Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 64 I Help You

Chapter 64 I Help You

Is it because the people of the previous generation have their own majesty, or is it that their psychological endurance has regressed?

Looking at the thin sweat on his palms, Chen Kai fell into self-doubt.

Lying on the two-meter-large bed, looking at the pattern on the ceiling, maybe it would be a good choice to work in Qin Xiang's company.It is best to find a job related to bodyguards, which can be regarded as finding a job.

No sleep for one night.

On the second day, Chen Kai, who came to Qinxiang Company, came to the personnel department to report with his identification materials, and he had some expectations for the unknown position in his heart.

The manager of the HR department looked at the ID card Cheng Kai handed over, and received news from the work group early this morning, saying that Mr. Qin had arranged for a newcomer to come to the company. He thought he was a business elite at first, but now it seems that he is nothing. .

"Boss Qin arranged for you to go to the sales department, come with me!"

The manager of the HR department looked at Chen Kai with some displeasure, and directly regarded him in his heart as a little boy clinging to women.

The two vacant positions in the sales department have almost no effect on the company, and the presence or absence of those two people will not affect the operation of the sales department. When recruiting employees, I never thought that Mr. Qin would just say a word and arrange for someone to come in without even interviewing.

"This is your job position. These two tables are empty. You can choose one."

Speaking of which, the HR manager stepped on his high heels and left without looking back, his perfunctory attitude was not hidden.

Chen Kai didn't take this seriously. He came to this company to work, not to show off. As long as it doesn't affect his job, other people's attitude doesn't matter.

Looking at the two tables in front of him, one is in the farthest corner, and Chen Kai is more inclined to this more central table if he wants to take the side seat.

A small table is just enough to accommodate office tools and some small decorative potted plants.

Apple's general-purpose office computer is placed in the middle of the table, with a thin layer of dust on it, and it can be seen that this table has been vacant for a while.

Just when Chen Kai was about to look for tools to tidy up the desktop, the owner of the desk next to his desk also came back. Her waist-length hair and fresh work attire made her appear meticulous while bringing With the rigor unique to professionals.

Although she was wearing gold-rimmed glasses, they still couldn't cover her delicate facial features under the glasses.

The other party seemed to have noticed that there was an extra person at the table beside him, so he couldn't help but take a second look.

"Hello, I'm a new employee. My surname is Chen and my name is Chen Kai."

In line with the rules of the workplace, Chen Kai, a newcomer to the company, took the initiative to say hello as he should.

The beauty nodded slightly, her face still expressionless, the corners of her mouth moved slightly: "Hello, An Yueyao!"

The simple five words reveal alienation, but they don't seem to reject people thousands of miles away.

Chen Kai, who had a bad nose, felt a little resentful. Could it be that all pretty beauties have weird tempers?
"By the way, An Mei, do you have any paper towels? There is a lot of dust on this table, I want to wipe it off."

It wasn't until his eyes touched the layer of white ash on the table that he remembered what he was going to do. He was so focused on saying hello to her just now that he forgot.

An Yueyao frowned slightly, with a look of impatience on her face, but she still opened the drawer and handed the tissue to Chen Kai.

"Thank you beauty."

After receiving the paper towel, Chen Kai immediately wiped the front and back of the table. After making sure that it was spotless, he sat down on it generously and arranged his things.

However, after doing all this, he fell into the boredom of doing nothing.

It has been a while since he came to the company, even if no one has arranged a job for him, is it because the sales department has nothing to do?

I just wanted to subconsciously take out my phone and play a game, but thought that it was working hours and playing games would be disrespectful to the company, so I had no choice but to put the phone away and sit on the chair.

However, the pretty face of the beautiful woman beside him, as well as his vague fragrance, kept lingering around him, making him unable to feel at ease.

Turning her head to look, she found that the beauty was facing a tall stack of reports, which covered half of her face and only part of her eyes were exposed.

"Yueyao? You have so many documents, do you need me to help you deal with them? I also have a job right now."

He spread his hands out of boredom, showing that he was about to get moldy.

An Yueyao, who was so busy, was a little moved. After all, she had too much work in her hands. If there was no one to help, she might have to work overtime just to finish processing this pair of reports.

He's just a newcomer to the company, can he do it well?

An Yueyao questioned his strength.

"These reports are an integration of all the employees of our sales department this quarter. There are a lot of professional terms and complicated figures involved. Are you sure you can do it well?"

If you don't do it well, you will make a mistake at that time, and it will be more troublesome to change it. It is better to do it yourself from the beginning.

And when it comes to numbers, the requirements for the fonts of the report itself are also extremely high. If the handwriting is not neat and leads to another meaning, then this quarter will be in vain.

Seeing that she was unwilling to believe him, Chen Kai was not in a hurry to explain, but directly picked up a report in front of her and started to process it.

Under An Yueyao's watchful eyes, a dense report was completed neatly by Chen Kaigong in just 5 minutes, and even the important numbers in it were specially marked with eye-catching marker pens.

"How? Can this effect help you?"

Chen Kai gave An Yueyao the compiled report. He didn't know what her request was like, and he just compiled a report according to his own habits when he was in school.

"Very good. Even some old employees of the company may not be able to organize it so thoroughly. Did you specialize in this line of work before?"

An Yueyao was a little surprised and moved all the reports on her desktop to Chen Kai's desktop. She could finally calm down and concentrate on completing the summary of this month's quarterly reports.

Facing the big beauty's praise, Chen Kai was a little embarrassed: "I didn't do this before, but the teacher happened to talk about this aspect in class before, and I just happened not to be distracted."

"You are so humorous." An Yueyao was amused, and her affection for him doubled in her heart.

If it was an ordinary person, after accepting the praise, he would definitely be elated, but he is so different.

The two were busy with their work, talking and laughing all morning, but when they were about to get off work, the team leader suddenly came to inspect.

(End of this chapter)

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