Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 623 Another Clue

Chapter 623 Another Clue
Of course, Wang Haokang didn't change his clothes. He was in his own home, and he didn't need to dress up to receive the visiting guests.

In particular, it was Lu Wen who wanted to meet, and he didn't look down on the Lu family, because the power of the two families was not too different, and it was just an excuse for him to change clothes.

Because it suddenly occurred to him that since Lu Wen had come, Xie Enci could not be allowed to escape no matter what, at least he had to explain the matter face to face.

There will be no misunderstandings in the future, otherwise, Xie Enci really got angry and did something to Lu Zeen, and it would not be fun for Lu Wen to take this account on himself.

Wang Haokang has done everything in his life, the only thing he doesn't want to do is to take the blame for others.

Yu Shi immediately called Xie Enci.

Xie Enci was also sitting on the sofa worrying, when suddenly he heard the phone ringing, and when he checked the caller ID, it was actually Wang Haokang calling.

His brows immediately frowned, not knowing what Wang Haokang wanted to do with him, so he made a call.

"I said Mr. Wang, didn't I tell you? I was busy looking for Wang Yuxi's whereabouts, why did you call again?"

"You don't have to worry. Once I have any news, I will definitely notify you. You just have to wait in peace."

Wang Haokang sighed softly.

"I didn't call you because of this."

Xie Enci felt a little puzzled.

"Then what's the matter? Don't say any more bad news. This matter has already made me burnt out. I really can't stand the more unfortunate news."

Wang Haokang let out a long sigh.

"To be honest, I didn't want to call you at first, but Lu Wen came to visit me just now, and I'm waiting in the living room now."

"I think this matter should be communicated to you no matter what. Don't rush to find my daughter now, you should come here quickly. The three of us can explain this clearly, so there will be no misunderstanding in the future. .”

After hearing this, Xie Enci cursed inwardly.

"Wang Haokang is really an old fox. Originally, Lu Wen went to find him, and he could just find a reason to dismiss him, but he had to let himself go."

"Now that Lu Zeen hasn't woken up yet, if Lu Wen asked him for someone, should he give it or not? If he didn't, it would be tantamount to offending him face to face. If he did, he would expect to find out from Lu Zeen's mouth. Some news."

Wang Haokang didn't hear Xie Enci's reply, so he couldn't help urging.

"What are you thinking? Don't hesitate any longer, you should come over quickly, otherwise I'm afraid I really can't deal with that surnamed Lu by myself."

He had already said this, so Xie Enci had no choice but to agree.

"Don't worry, I'll go to your place now."

Only then did Wang Haokang hang up the phone with confidence, because he knew that people like Xie Enci would never miss an appointment, as long as he agreed to come, he would definitely come.

After hanging up the phone, Wang Haokang stood up and straightened his clothes, then looked in the mirror to make sure there was nothing wrong, and then walked to the living room.

Lu Wen had already grown impatient for waiting, and when he saw Wang Haokang coming out, he immediately stood up and said with an apologetic smile.

"It's really embarrassing to come here uninvited today. If it wasn't for the urgent matter, I wouldn't do it. Please forgive me if I take the liberty."

Wang Haokang laughed and patted Lu Wen on the shoulder with a smile.

"What are you talking about? I can't even invite a person like you. Don't say those kind words. Please sit down."

The two sides were divided into guests and hosts, and Lu Wen didn't bother to go around in circles, and asked straightforwardly.

"To be honest, I already know the whole story. It's because my vigorous grandson got drunk and caused such a big trouble."

"I'm here this time to show off my old face to you. I hope you will see my face. Don't blame the Xie family and the Wang family."

Wang Haokang had already expected that Lu Wen would definitely say this, but he didn't expect that he would go straight to the point so directly. At that time, he was a little at a loss and smiled awkwardly.

"I'm really sorry. I'm not the only one who has the final say. But by coincidence, Xie Enci also called me just now, saying that he would come to my place to discuss how to deal with the matter."

"Let's wait for him for a while, I believe he should be able to get here in a short time."

A look of doubt flashed in Lu Wen's eyes, but since Wang Haokang said so, he couldn't hold on anymore.

Wang Haokang asked the butler to serve tea, and the two of them were drinking tea while chatting with each other. After 10 minutes, the doorbell rang suddenly, and Wang Haokang immediately said with a smile.

"What did I say? This must be the gift of Xie En."

Speaking of asking the butler to go out to greet him, the person who came was indeed Xie Enci, and it was inevitable to exchange polite greetings after the meeting. After the host and guest were seated, Wang Haokang explained the purpose of Lu Wen's visit.

Xie Enci immediately sank his face.

"Old man Lu came to visit in person. Normally, we should give face, but I'm afraid this matter is not that simple. We have a vague feeling that old man Lu seems to know who is doing this?"

Lu Wen hurriedly shook his head in denial.

"How is this possible? You are really thinking too much. I just know that my grandson has fallen into your hands, so I come here to explain to you."

"As for who did it, I really don't know. I can guarantee that I don't know more than you. I really want to know who this person is."

"Because I dared to offend someone from the Lu family so blatantly, I really couldn't figure out who it was in Shanghai, so I was very anxious to find this person."

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll have trouble sleeping and eating in the future. Think about it, this person is so bold, he obviously doesn't take our three families seriously."

"This time, I just rescued Mr. Wang's daughter. Wouldn't it be easier to deal with me later?"

"So I will never let him go, but now is not the time to talk about these topics. I am more worried about my grandson's safety now."

Xie Enci suddenly sneered.

"Old man, I think you are a character, so I respectfully call you Mr. Lu, but you are shameless, so you can't blame me."

As he spoke, he drew a dagger from his waist.

Lu Wen's face immediately changed. He originally thought that with his own prestige, he could bring his grandson back with a few good words here.

As for how Wang Yuxi can be found, that's beyond his control, even though he clearly knows that Chen Kai's responsibility for this matter is nine out of ten.

But because of the guilt towards Qin Xiang, he would never say his name, but he never expected that Xie Enci would be so worthless, since he dared to fight against him.

Xie Enci stared at him coldly.

"Old man, don't blame me for being rude to you if you don't eat a toast and take fine wine."

(End of this chapter)

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