Four sisters from the sky

Chapter 689 Refusal to take risks

Chapter 689 Refusal to take risks
Chen Kai also smiled mysteriously, and said lightly.

"If you don't understand, you don't need to understand. Anyway, now you have to recuperate in the hospital with peace of mind. As for the rest, leave it to me."

Song Taojie smiled helplessly and said modestly.

"I'm really sorry. I should have rushed to the front for things like this, but because of things like this, I have to lie in the hospital and watch the excitement."

"This is really not my character, I just hope you don't have any prejudice against me because of it, I will still learn Wing Chun from you in the future, if you don't teach me because of this, I will really die unjustly gone."

Chen Kai patted his shoulder lightly and said with a smile.

"I don't think you need to think so much. You can just recuperate here with peace of mind. If there is any news from my place, I will notify you as soon as possible. I have made a few friends now."

"Although these guys don't have much martial arts, I think they are all very passionate and loyal. I don't think this matter will take long before it will come to fruition."

Song Taojie looked at him with some doubts.

"Isn't it? The two of us almost arrived in Yucheng, I'm in the hospital now, and you've made some friends in such a short time?"

"Are these friends reliable? Don't forget, we don't know each other well. If someone tricks us, we won't even have a place to cry."

Chen Kai smiled faintly, and said with confidence.

"Don't worry, as long as the money is spent these days, you can find all kinds of friends, and the kids I know are really good at it."

"They are all children of poor families. If I treat them better, they will definitely treat me wholeheartedly. After all, they will still point at me to eat in the future."

Song Taojie's eyes sparkled.

"Didn't you say that they don't have any martial arts? Why do you say that they all have two strokes? This really confuses me."

Chen Kai shook his head helplessly, and raised his head to look at the scenery outside the window.

"I'm afraid I can't tell you too much about his specific situation. You will know when you let them visit you in the hospital, or deal with them after you are discharged from the hospital."

"They are all young and hot-blooded guys. As long as they are well cultivated, they will have a bright future. Don't you have a group of brothers in Shanghai?"

"There are not too many people of this age. How did you convince them to give up on you? You should know what kind of means I used."

Song Taojie nodded thoughtfully, and looked at Chen Kai with a smile.

"I have to admit that what you just said really makes sense."

Chen Kai also smiled.

"However, I have to say that there is no reason for me to stay any longer. I have to contact Zhang Yilong immediately to study the specific action plan. It's really not a problem to keep delaying like this."

As he said that, he stood up and walked outside. When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped as if he remembered something.

Turning around, he looked at Song Taojie meaningfully.

"You really don't have to worry about anything. Everything is under control. Your biggest task now is to recover from your illness as soon as possible."

Seeing Chen Kai speak so seriously, Song Taojie also nodded emphatically.

"Don't worry, even if it's not for you, even if it's just for my girlfriends, I will definitely take care of my body."

Chen Kai smiled faintly, no longer worried about this matter, turned and left the ward.

After walking out of the hospital, he immediately took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Yilong.

"I'm at the gate of the hospital now. I just checked on my friend. He is in good condition. Now I can do what I want to do with peace of mind. Where are you?"

"What I'm going to say next, I'm afraid it's not convenient on the phone. We need to meet and talk about it later."

Hearing Chen Kai's seriousness, Zhang Yilong hurriedly gave an address. Chen Kai was not familiar with this place, and he didn't know how far it was from here.

So let them go inside the hotel to find themselves.

"You don't come alone, but you should call your group of brothers."

Zhang Yilong agreed, and then hung up the phone.

Chen Kai took a taxi at the entrance of the hospital and returned to the hotel where he lived. Not long after, there was a knock on the door.

No need to guess, it was Zhang Yilong who brought the group of brothers back again, so he opened the door and let them in.

Everyone sat down as guest and host, and after a few more polite words, Zhang Yilong asked seriously.

"Brother is so anxious to ask us to come over, why is it?"

Chen Kai didn't answer this question directly, but was silent for a while, and finally raised his head to look at Zhang Yilong.

"I need your help to do something."

Zhang Yilong's eyes became more puzzled, but he patted his chest.

"Brother, just say what you want, and I will definitely do it for you if I can do it."

Chen Kai sighed softly, and looked at Zhang Yilong worriedly.

"To be honest, I'm afraid this matter is not so easy, so don't promise so happily."

Zhang Yilong could only nod silently.

"But if you don't tell us what we need to do, it will really make us anxious to death."

Zhang Yilong is telling the truth, because Chen Kai is really generous. Ever since Chen Kai gave each of these brothers 1 yuan, these brothers have given up on Chen Kai.

They were all worried that after Chen Kai finished his work, he would not let his brothers follow him, so they persuaded Zhang Yilong several times to make sure that Chen Kai's errands were done cleanly and beautifully.

Zhang Yilong naturally also knew that if he missed Chen Kai, he might never find such a generous golden pig owner again, so he also attached great importance to this matter.

Chen Kai finally expressed his thoughts.

"Can you lure Li Yunliang out alone?"

Zhang Yilong immediately widened his eyes, which were full of doubts.

"Excuse me for being stupid, I don't quite understand what you mean."

Chen Kai sighed lightly.

"I found Li Yunliang's subordinate Biaozi today, and learned about Li Yunliang and other basic conditions from him."

As he spoke, he recounted everything that Biaozi told him.

Zhang Yilong looked at Chen Kai strangely.

"If this person is really Li Yunliang's personal subordinate, why did he tell you such an important situation?"

Suddenly, he felt that this question was a bit inappropriate, so he hurriedly changed his question.

"I don't mean anything else. I'm just worried that this person will lie to you casually. Aren't we wasting our efforts?"

Chen Kai nodded with a smile.

"I'm not going to say anything, you're really thoughtful, don't worry, according to my judgment, it's absolutely impossible for this person to tell lies to me, because I've already decided on him."

Zhang Yilong still didn't believe it, but since Chen Kai said that, he couldn't say anything else.

"I don't doubt that this person told you lies, but if what you said is true, then I'm afraid this matter is really a bit difficult to handle."

Before Chen Kai could speak, the brothers brought by Zhang Yilong had already rushed to speak.

"What's so difficult about this? Isn't Li Yunliang always interested in Zhang Tingting? We can arrange a plan for Zhang Tingting to lure this kid out. Don't worry, we will guarantee your sister's safety."

After Zhang Yilong heard this, his eyes widened immediately, and he grabbed the man by the collar of his clothes.

"What are you talking about? I'm telling you that even if this matter cannot be done, you must not risk my sister. You said to guarantee her safety. Why do you rely on your little three-legged kung fu?"

Seeing that Zhang Yilong was so excited, Chen Kai hurriedly persuaded him.

Zhang Yilong also felt a little sorry.

"Brother, I'm really sorry. My sister is the most important person in my heart and the only relative I have in this world. I absolutely can't let my sister take such a risk."

Chen Kai sighed softly, raised his head and looked at Zhang Yilong meaningfully.

(End of this chapter)

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