Chapter 679
Chen Kai immediately took out his mobile phone and called the emergency number of the hospital.

He explained the address to the other party, and then immediately returned to Song Taojie, and pressed his pulse with his hand, only then did he know that his hand was really heavy.

Although Chen Kai has not studied medicine, he still has a certain understanding of the pulse of some injuries and the like.

Song Taojie's eyes were full of admiration.

"You even know this? When will you teach me this one by one?"

Chen Kai hurriedly stopped him.

"Don't talk nonsense now. I'm really not trying to scare you. Your injury is really serious."

The two waited in the hotel for about ten minutes, when they heard the siren of an ambulance outside the Mona Lisa Hotel.

Chen Kai nodded silently, and helped Song Taojie get on the elevator together.

With the help of doctors and nurses, he soon came to the hospital.

The doctor checked Song Taojie's body and was immediately dumbfounded.

Seeing the doctor's expression, Song Taojie felt a little scared in his heart, and couldn't help asking.

"Doctor, you don't want to look like this. Although I don't have an old man and a young man, I still have several girlfriends waiting for me to return to Shanghai. You look like I won't live long. Really. It's scary."

The doctor regained his composure and smiled awkwardly, but immediately put on a serious expression.

"Let me tell you, you look like this, you must have a full body examination, and you need to be hospitalized."

Song Taojie looked at the doctor inexplicably.

"Is my injury really that serious?"

The doctor did not answer this question, but turned around and told the little nurse beside him.

"Immediately take this patient for a full-body examination."

The nurse agreed, greeted the other two colleagues, and took Song Taojie to the examination together.

This took quite a long time, blood test, CT, and MRI, and it was already noon after this lap.

The doctor looked at several chest films and frowned.

"Mister, let me tell you, all your ribs are broken, but why don't you seem to be in any pain?"

Chen Kai sighed in his heart, thinking that seeing Song Taojie in pain in the morning, he would send him a little bit of his true energy so that he would not be so painful.

Otherwise, Song Taojie might have died of pain on the way, but it was inconvenient to tell Song Taojie this.

He still doesn't know that he has internal energy, if he knows, how can he pester him?
After Song Taojie heard it, his face immediately turned pale, and his expression was a little puzzled.

"Impossible. Although I have never broken a rib, I know that people with broken ribs are very painful. Although I used to be in pain, but now I don't feel any pain at all."

The doctor couldn't believe it, and gently pressed Song Taojie's chest with his hand, but Song Taojie didn't respond at all.

The doctor looked at Chen Kai with some doubts.

Chen Kai nodded silently, expressing that he had indeed done some things.

Song Taojie didn't know what was going on, but he saw Chen Kai and the doctor flirting, and he was even more puzzled.

"I said doctor, how long am I going to stay in the hospital? If there is nothing else, I hope to be discharged today. There are still many things waiting for me outside. I really can't delay here."

The doctor's eyes widened, and he looked at Song Taojie in disbelief.

"What did you say? Do you know how serious your injury is? You still want to be discharged from the hospital today. I think you are impatient?"

When was Song Taojie called that?Immediately, his eyes widened and he glared at the doctor.

"I said what's the matter with you? If you can't leave the hospital, just tell me directly? Why do you still stab me with such words?"

The doctor let out a long sigh.

"To be honest, judging by your injury, you have to stay in the hospital for observation for more than a month, and then you are allowed to leave the hospital depending on the situation."

Song Taojie was immediately dumbfounded, and looked at the doctor in disbelief.

"Are you mistaken? Didn't I just say that I have a lot of things to do? You actually want me to live here for a month? After a month, even the cucumber dishes will be cold."

The doctor shook his head helplessly.

"To be honest, every one of the patients in our hospital said that they are very busy, but compared to their own lives, I advise you to let yourself have a good rest."

"Your injury looks like someone beat you. Not only are you shot in the ribs, but you also have a lot of skin trauma."

Having said that, he suddenly let out a meaningful sigh.

Song Taojie became a little impatient.

"Why are you hesitating in your speech? Just tell me what you have. If you have a broken rib, don't you just connect it? Even if you can't leave the hospital today, as long as you pay attention to rest in the future, you should be fine, not necessarily Are you going to be treated in the hospital?"

The doctor snorted disdainfully.

"What you think is really too simple. I have to admit that the situation you just mentioned does exist, but you are a little different."

"If it's just one or two broken ribs, you can do that, but you have all broken, and it's a miracle that you're still alive."

"However, if you insist on leaving the hospital, I have nothing to say. We also have to respect the patient's wishes, but there is one situation that I must inform you, which is considered to be responsible to the patient."

"That is two years later, you will definitely not be able to straighten your waist, not only will you not be able to straighten up, but you will also be unable to bend down. I mean, you will not be able to do any physical work at all."

Speaking of this, the corner of the doctor's mouth also raised an imperceptible smile, and said meaningfully.

"I heard that you have several girlfriends. If you are discharged from the hospital in a few days, your head will be a prairie in two years, because you have no way to let those girls follow you."

Song Taojie was a little unresponsive, she looked at the doctor with some doubts.

"You mean my girlfriends will cuckold me? I'm afraid it's impossible?"

The doctor sighed again, unwilling to continue talking about this topic.

Instead, he turned his attention to Chen Kai.

"Your friend has a hot personality. I think it's better to follow my opinion and stay in the hospital for a month. After the body is fully recovered, he can go out and do what he can do."

Chen Kai nodded silently, and looked at the doctor with a smile.

"Your opinion is what I mean. Don't worry, leave it to me here."

Song Taojie suddenly regained his composure, and understood why the doctor said that there would be a prairie above his head. When he saw the doctor, he was about to walk out the door, so he hurriedly stopped him.

"Doctor, please don't leave. I fully understand what you said, and I know what the consequences will be if my injury can't be cured."

His eyes were full of anxiety.

"If that kind of situation really happens, there is no meaning for me to live in this world, so there is no need for Chen Kai and me to do ideological work. Is it okay if I listen to you?"

The doctor then turned around and smiled faintly.

"Then leave it to us. After a month, you will be guaranteed to be alive and well."

Song Taojie was rather reluctant.

"How do I remember, it seems to be a hundred days of injury, why do you only let me stay for a month? You must not leave me with any sequelae, anyway, I will be hospitalized for treatment, just treat me once All right."

The doctor smiled helplessly, looked at Chen Kai meaningfully, and then slowly explained.

"There was indeed such a saying in the past. At that time, medical treatment was not developed, but now our medical treatment is not what it used to be, and we don't have to live for a hundred days."

"And didn't you just say that you still have things to do? One hundred days is enough for you to recover to the same level as ordinary people."

After hearing this, Song Taojie nodded in relief, but immediately screamed as if remembering something.

Not only was the doctor startled, but Chen Kai beside him was also a little speechless.

"Hello, what are you doing here?"

Song Taojie smiled apologetically.

"Do you need to pay attention to what you eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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