Chapter 625

"I'm really sorry. I saw your face change just now. Did I say something wrong just now? If that's the case, please forgive me."

"I'm getting old, and sometimes my head is really not working. I don't know what I said one day, and I offended others."

Xie Enci knew that Lu Wen had acted like this on purpose, and was very, very angry in his heart, but he had to admit that his inference just now was reasonable.

Xie Enci understands better than anyone else that if Wang Yuxi's matter is revealed, he may have to go to jail.

No one spoke, the room had been quiet for a long time, and everyone felt that the atmosphere was a little depressing.

In fact, Wang Haokang knew better than anyone else that this matter had nothing to do with that dude Lu Zeen.

But since he appeared in the hotel and took Wang Yuxi's place, it means that he knows something about this matter, which is beyond doubt.

But Lu Wen, the stubborn old man, firmly insisted that Lu Zenn only went to the hotel when he was drunk, so this matter is really a bit difficult to handle.

If you don't sell Lu Wen this face, once the old man is annoyed, the Lu family may not be easy to deal with. Lu Wen will directly send someone over to snatch Lu Zeen away.

I'm afraid that even if it is the Wang family, there is no way to stop it, not to mention that it is not good to forcefully stop it, which will definitely cause conflicts between the two families.

Having said that, even if the old man Xie Enci is not convinced, he still wants to put a stick in it and deal with the Lu family together with Mr. Wang.

Not only has this matter not become easier to solve, but it will become more troublesome.

Thinking of this, Wang Haokang finally let out a long sigh, and looked at Xie Enci meaningfully.

"Now you can let Lu Zeen go. Mr. Lu has been here for a long time, and this is what he is asking for. How can we not give him any face?"

Xie Enci looked at Wang Haokang reluctantly.

"I'm afraid this is not right? Even if you take a step back and say that Lu Zenn is really drunk, you have to wait until he wakes up to ask clearly? So far, he is the only one who knows the clues. At least the only one who might know."

Lu Wen couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

"Why can't I tell you clearly? I just repeatedly emphasized that my grandson is drunk. I can guarantee that he was already dizzy when he went to the hotel. "

"He doesn't even remember who he drank with or what he drank with. Otherwise, how could he have slept until now and still hasn't woken up?"

Xie Enci flatly refused.

"No, I can't listen to your one-sided words, and I don't want to deliberately oppose you. I just want to tell you that your grandson is really important to us."

"As long as he wakes up and tells me what's going on, I'll send him back immediately, and I won't hurt a single hair of him."

Wang Haokang kept winking at Xie Enci, telling him not to continue talking, but Xie Enci seemed to have not seen it at all, and still expounded his point of view filled with righteous indignation.

Lu Wen couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile.

"It seems that I am really old. I remember saying a word in Shanghai before, no matter who I am, I have to give me some face, but now I can't even take my grandson away."

These words are extremely sad and depressing.

Wang Haokang's expression changed. He knew that Lu Wen was really angry. If Xie Enci still didn't know what to do and said a few words to make the old man angry, Lu Wen would immediately strike. It is absolutely impossible to resist.

So he hurriedly smoothed things over by the side.

"Mr. Lu, don't say that. Xie Enci may not be able to figure it out for a while. I'm doing his ideological work. Anyway, wouldn't it be enough to let you take your grandson back today?"

Lu Wen nodded silently.

"In that case, go and talk to him."

Wang Haokang pulled Xie Enci to the corner, lowered his voice and said seriously.

"What's the matter with you? Didn't I ask you to release him just now? Look at this old man's virtue. If you don't release him again, he will definitely have to teach you a lesson."

"I know you are great, and you are also rich. If you want, you can find enough helpers, but do you think those helpers you found can really help you avenge your hatred?"

"Who is Lu Wen? Who doesn't know in this magic city? Who doesn't know? Even I, Wang Haokang, have to respect him two or three points. You are still a young man."

"And you're not a member of the Jianghu family at all. You're just a businessman at most. How sure do you think you are that you have the confidence to openly oppose the people of the Lu family?"

Xie Enci was still a little unconvinced.

"What's wrong with the people of the Lu family? Can the people of the Lu family be unreasonable? What happened to Lu Zenn? No one knows now."

"But I just don't believe that he is really drunk. When my subordinates found him, he didn't smell of alcohol at all."

"And then again, what kind of wine can get so drunk, I think he clearly drank sleeping pills."

Wang Haokang looked at Lu Wen carefully, and found that he was still sitting in the original position, drinking the tea in his cup leisurely, as if he didn't care what the two of them were talking about here.

Only then did he lower his voice, and continued slowly.

"Are you okay? As a green mountain, I am not afraid of running out of firewood. To be honest, even if I really want to conflict with the people of the Lu family one day, I will definitely not choose this time."

"Now you listen to me, let that kid go quickly, he is now a plague god, and whoever keeps him will cause a lot of trouble. I don't want Lu Wen to make trouble for me."

Although Xie Enci was still a little reluctant, but Wang Haokang had already said what he said, and it might be a bit unreasonable to insist on not letting him go. He was silent for a while, and finally nodded silently.

"Okay then, but I'm not afraid of the surname Lu, I'm just looking at your face."

Wang Haokang didn't bother to talk to him, and when he heard that he was willing to release him, he quickly walked to the living room and looked at Lu Wen with a smile.

"Now you can take your grandson away."

Lu Wen immediately put the teacup on the table, stood up and cupped his fists.

"Thank you so much, Mr. Wang, but I don't know where my disappointing grandson is?"

Xie Enci let out a long sigh.

"When I came, I put him in the back seat of my car. I know he is your grandson, so I didn't put him in the trunk. He should be sleeping comfortably now."

(End of this chapter)

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