Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 667 Want to Go Abroad

Chapter 667 Want to Go Abroad
Mother Qin and Qin Xiang's eyes widened immediately, as if they couldn't believe what they saw. Although they knew they would be back in a while, they didn't expect it to be so soon.

At that time, she didn't have the heart to worry about what Chen Kai was doing, and why she didn't come back with Qin Ying. She hurried to the door, and Qin's mother hugged Qin Ying in an exaggerated way.

"My dear daughter, what did you do? Do you know where? How sad it is to find you? Do you know how anxious you are to find it? Did Chen Kai tell you?"

"The thing you misdiagnosed is completely a misunderstanding. You don't have to die at all. You can live in this world for many, many years."

Qin Ying gently pushed Mother Qin away.

"Mom, don't hug me like this, I'm tired."

Mother Qin reacted immediately and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry. You see, Mom is so anxious that she forgets everything. You haven't eaten much these days."

"What do you want to eat now, I'll ask my aunt at home to make it for you right away, or we'd better go out to eat, to save trouble outside."

Qin Ying still shook her head slightly.

"Didn't I just say that I'm very tired, I just want to have a good rest, and I'm not in the mood to eat at all."

Qin Xiang suddenly took over the words.

"Didn't Chen Kai come back with you? Then how did you enter the house? I'm afraid you didn't bring the key with you in this clothes."

Qin Ying raised an imperceptible smile at the corner of her mouth, and said coldly.

"It's true that I didn't bring it with me. If but the door of the villa was not closed at all, it was just concealed. You just need to push it lightly and you can come in. As for the Chen Kai you asked..."

"Probably still in the restaurant. He's a big man. There shouldn't be anything wrong. If you're really worried, you can call him."

Qin Xiang could understand why Qin Ying was so indifferent, so she didn't say much, but nodded silently.

"Since you are tired, let me help you go back to your room and rest."

Qin Ying shook her head lightly again.

"Elder Sister, you don't have to worry about my affairs. Although I'm very tired, I'm not too tired to walk. I'll just go back to my room."

As he spoke, he went upstairs slowly, but he was lying in the hospital for a few days, lacked exercise, and walked a long way just now, so he was really a little wobbly.

Qin Xiang was very worried, just when she wanted to go up to support her, she suddenly thought that she was really sorry for her, and now she might not be willing to let herself approach.

So he couldn't help turning his face to look at Qin's mother, and found that she had the same look in her eyes. Although her eyes were full of worry, she didn't move a step.

He just stared at Qin Ying quietly, hoping that she would not fall off.

The two of them were in a daze here, when they suddenly heard the sound of footsteps coming from the door, and they didn't need to turn their heads to know that it was Chen Kai who had returned.

Chen Kai saw Qin Ying walking upstairs slowly by herself at a glance, and was also taken aback in his heart, because it was obvious that Qin Ying was really weak.

Subconsciously, Chen Kai wanted to go up to support him, but he was stopped by Qin Xiang just as he reached the stairs.

Chen Kai looked at Qin Xiang puzzled.

"Qin Ying may fall down."

Qin Xiang shook her head lightly, and whispered in his ear.

"Don't say that. I think the situation doesn't want us to get close now. Now that the misdiagnosis has been found out, we don't need to worry about the body."

"But the emotions in her heart may not get better in a short time, and besides relying on time to heal, I really don't know what better way to do it."

Mother Qin let out a long sigh.

"I also feel that Qin Ying probably doesn't want to see you now, so you should leave for the time being. Just leave it to me."

Chen Kai sighed softly, thinking of Qin Ying's determined eyes and cold tone of voice towards him just now, he knew that Qin's mother was telling the truth.

"In that case, I'll go back to my room first, and Auntie can tell me anything useful."

Qin Xiang also nodded.

"Let's go back."

As they said, they took Chen Kai's hand and went back to the room together. Anyway, since the matter has been made public, there is nothing to shy away from in front of the family.

It was early in the morning, Chen Kai had just woken up, when the cell phone rang suddenly, Chen Kai felt a little impatient in his heart, thinking that this is someone who has no eyesight, and called so early in the morning.

Although he was a little dissatisfied, he subconsciously picked up the phone, and suddenly found that the caller ID was Song Taojie's name. Chen Kai was startled, and immediately woke up.

Knowing that Song Taojie didn't need to call if there was nothing serious, he hurriedly connected the phone.

"Song Taojie, you called so early, could something serious happen?"

Chen Kai asked directly.

Song Taojie spoke in a very relaxed tone.

"Why are you so nervous? I'm calling you to tell you the good news, that is, all the things on the Modu side have been resolved, which means you don't have any troubles anymore."

Chen Kai didn't react, and subconsciously asked again.

"What did you say? Have all the troubles been solved? I just came back for a few days, and you all solved it? Are you sure you are telling the truth, not deliberately joking?"

Song Taojie let out a long sigh.

"Do you see what you're talking about? If you're joking, can I disturb your sleep early in the morning? I said it is indeed true, and it has really been dealt with here."

Chen Kai let out a long breath, this was something he hadn't expected, he knew that Chen Jinfei was powerful, and he also knew that the hundreds of brothers he brought with him were not for nothing.

But even so, Chen Kai still thought that it would take ten days and a half months at the earliest, but it was only three days since he returned to Rongcheng, and things had already taken such a huge turn for the better. What happened in the magic capital?
He really couldn't figure it out.

"Then explain to me what's going on, it's really unexpected."

Song Taojie smiled strangely.

"I'm afraid I can't explain this matter in a few words. I think we can talk about it later when we meet."

Chen Kai was walking outside while making a phone call. He had already reached the living room. Hearing what Song Taojie said, he felt that the matter might be very complicated.

It really wasn't something that could be explained with just one phone call, so I just nodded silently.

"Since this is the case, let's talk again later. Although the troubles have been resolved, I have a vague feeling that there may still be some small troubles. Pay attention to your own safety, and don't be tricked by others."

Song Taojie laughed.

"You still don't quite believe me, do you? It's okay. I'll explain it to you later, so you won't be worried."

Said and hung up the phone.

As soon as Chen Kai put the phone in his pocket, he saw Qin Ying appearing in front of him with a haggard face.

With two big dark circles under her eyes, she knew that she didn't sleep well last night.

Chen Kai wanted to explain something, but before he could speak, Qin Ying rushed to speak.

"I thought about it all night yesterday. I thought it might not be appropriate to stay in the country, so I wanted to go abroad."

Chen Kai was even more surprised, he looked at Qin Ying dumbfounded.

"What did you say? You want to go abroad? Is it because I'm with my eldest sister, so you don't want to see us and want to avoid us on purpose?"

Qin Ying shook her head lightly, with a wry smile on her lips.

"To tell you the truth, it's really not what you think. In fact, I have had this plan for a long time. I knew that the foreign branch had some troubles before, and I wanted to go there to help take care of it."

"But I've always been worried in my heart. I'm worried that something will happen to you in Shanghai. I can't even be by your side..."

Having said that, she suddenly sighed again.

"I don't want to make my words too clear, but you should understand what I mean?"

Chen Kai did understand, Qin Ying just meant that if she had an accident and died in the magic city, Qin Ying could still help her with her funeral.

He smiled helplessly.

"I'll be fine."

Qin Ying sighed again.

"Yes, I'm relieved that my eldest sister will take care of you for me."

(End of this chapter)

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