Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 646 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts

Chapter 646 Mother and Daughter Talking Hearts
Soon arrived at the hospital, Mother Qin and Qin Xiang were waiting anxiously outside.

Qin Ying has been pushed into the examination room.

On the one hand, Qin Xiang was worried about her sister, and didn't know what happened to Qin Ying. If she got seriously ill because of this incident, Qin Xiang would feel very entangled and guilty.

After all, Qin Ying and Chen Kai already had a little bit of semblance. If it wasn't because of their own intrusion, the two of them might have become a couple now.

Because what happened in Shanghai was so unexpected that even Qin Xiang wasn't mentally prepared for it. Although she explained it later, she was forgiven by Qin Ying.

But just like Qin's mother said, Qin Ying didn't say anything on the surface, but this matter has already formed a dark wound in her heart.

This is only one aspect, and what worries Qin Xiang even more is Chen Kai, why can't I get through the phone all the time?
Qin's mother saw that Qin Xiang was walking around anxiously like an ant on a hot pot, and couldn't help but sighed softly.

"Don't worry, you don't have to worry about anything. Whether it's your sister or Chen Kai, I will never have any problems. I know you are more worried about Chen Kai."

"Because Qin Ying is still young, she probably won't suffer from any serious illness, but Chen Kai may not be. He is alone in Shanghai, facing such a powerful opponent, there is a high possibility that something unexpected will happen."

"Don't say you're worried, even I feel terrified sometimes, but I believe that Chen Kaiji has his own destiny, and nothing will happen."

Speaking of this, Mother Qin forced a smile, but even she knew how bitter and helpless this smile was.

"Recall carefully, how dangerous things Chen Kai encountered before, didn't they all turn out of danger in the end?"

Qin Xiang knew that her mother was worried about herself, and she forced a smile to prevent her from worrying so much.

"What are you talking about? I was a little anxious because I couldn't get through to Chen Kai, but then I figured it out, because no news is good news."

"If something really happens, even if I don't know Song Taojie's phone number, Song Taojie will definitely find a way to contact me."

"The reason why there has been no news now is that the situation is still under control, but Qin Ying..."

When she said this, her eyes seemed to be filled with tears.

"I really don't know what to say. If something unexpected happens, I'm afraid I will feel guilty for the rest of my life."

Qin's mother looked at Qin Xiang meaningfully.

"Originally, I waited to tell you these words later. It's really not the time to say these things now, but seeing you like this, I feel very distressed."

Qin Xiang looked at Qin's mother in surprise. Only when she announced important news, her mother would prepare it in advance. Is there any important thing to tell herself?
She prayed silently in her heart, hoping that there would never be any bad news again.

Mother Qin seemed to see through Qin Xiang's thoughts.

"Don't worry, I want to tell you that Mom has already seen that Chen Kai likes you."

Qin Xiang's jaw almost didn't drop, she immediately widened her eyes with an incredible expression.

"what's up?"

Mother Qin shook her head helplessly.

"Mom has also experienced it when she was young. Like you young men and women, you think you are hiding it very deeply, but you don't know that it can be revealed in ordinary inadvertent small movements, and people with discerning eyes can see it at a glance."

Qin Xiang smiled helplessly.

"Since you have already seen it, I have nothing to hide. Chen Kai and I have already been together, when we were in Shanghai, but I didn't talk so much to Qin Ying, just because I was worried about her. I can't accept it."

There was no surprise on Qin's mother's face, as if she had already guessed what was going on.

"Then what did you say to your sister? Could it be that you are together, isn't the amount of information in this sentence not enough?"

Qin Xiang helplessly shook her head.

"Let's not talk about this for now. I just mentioned it briefly. It may be a hint, but I think a smart girl like Qin Ying can definitely see it. That's why things like this happened today."

Having said that, she already shed tears, and looked at Mother Qin very apologetically.

"I didn't intend to snatch Chen Kai with my sister on purpose, it's just because I really couldn't control myself. I originally wanted to match the two of them into a couple, but then something went wrong and something like this happened."

Speaking of this, Qin Xiang was helpless, and let out a long sigh.

"It's too late to regret it now. I can't imagine what kind of state I will be in if I give up Chen Kai. Maybe I will be in pain, or maybe I will just find a place where there is no one to end my life."

Qin's mother looked at Qin Xiang lovingly, and gently stroked her long hair with her hand.

"Don't think too much about it. In fact, people of my mother's age can understand everything. Although Chen Kai and Qin Ying occasionally have some ambiguous little moves, I know that Chen Kai just treats Qin Ying as a own sister."

"To put it more clearly, the relationship with his brother and sister is far more than the love between a man and a woman, but...Qin Ying thinks a little too much. How can I say this? It should be said that she is self-indulgent, right? "

Having said that, Qin's mother also sighed softly.

"Also, you also worked hard to match Chen Kai and Qin Ying back then, which made Qin Ying feel even more right about what she felt."

After hearing these words, Qin Xiang lowered her head deeply, not daring to look into Qin's mother's eyes.

Mother Qin took a deep breath.

"Now I have a question. I hope you will think carefully before answering me. Although I know that you already have the answer in your heart, I still have to remind you that you must think carefully before answering."

She seemed to think that saying this was not serious enough, so she emphasized it again.

"This issue is extremely important. It is related to the happiness of you and the other younger sisters. It cannot be taken lightly."

Qin Xiang was a little overwhelmed by Qin's mother's attitude.

"If you have any questions, please hurry up and ask. The more you behave like this, the more entangled and worried I feel."

Mother Qin stared at Qin Xiang quietly, and I don't know how long it took. Just when Qin Xiang felt that she couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to ask, Mother Qin finally spoke.

"Have you really made a decision to be with Chen Kai for the rest of your life?"

Qin Xiang didn't expect Qin's mother to hesitate for a long time, laying the groundwork for a long time, and finally asked such a simple question.

But when he was about to answer, Qin Xiang realized that this question was indeed not so easy to answer. Of course he could simply say "yes", but it was really just for his own happiness, and he didn't care about this sister's feelings ?

Could it be that he is really such a selfish eldest sister?

Qin Xiang couldn't accept this reality, so for a while, she really couldn't answer.

Mother Qin sighed softly again.

"I knew it was like this. In fact, Mom is sorry for you. After graduating from university, you have been working hard for the company's ranking. Most of the credit for Qin's company to come to this day belongs to you."

After hearing these words, Qin Xiang didn't know what to do, and hurriedly shook her head in denial.

"Mom, why do you think of saying this so well? I am the daughter of the Qin family and the eldest sister. Shouldn't I worry more about things in the company? "

Qin's mother caressed Qin Xiang's cheek lovingly.

"I knew you were a sensible child, but a girl's youth is only these few years. For the sake of the company, you haven't said a word to a man in these few years."

"For the sake of the company's future, you have delayed your own youth. Every time Mom thinks about this, her heart will feel as painful as a knife."

"Now that you have finally found the man you like, I am happy for you from the bottom of my heart, no matter what resistance you encounter, Mom will eliminate it for you.

"I just want to tell you that you really want to be with Chen Kai, mom supports you."

(End of this chapter)

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