Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 631 Are you kidding me?

Chapter 631 Are you kidding me?
In fact, Lu Kuan planned to let his people find Wang Yuxi, and at that time, he and Wang Yuxi were together, and he could satisfy his wish for decades.

As for whether Xie Enci will be furious or not, that is beyond his control. After all, he has admired Wang Yuxi for decades. He originally thought that there would be no chance in this life, but God opened his eyes.

If I don't seize this opportunity, I will definitely regret it for the rest of my life. Now that I am so old, it can even be said that Huang Tu has already bought half of his body.

At this time, I really shouldn't think about the life and death of others. Even if I have a little thought, I should seek happiness for myself.

It's a pity that people don't know about it these days.

Song Taojie and Chen Kai don't know either, Song Taojie is still regretting the pile of mutton skewers that he ate just now, he is not a particularly rich person, although he has opened a company, but now he doesn't do any business easy.

His company is just a reluctant support. Although it looks very good on the surface, only he knows how difficult it has been in the past few years.

Therefore, he has never been willing to waste food, not to mention that Chen Kai has given a lot of money just now, and there are still many mutton skewers on the table.

Coupled with the fact that he didn't enjoy the drink just now, Song Taojie couldn't help but wanted to go back and continue drinking, but seeing the expression on Chen Kai's face, he felt that he really made this suggestion, and Chen Kai probably wouldn't agree , so he hesitated in his heart.

Seeing the expression on his face, Chen Kai couldn't help but smile faintly.

"Are you particularly sorry for those mutton skewers? If that's the case, I think we can go to another barbecue restaurant to continue drinking."

Song Taojie's gloomy eyes suddenly lit up, but he shook his head immediately.

"Are you kidding me? There are so many people looking for Wang Yuxi, it is very likely that the people from the Lu family have already turned out, and now maybe every barbecue restaurant has their ambush."

"Everywhere we go now, the situation we encounter is the same. Instead of that, we might as well go back to the original place, then eat and drink as if nothing happened, and go back after getting drunk."

"I think the more scared we are, the more they will suspect the two of us, and now we can not show our flaws, or we shouldn't show our flaws."

Chen Kai smiled meaningfully.

"I knew you would say that, so I've already figured out a countermeasure. We should be more cautious, and since they've all come out, the waiter must have cleaned up the leftover barbecue we ate."

"Even if we go back to the original position, we have to grill again. I don't think we need to bother."

Song Taojie was silent for a long time, and finally nodded.

"I've already said what I said. I'm afraid I won't be able to persist anymore. At most, it's just a waste of a table of mutton skewers. Didn't you say that? Safety is more important."

Saying this, he suddenly smiled again.

"But I think, you don't need to be too nervous, anyway, no one knows, we did this thing."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly.

"I just said that you think about this matter too simply. Even if these people can't find my mother, won't they take the two of us back to make up for the crime?"

Song Taojie was taken aback, he looked at Chen Kai dumbfounded.

"I originally thought that I belonged to the kind of person who strategizes and wins thousands of miles, but when I compared with you just now, I realized that I am just like a child who hasn't grown up."

"Your thinking is too thorough and far-reaching. I think that I will follow you in the future, not only to learn martial arts, but also to learn from you the experience of these rivers and lakes."

"It's a bit strange to say, I'm the kind of person who often walks on the street. I'm a gangster, but why is my experience in the world not as good as yours? What kind of things have you experienced before?"

Chen Kai fell into deep thought, thinking that since I debuted, I don't know how many dangers I have almost lost my life. Of course, I should think more about this kind of thing, but now I am talking about this kind of thing. When is the topic?

Chen Kai sighed lightly.

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. I think we should go back first. If there is any problem, let's talk slowly after we get back to your office."

Song Taojie nodded silently.

"To be honest, I'm really sleepy and need to find a place to rest."

Chen Kai's eyes widened suddenly, and he looked at Song Taojie suspiciously.

"What do you mean you're sleepy?"

Song Taojie's eyes were more puzzled than his.

"When I'm sleepy, I want to sleep. Why don't you check what time it is? We've been tossing around for a long time and drank a little wine. Don't you feel sleepy at all?"

Chen Kai shook his head with a wry smile.

"I'm indeed a little tired, but I also know that even if you give me a big bed at this time, I won't be able to sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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