted."

Chinese martial arts have always been used to protect the weak, punish the evil and promote the good, not to help the evildoers and do evil.

He could see that although this master Boman had a lot of abilities, his heart was not bad, he just had a courageous heart, which was misused.

That's the end of the conversation, as to whether he can understand the deep meaning of his words, Chen Kai thought it was not important anymore, took Qin Yue's hand beside him and left the box directly, leaving behind the two people sitting there...

On the way home, Qin Yue thought over and over again what Chen Kai said at the dinner table just now, and always felt that there was something in his words.

"He invited you to join their gang just now, why did you refuse?"

Although he has a stronger background than the gang, it is not a bad thing for him to join the gang.

What's more, in this way, he won't be accused of being attached to the Qin family. Isn't that bad for him?
"I don't have such lofty ambitions. I just want to keep my original promise and protect you well."

Chen Kai smiled helplessly at this and did not explain too much.

It turns out that protecting them well is more important than his lofty ambitions?

The man's seemingly casual words changed in Qin Yue's ears. Although she had never experienced love, she also understood that for men, nothing is more important than their careers.

Once on a program, a host once said that if a man is willing to give up everything for you, then such a man really loves you.

So was he indirectly confessing his love just now?

Qin Yue's pretty face flushed, she lowered her head, not daring to look directly at the man.

The car was speeding all the way, and it was already five or six in the afternoon when I got home. After entering the house, I found that Qin Ying was the only one at home.

As soon as he got home, Chen Kai took off his coat, put on his apron skillfully and walked into the kitchen, ready to prepare dinner for everyone.

But Qin Ying's eyes were attracted by Qin Yue from the moment she entered the door.

This little girl's eyes were full of spring from the moment she entered the door, as if she had eaten honey, with two touches of blush on her cheeks, and her tender eyes when she looked at Chen Kai...

How could the girl with this problem show such a gentle side?
Qin Ying raised her eyebrows, her intuition told her that there was a problem between the two of them!

After the kitchen door was closed, Qin Ying held the potato chips in her hands, curiously moved forward, picked up a piece of potato chips and stuffed them into Qin Yue's mouth very affectionately.

"What did you do when you went out in the afternoon, tell me about it?"

Qin Ying smirked, her face of gossip was comparable to that of a reporter in the entertainment industry.

Qin Yue, who was already in a mess in her heart, looked at the curious elder sister in front of her. After hesitating for a moment, she took the second sister's hand and sat on the sofa and told her what happened this afternoon in a low voice.

The two sisters whispered together, but Chen Kai in the kitchen didn't realize it.

In the evening, when Qin Xiang and Qin Min came home from get off work, they saw the two sisters in the living room whispering together. It was rare to see them gossiping together.

Qin Xiang was a little surprised, what kind of wind is blowing today?

A girl with normal problems, always hip-hop, street style, and a person who is usually obsessed with creation and has a nervous mind.

When these two weird people get together, it's hard to imagine what kind of topic they are discussing, but they can discuss it so seriously!

The two looked at each other, and Jie saw doubt in each other's eyes.

"What are you two talking about?"

In the end, Qin Min was the first to break the silence.

The sudden sound separated the two people gathered together on the sofa in an instant, and Qin Ying stroked her hair in embarrassment: "What can we talk about? It's a new game. I think it's quite novel, so we discussed it together. .”

"Yes, that's right, it's quite novel."

The look of avoiding the eyes of the two of them was clearly a reaction after someone caught him doing something guilty.

But seeing that there were no other changes in the family, although Qin Xiang couldn't figure out what kind of tricks they were playing, but the child had grown up and had his own thoughts.

"Where's Chen Kai?"

"He's preparing dinner for us in the kitchen." Qin Ying replied.

Qin Min immediately ran to the kitchen to help Chen Kai. Although she didn't know how to cook, she just wanted to stay with Chen Kai, although she didn't know why.

"I also need to go."

Not to be outdone, Qin Yue chased after her, and the two ran into the kitchen together.

For the two who appeared suddenly, Chen Kai was a little surprised, the meal is not ready yet, why are they so active this time?

"I'm hungry. Go to the refrigerator and get some snacks. It will take a while until the meal is ready."

Carefully cut the cucumber in his hand into petal shapes, which will be used for arranging later.

Looking at the movements in the man's hands, Qin Yue said confidently: "Let me help you cut vegetables, isn't it just cutting cucumbers into flowers? I can do it too."

As he said that, he grabbed the knife from the man's hand and started to operate it as he understood.

However, the reality is that when the kitchen knife is held in the hand, it is like a disobedient child, passing through the delicate skin several times, and Chen Kai watching it is shocking.

Qin Ying was also working hard to wash the dishes at the side, but before the dishes were washed, more than half of her clothes were splashed wet. The originally clean and tidy kitchen was like the scene of a car accident.

Chen Kai was a little desperate: "Sisters, can you wait outside for a while? Leave the kitchen to me. If you really want to help, just serve me a plate."

There should be no problem with the end plate, right?

After realizing their own strength, the two women are no longer persistent, after all, it is themselves who are ashamed.

Obediently pass the plate aside until dinner is ready.

A table of delicious food was presented in front of everyone, and of course there were a few more dramatic cucumber flowers.

"Try it, how does it taste?"

Adding a piece of shrimp, Chen Kai stretched his chopsticks in front of the two girls, but the two sisters had a conflict over who should taste it first.

(End of this chapter)

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