Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 643 Is this how you let people go?

Chapter 643 Is this how you let people go?

Song Taojie shook his head helplessly.

"You finally talked about the crux of the matter. This is also the most difficult part. Didn't we already talk about it just now? We don't even know what this person looks like."

"Finding such a person in the devil is like looking for a needle in a haystack. In addition, the Wang family and the Xie family really ordered him to do this, so it is very likely that he has been murdered."

"Even if it has not been silenced, at least it has been hidden, and it has even left the magic city. It will be even more difficult for us to find it."

Chen Kai was completely speechless, it's not that he didn't think of this possibility, it's just that there was still a fluke in his heart.

"I don't think it should be that fast. That man's marksmanship is very accurate, without leaving any clues, and his methods are so clean and neat. He must be a professional killer, or at least one who has received professional training."

"A person like this must have thought about the way out before he took action, so it is unlikely that he will be silenced. He is probably hiding."

"And I believe that he doesn't necessarily trust the Wang family and the Xie family that much. He will never trust them, but find a place to hide himself."

"If my guess is correct, he will definitely not choose to leave the city at this time, but will wait until the wind has passed, and then leave in a big way."

Song Taojie applauded in admiration, even his eyes were full of admiration.

"To be honest, your analysis really makes me jealous, but even so, I mean, even if we know that this person is still in Shanghai, we don't even know what he looks like, how old he is, or where he lives. Know."

"It may not be an easy task to find it, but the Wang family and the Xie family will not let us search slowly."

"Before we found him, they had assembled, all the forces they could muster, and attacked us."

"And at that time, what chance do you think we have of winning? Or let me ask more clearly, how long do you think we can last?"

Chen Kai was speechless, and sat down on the sofa again, staring at the tea table in front of him in a daze.

Song Taojie also returned to the living room from the window, and sat across from Chen Kai. The two stared at each other, neither of them knew what to do.

It is indeed very tricky that things have happened to this point, and it has far exceeded Chen Kai's grasp.

He originally thought that as long as people from the Chen family abroad were willing to come back to help, the revival of the Chen family would be a matter of course.

But he didn't expect that Lu Kuan was killed by someone inexplicably, causing himself such a big trouble.

After an unknown amount of time, Song Taojie finally let out a long sigh.

"This is the end of the matter, there's no use worrying about it. I'll just ask my subordinates to work overtime to find it. As for whether I can find it, I really have no confidence at all. Now I can only do my best and obey the destiny."

Chen Kai smiled helplessly.

"This incident has caused you a lot of trouble, brother thank you here."

Song Taojie didn't say anything else, because he felt that the matter was very difficult.

If it was before, he would definitely be polite, but now he is not in this mood.

When the two were discussing their plan, Lu Wen had already brought Lu Zeen out.

At this moment, the two of them were immersed in their thoughts, and they didn't even realize that someone was going down the stairs.

Lu Wen coughed lightly, and brought the two of them back to reality from their thoughts. Chen Kai turned to look at Lu Wen.

Lu Wen was also staring at him seriously.

"I don't know if you killed Lu Kuan. Everyone is dead. It's useless for me to say anything else, but don't think that I will let this matter go."

"Once I find out that Lu Kuan's death is related to you, I will never let you go easily. Now I hope you will let me take my precious grandson away."

"I can assure you that our Lu family will never provoke you again in the future."

Chen Kai smiled lightly.

"Since you have reached this point, I will also assure you that I did not kill your son, because I know how much trouble it will be to kill him. I have never been afraid of trouble, but I am not a person who kills easily. This kind of black gun will not be fired."

As he spoke, he looked at Lu Zeen behind Lu Wen.

Lu Zeen gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Kai. For a moment, Chen Kai even thought that this kid would suddenly turn into a mad dog and jump over and bite him to death.

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly.

"Don't look at me like that. If I really killed your father, I wouldn't keep you. Before your grandfather came, I had a chance to kill you too."

He glanced at Lu Wen intentionally or unintentionally, and found that the old man had a calm face and did not become excited because of what he said, so he smiled lightly and continued slowly.

"It's very easy to kill you. If you throw it anywhere and bury it, even if your grandfather turns the devil over, he may not be able to find your body."

Having said that, he walked up to him, wanting to pat him on the shoulder lightly.

Lu Zeen thought that Chen Kai was going to hurt him immediately, so he hurriedly took a few steps back.

"What do you want to do?"

Before Chen Kai could speak, Lu Wen shook his head helplessly and smiled, taking over the conversation.

"You child, do you now know how big the gap is between you and Chen Kai? With me in front of you, Chen Kai would never dare to fight you. You don't even understand this point. Even if it is really Chen Kai Kai killed your father, what will you do to avenge your father's blood hatred?"

Lu Zeen wanted to say something more, but Lu Wen interrupted him impatiently.

"You don't need to say anything."

Chen Kai smiled meaningfully.

"Mr. Lu is still sensible."

Lu Wen snorted coldly and said nothing.

Chen Kai turned his attention to Lu Zeen again.

"I know you're getting impatient, but I'm not done yet."

Lu Zeen could only listen.

Chen Kai sighed softly.

"Even if you don't appreciate my grace of not killing, at least you shouldn't be full of hatred towards me. If you really want to hate, then go hate the person who fired the gun in the dark."

Lu Zeen was about to grit his teeth, and seeing that Chen Kai stopped talking, he finally managed to utter a sentence between his teeth.

"The green hills don't change, and the green waters always flow. I admit that I can't beat you now, but you remember, one day I will seek justice from you."

Chen Kai stared at Lu Wen with his eyes, as if he was asking him, just now he promised that the Lu family would not come to trouble him in the future, but now his precious grandson wants to seek justice from him, which side should he trust? ?

Lu Wen couldn't hold back anymore, so he scolded angrily.

"Shut up, what shall I tell you upstairs?"

Lu Zeen seemed to want to explain a few words, but Lu Wen stared, and Lu Zeen dared not say anything more.

Lu Wen clasped his fist at Chen Kai.

"Then I'll take my leave. What I say will definitely count. I advise you, you'd better not come to trouble the Lu family in the future."

After saying this, he strode away without looking back.

Lu Zeen hurriedly followed, and when he reached the entrance of the villa, he stopped suddenly, turned around and gave Chen Kai a hard look.

Chen Kai smiled and waved at him.


Lu Zeen didn't speak, but snorted coldly, closed the door of the villa heavily, and left with Lu Wen.

Song Taojie let out a long breath, he didn't say a word during the whole process, and now he finally asked with a puzzled expression.

"Did you just let Lu Zeen go like this? It's really like letting the tiger go back to the mountain. Although the old man promises that he won't trouble you, the pain of losing his son is probably not something he can bear."

"I think he will still try to make trouble in the dark. You are a little reckless this time. At least you should ask your uncle Chen Jinfei for his advice."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, and patted Song Taojie's shoulder lightly.

"Then what do you think I should do? Lu Zeen's martial arts are not worth mentioning. Even though Lu Wen used to have great skills, but now he is old, and he is not my opponent."

"Even if I am alone, it is more than enough to deal with the two of them, but is it really necessary to kill them all?"

(End of this chapter)

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