Chapter 683
"If I heard you right, what you said inside and outside the meaning seems to be looking for jobs for some of our brothers?"

Chen Kai smiled even more happily.

"I knew that a smart person like you doesn't need to speak too clearly. I really mean that. I want to ask you guys, are you interested in following me?"

Zhang Yilong frowned suddenly, and said hesitantly.

"The two of us have been talking here for a long time, but we still don't know what you do. You can tell from your accent that you are not a local."

"Ordinary people come to Yucheng probably to make money or visit relatives, but you seem to be neither. Can you tell us, what is your intention?"

Chen Kai lowered his head, with an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

I thought to myself that things are finally on time, otherwise I wouldn't have to spend so much effort to invite you to dinner, and I've been here with you for so long.

But there is skill in how to say it. You can directly show your cards to them and explain why you are here.

But after thinking about it again, I felt that this might be a bit too straightforward.

These buddies were not mentally prepared, and would scare them away instead. After much deliberation, they felt that it was better to adopt a roundabout tactic.

"I'm asking you about a person who is active in this area."

Zhang Yilong became interested and drank another big gulp of beer before looking at Chen Kai and saying.

"You're talking about it, and it's not just talking to you. I've heard of anyone who is famous in this area. Even if I haven't heard of it, my brothers will inquire for you."

"It's not in vain to eat your meal today. If there is anything that needs our help, just let us know. Everyone understands, and I don't have to go around with you."

"The reason why you invited us to dinner must be because you think we are useful to you, and you just said that you want us to follow you. Although we don't know what you do, we know that you are not an ordinary person."

"We've already talked about this, I think it's better for us to open the skylight and speak plainly."

Chen Kai slapped his thigh excitedly.

"Okay, based on what you just said, I should drink another bottle."

As he spoke, he opened another bottle of beer, and when he was about to drink directly from the bottle, Zhang Yilong suddenly stopped him.

Chen Kai was a little puzzled.

"What does it mean?"

Zhang Yilong smiled faintly.

"It's not interesting, but I think we just brought the topic to the point. If you drink too much later, you won't be able to talk about anything."

"Anyway, the night is long. The owner of this barbecue restaurant is my buddy. As long as we don't leave, he will never have any objections. At worst, I will give him a little more money later."

Chen Kai nodded silently, and finally put down the beer bottle.

"The person I wanted to inquire with you just now is called Li Yunliang. I wonder if any of you have heard of this name? You even know his hiding place."

Zhang Yilong's expression changed immediately, he grabbed Chen Kai's hand and said excitedly.

"You also know Li Yunliang?"

"I wish I'd never heard that name in my life. Actually, I have nothing to do with this guy. I don't even know what he looks like."

Zhang Yilong's eyes became more puzzled, and he couldn't help asking.

"You don't know him, why ask about him?"

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, thinking of Song Taojie still lying in the hospital for a month, he felt a little inexplicably melancholy.

"Although I don't know him, I have a friend who suffered from him. If you know his whereabouts and are willing to tell me, that would be great."

"Don't worry, I will never get information from you for nothing."

Zhang Yilong's eyes seemed to burst into flames.

"I know this person very well, and I have always wanted to settle accounts with him, but I have never had the chance."

Chen Kai was overjoyed, and originally planned to ask these people to help him find out. Li Yunliang has done many evil things, at least he is a relatively famous person in Yucheng.

It is probably not very difficult to find out his whereabouts, but the only difficulty is that someone who is very familiar with the terrain and conditions of Yucheng is needed.

The Zhang Yilong in front of him is of course the most suitable candidate. Hearing what he said now, Chen Kai knew that this person not only knew Li Yunliang, but might have had something to do with him.

So Chen Kai sighed softly, and looked at Zhang Yilong meaningfully.

"I hear what you mean, it seems that this person has offended you before?"

An even more angry expression appeared on Zhang Yilong's face, and he slapped the table heavily.

"To be honest, I have a younger sister named Zhang Tingting who is a sophomore in a nearby high school. Recently, Li Yunliang has been harassing her for no reason. I always want to settle accounts with him and show him some color."

"But every time I'm about to fight, my sister will stop me, saying that she will deal with it, and she doesn't want me to keep fighting on the street."

Chen Kai sighed helplessly, he didn't expect that he guessed right, so it seems that Zhang Yilong must seek revenge from Li Yunliang.

Listening to Zhang Yilong's tone of voice, it seemed that there was no success at all. Chen Kai couldn't understand why Zhang Tingting didn't let Zhang Yilong come forward to avenge herself, so he couldn't help asking.

"Your sister, my sister is a girl and a high school student. Regardless of social experience or life experience, there is no way to compare with Li Yunliang. She won't let you stand out, so you just let it go?"

Zhang Yilong felt very annoyed when he mentioned this matter, he couldn't help but slapped the table heavily, took another big gulp of beer, and then looked at Chen Kai and said helplessly.

"I want to go directly to him behind my sister's back to settle the score, but this matter makes me very entangled in my heart. Every time I fight, I always do it behind my sister's back."

"If I really go to find Li Yunliang, I will not be hurt at all. I am afraid that my sister will be worried when she sees it."

Chen Kai silently nodded his pillow, knowing a little bit what to do.

At first I thought Li Yunliang was just a rogue, but I didn't expect that he was still a scum, and he just didn't pay back the money he owed, and he pestered other high school students.

But after thinking about it again, Chen Kai felt that this was an opportunity for him. If he had asked Zhang Yilong and the others for help at that time, these people might not have given up their hearts.

But now the situation is different, two people have a common enemy, which connects the two people.

If you give them a little more money, there is no reason for this matter to fail.

Thinking of this, Chen Kai looked at Zhang Yilong with a smile.

"I didn't expect you to be such a kind and righteous person, but I still can't help but ask you a question, that is, do you want to deal with this Li Yunliang?"

"If you want, then let's talk about it. If you think it's better to leave this matter to your sister, then pretend that I didn't say anything, and we will separate after drinking."

Zhang Yilong immediately stood up without hair, staring at Chen Kai coldly.

"What are you talking about? If you have a way to keep my sister from knowing, and you can handle this Li Yunliang, I will listen to whatever you say."

Chen Kai knew it well, and nodded silently.

"With your words, I'm relieved. I think the brothers are all injured. They should go to the hospital for treatment. Besides, we've almost finished drinking. The boss is still waiting to close the stall."

Unexpectedly, the boss just heard this sentence, and immediately turned his face and smiled at them.

"You don't need to pay attention to me. I just thought about having a drink with you after closing the stall. If you leave, how boring would it be for me to drink alone?"

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, and also looked at the owner of the barbecue stand.

"You don't know, these brothers are seriously injured, and they have to go to the hospital for treatment. Besides, your barbecue stall will not be closed tomorrow. Isn't it easy to drink? As long as I can In Yucheng, I am afraid that someone will come to trouble you."

When the boss heard this, he immediately became happy again.

Chen Kai patted Zhang Yilong's shoulder lightly.

"I don't need to say anything superfluous. You should go to the hospital with me and treat the wound well."

(End of this chapter)

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